The Design of an Internet-Based Collaborative System Architecture

Francis Chan & Mark D. Spiller

Computer Science 269, Spring 1996


Recently, the Internet and WWW have undergone tremendous growth. While the number of users, information available and network traffic have grown exponentially, the Internet's full potential has not yet been reached. Currently, Internet sites are primarily used as advertisement boards to display (static) personal or organizational information. Interactivity can be enhanced and simple data reception applications (e.g. registration, survey, product order) can be provided with the use of forms and script files (such as Perl) on servers. Technologies such as NeXT's WebObjects create web pages on the fly according to users' input parameters. Moreover, Java has also been widely adopted by web page publishers to provide interactive applications. These applications range from simple animations to multi-user network-connected programs (such as real-time whiteboards or games).

We foresee that the WWW can provide more than just a means for information display and gathering, with it growing to become a platform for design collaboration. Internet-related technologies such as telephony over the Internet, data pre-fetching and downloading to clients, etc. have demonstrated that the WWW has the potential to break traditional geographical and media barriers of collaboration that are currently limited to phones, faxes, tele-conferencing, physical or electronic mail, etc..

Machine independent front-ends are made possible by Netscape and Sun (Java), etc., who have implicitly absorbed the hidden costs of providing (true) platform independence. The Java network interface and execution environment has presented a new opportunity and paradigm for distributed computing and collaboration, when connected to a supporting network of tools that we plan to provide the infrastructure for.

We believe that many developers would take advantage of the opportunity to build content for the system that we are proposing and designing. Although the use of these new servers would consume CPU cycles on their machines, the costs could be justified for many of the same reasons that people and companies set up web servers and network links today, such as personal fame, the promotion of company tools, and as beta test-sites for future services. The creation of such tools would also fit in both with the core philosophy of organizations such as the Free Software Foundation, which strives to provide quality software for multiple platforms on the Internet, as well as with the evolution and maturation of a pay structure for commerce on the Internet, which should provide additional incentive for content creators. In general, user and developer enthusiasm for Internet technologies such as HTML and Java have reached a critical mass that previous distributed architectures, such as CORBA, have not achieved. When tied together with a broad user base, the current (improving) infrastructure of the Internet/WWW as well as the related technologies are mature enough to warrant (and support) a collaborative design environment using the WWW.

In this paper, we will describe a network environment that gives users with various levels of computing power and available bandwidth access to tools provided by platform-independent developers across the Internet. Services and features that form the infrastructure of our system as well as collaboration schemes and methods will be discussed. We will demonstrate how the three-level system supports efficient addition of users and tools and a migration plan which allows more features, such as increased accessibility and security, to be incorporated in the future. Our design and trade-offs decisions made are based on our view of usage patterns and future technological trends which we will elaborate on throughout the paper.

Our goal in developing this system is to provide the architecture, protocols and general services first, and then attempt to gain the support of the Internet community to make it a robust, flexible, and rich environment for users and designers.

Vision of the Future World Wide Web

Infrastructure and Usage

We have followed quite closely the development of Internet-related technologies and trends. Our observations and predictions are:

Entity Definition

Main Server - Central server for user and tool registration. Takes on extra

security responsibility in the highest level of design.

Tool - Applications or services developed and registered by any

individual or organization, accessible to the network through sockets or some other similar method.

Data Server - A machine on the net that stores users' session and data

files. Acts as home location to users it serves. A user can make use of multiple data servers if desired.

Meta Server - A networked machine that provides location services as

well as stores the location of users' profiles and tools on the network.

HTTP Server - A traditional Web server.

User Network Interface - A web browser (such as Netscape) which supports a

platform-independent execution environment such as Java.

System Benefits


We envision that our system would be extremely beneficial to a wide range of users ranging from people working from home to engineers in traditional offices to mobile users off-site. The system can accommodate computer terminals that range from a T3-connected high-end workstation to a PDA that has limited computing power and is connected to the Internet by low-bandwidth wireless modem. For project team members (especially those geographically separated), it is very important that the remote individual has an efficient means of figuring out what other people in the group are working on, how the project as a whole is going, and how his piece fits in. In our collaborative design system, people could put information such as their schedule for the week, what they are currently working on, the tools/files/modules that they are using (including version numbers), what they have completed from their task-list, etc., on-line. All participants would be able to benefit from this; the designers themselves would learn to better schedule and manage their work, the team as a whole would gain more knowledge about project problems, and management would be more aware of project status in general. The scheduling and task-lists could be used to generate automatic weekly reports. In addition, the use of network tools in an online collaboration environment would allow MIS to track which tools are actually being used, in order to gather information concerning licensing, upgrades, and general usage/performance.

Network Tool-to-Tool Communication

The support of tool-to-tool/server-to-server communication over the Internet is also extremely valuable as it allows teams or companies that are not connected by LANs or WANs to pool resources, concentrate on strengths, and collaborate on different stages and portions of a project or a design (i.e. workflow). The increase in accessibility of applications, both in variety and availability, provides a flexible system that allows powerful, complex actions to be performed, similar to pipes and other filters on the UNIX command line. It also presents a potential shift in computing to servers and is particularly advantageous to users with low computing-powered terminals, such as "Network Computers" or PDAs. The one time transmission and reception of requests and results also great favors users with a limited bandwidth connected to the Internet (e.g. mobile users) as well as potential productivity even after disconnection (e.g. a user can start a job from his terminal and instruct the result to be saved at his requested data location. The user does not need to remain connected, monitoring status, once the job has begun, which could make the user less susceptible to local network failures.).

Communication overhead of Traditional Client/Server vs. Server-to-server

Mode of Client/Server User to Tool Communication All Tool and User Communication over the Network
Traditional (Server/Tool only) 2n* 2n
Server-to-Server capability 2 (constant) n + 1

*n is the number of tool that that the user needs to deal with


The World Wide Web holds the potential to increase the flow of information between and within all computerized organizations. Today, one can find Intranets being used to distribute specifications, release product specifications, and exchange other data. In the future, with the increases of network-centric computing and business structures such as virtual corporations, collaboration over the network will increasingly become a reality.

We define collaboration as working together towards a common goal. Collaboration can include many facets, many of which are not initially obvious and will only become apparent when the infrastructure is in place to support them. Several basic pieces that would certainly be useful to design team members would be:

Collaboration and sharing can encompass a number of modes and granularities, including:

This is straight-forward, and already offered by http servers. This is ideal for

project documents and different individual views of projects.

This is also already offered by http servers.

This service is already available to designers whose projects span cross-mounted

NFS disks and use CVS, and on multi-platforms with LAN-based software configuration tools such as ClearCase and Continuus/CM. Ideally, it could be expanded to cover cases in the global network.

This is appropriate for applications such as whiteboards, where speed is desired over versioning.

Our intention in this design document is to make the system support information sharing in a general manner in order to support the above functionalities, as well as additional variations (see System abstraction). For instance, for the fourth case above, real time updates might be handled in several different ways, such as:

Update Model Level of User Inter-dependency Bandwidth Requirement Usage Example
Client updates upon an explicit command or operation Moderate Client dependent Workflow

(e.g. compilations)

Client polls server on a time interval Low Constant Progress update
Server maintains check-out logs, updates clients whenever new updates are received High Proportional to updates and number of users Whiteboards

Such different possibilities are all easily supportable on the generic distributed system discussed in this paper. Tool builders will have the ability to create, monitor, and test different implementations of tool applications on the network in order to gain information on usage patterns and thus determine the optimal fit for their services.

System Abstraction/Supporting Infrastructure

Our goal is to build a generic architecture and infrastructure that tool builders will find very easy to integrate their tools into. Thus, the system will be flexible and modifiable through the addition of innovative tools with the desired functionality. An example here would be the different types of collaboration applications mentioned previously. A tool server could be built to support any variety of client polling, client explicit update, or server update, depending on the application features that were desired.

Similarly, just as the update paradigm can be varied, so also can the form in which data and commands are transferred between system participants. This information transfer can include files and single commands, as well as authentication data. Designers can take advantage of their ability to easily add servers to perform translations between tool-specific data formats (i.e. a translator to convert files from ASCII to binary, or from Word to Frame).

Workflow for Web-based Tools

A key concern in our distributed system will be how users would handle workflow over the WWW. Clearly, as project size increases, users will not be able to manage the complex set of dependencies among the network tools without additional support. Following the model given above, a server can be created that would offer the functionality of a "network makefile." An example of this follows, for a transaction server.

Transaction Server

In all of the levels of our system described in this paper, an automatic listing of all of the tools used by the user is maintained in a type of "bookmark" file-personal profile. From this, a tool could be designed that graphically presented all of the tools and files currently in use for a given project. The tools and files could be arranged in a design flow that indicated the existing dependencies.

A "transaction server" would need to be written to complement this flow tool. This server would include a piece that wrapped around the user's entry point into the system and mirrored all commands sent to the transaction server (alternatively, all of the commands could be sent directly through the transaction server and re-routed there. This might have different effects on the servers, for example, in terms of performance, but would still be scalable, since many instances (and variations) of transaction servers could be made). The transaction server would keep track of where in the design flow events were occurring, and could respond in a variety of ways based upon user preference. For instance, it might simply prompt the front-end to warn the user that dependencies had not been updated yet, or on the other extreme, it could proceed to make all of the necessary updates and then proceed with the desired command.

Several issues that would have to be considered in this design would be how transactions would be maintained in the case that designs are passed directly from tool to tool (as opposed to always from user to tool and back). In this case, a variety of solutions might be implemented with the server. For instance, user information could be passed on at every point in the design flow, so that servers farther down the line would know whose design was being worked upon and how to reach the designer (this would also be useful for the sending of status and debug information, as well as to keep track of fee information in future systems with payment requirements). This might be included as the equivalent of "header information" in the command exchange API decided upon by the tool designers (or perhaps in the future as a common API set in the infrastructure by the system designers (us)).

Tools Location Service

Tools location service provide a graphical user-interface for users to peruse. Similar to user registration, there will be a URL for tool registration where an automated procedure is run. Tool providers will be asked to provide the following information regarding their tools during registration:

Tool Validation

To deal with malicious tool registration, we could:

  1. Perform manually the checking of each new site.
  2. Have users report invalid sites
  3. Set a "new" section that people should check out and send responses to a specific site; when a certain number of "OK, the description is accurate" messages is received from different people, the site is accepted. (However, we have to take into account malicious reports as well, probably through manual checking of anomalies).

Since someone other than the tool registrant has to remove the invalid site entry from the tool location file, "super-user" intervention is inevitable when dealing with invalid sites. We chose Option 3 since it is the most scalable, easily automated and requires minimal human intervention. We assume that the number of new services can be large but that it would be within reason for several people to check problem cases. )


In the case that people do not like the hierarchical structure provided by the tool location services or find that the organization or categorization is not helpful, we anticipate that, based on recent examples with the Internet, people will come up with a new directory service for our distributed collaboration system (and get their US $165 million IPO dollars like Yahoo!).

Data location

In a distributed system, there are many tradeoffs that might affect where data is stored, both in the long term as well as temporarily. Major factors in data placement include security, accessibility, performance, and fault tolerance. As we have mentioned in earlier examples, the general architecture that we are designing makes it easy to add servers that can support varying amounts of data stored on the network.

The most secure model would have the user keep the machine in standalone mode, with all of the (trusted) tools installed locally and no network access. While this is very secure, it is not very interesting in our design vision, since this setup would prevent the realization of any of the benefits of networking.

A slightly less prohibitive solution would be to maintain data on a secure "home server" that was connected to the outside world. This server might serve documents in an encrypted way such that only the owner could access it (perhaps from anywhere in the Internet, or perhaps in a locally restrictive manner) or could send it securely to trusted tools. Another advantage in this case would be that all of the user's data would be in one central location which could easily be backed up to archives.

Another progressively less secure option would be to store intermediate or all relevant data on capable tool servers. This would be beneficial for performance, especially in cases where data required continuous, repetitive processing in tool-specific data structures (i.e. a schematic being edited on a remote server but displayed locally, as is with the Berkeley OCT CAD tools. One would generally not want to reload the entire design every time an edit occurs, since the downloading and parsing would be too expensive. It would be much more beneficial to keep the intermediate data on the tool server, sending only the commands and not the actual data each time). An additional level of performance gain would be to permanently store the data on the tool server (perhaps for a fee). Disadvantages would be the fact that in this scenario the user must trust the tool servers, and thus loses security. Additionally, if the tool server went down, the data would become unavailable (unless it was replicated). An advantage, however, would be that the load time might be reduced considerably.

The least secure model, but one which might be very well suited to the use of network computers, would be to store data on specially created "network data servers." In cases where stripped-down machines might not have sufficient local storage to store data locally or there were network advantages (i.e. bandwidth or latency) to storing on a data server nearer the backbone, we think that it would be reasonable that customers might rent storage space. Again, as above, this performance gain might come at the cost of security and accessibility (if the server went down). Additions such as the ability to download data to a local site for backup would probably be required.

Finally, we envision that it would be possible for tool and data server designers to build into their servers some form of data migration which might take advantage of the effect of several of the data location possibilities mentioned above. Since these options would vary depending on the server and the applications it was supporting, we will not cover these issues in the paper, but instead simply state our belief that the server could be written in a way that would support any reasonable functionality, with the ability migrate the data in a way that would optimize the connections between the user/data and tools in terms of time, latency, and cost.

Data Replication

Our architecture makes it so that the entire system doesn't need to be re-written to add additional replication services for data servers. New servers can be added with replication functionality without disrupting the system, or existing servers can be given user options (backup vs. performance, etc.) to provide different levels of service. The issue of replication does pose problems in choosing how to maintain consistency, but since this will be dependent on the actual services desired/offered and the implementation chosen, we will not address this in this design paper.

Design Levels

There are three levels to our distributed system, starting from Level 1, the simple single-server, limited user, tools and security support, to Level 3, a fully integrated, scalable and secure system. A logical migration and system update path is provided with a view to maintaining backward compatibility throughout system improvements and addition of features. Issues regarding distributability, accessibility, scalability, consistency, security and session administration will be explored in detail for each level.

A table summarizing the three design levels as follows:

Distributabilty Accessibility Scalability Consistency


Level 1

Central User Server

All tools and users limited on one server Low - limited by central server Limited by server Strong. Only copy of (local) data allowed None
Level 2

Fully Distributed System

Distributed tools and users High Scalable Generally Strong (Varies across tool servers) Varies across tools
Level 3

Secure Distributed System

Distributed tools and users in a secure environment High

(Same as Level 2)


(Same as Level 2)

(Same as Level 2) Integrated

Distributability - Ranges of network locations of tools and access points of users.

Accessibility - Availability of user profiles and location services.

Scalability - Ability of the system to flexibly handle the addition of users and tools.

Consistency - Possibility of different copies of existing user profiles or location data on location

servers, where strong = smallest possibility

Security - Availability of authentication and privacy in the exchange of data.

Level 1 - Central User Server

The Level 1 system is built on top of a single server (e.g. HTTP, NFS) serving just personnel who have access rights to that server. It serves as providing the backbone to future extensions to Level 2 and 3. User interfaces and personal profile format can be retained, while tool-to-tool communication protocols can be extended to server-to-server communication over the Internet.

High-level description of Level 1 system

Level 2 - Fully Distributed System

The Level 2 system relieves some of the duties of the centralized server, and extends the Level 1 system to support the scalable addition of users, data locations and tools that can be accessed across the network. A main addition to Level 2 is the incorporation of meta servers.

High-level description of Level 2 System

(Level 3 is similar but with extra security flow.)

New Features for Level 2

Characteristics of Meta Servers

Meta servers play the important role in our design system of insuring that the users' profiles and collaboration information are always accessible in as recent a form as possible, given tradeoffs.


Modifications in tool locations (i.e. additions or replicated copy elsewhere, etc.) are done with the central server, which then propagates the updates to the meta servers in a lazy fashion. Updates are thus performed transparently and there is no need for users to manually update their profiles.

Starting Point of login session

When a user begins a (design) session by logging on through the network interface, the first site accessed will be a meta server (meta servers will have well-known, easily remembered names, and thus will be easily reachable by the user), from which the user downloads the profile In general, meta servers are data storehouses, maintaining huge sets of user profiles as well as lists with the names and locations of all of the other meta servers and tool location servers in known existence (This follows with our assumption that data storage will become huge and cheap).

Meta Server Data Consistency

It is critical that users be able to download their profiles regardless of the status of their local (commonly-used) meta server. Without the profile, the user is in a situation where it would be very difficult to find the tools and services needed for a project, much less use them intelligently, since many of the addresses and APIs could be at utterly different levels of abstraction. Thus, meta server data is replicated across all meta servers to ensure that a fairly recent version of all user profiles are available somewhere on the network. We decided here to trade weak consistency for better performance. We assume that people do not edit their environment very often, and that in general they will not change servers so often that any changes that they had made in a recent time would not be present (we are also assuming that meta servers are placed on a regional basis, i.e. West Coast, Northwest, ...). In the case where a user had made a change and knew that he/she would become mobile soon, the change could be forced to propagate to the known server in the new region. Otherwise, the user may have to suffer a brief window of inconsistency of the data (the same with tool location inconsistency due to a site change) on the meta server. For the non-mobile case, it would make sense for the servers to batch changes to be stored to stable storage, and then process them and send them to the rest of the meta servers in the region's off-peak hours. The other meta servers in turn would process this additional data in their region's off-peak hours as well. In this manner, although it might take a day for the change to propagate, one would have the least effect of replication on the performance of the meta servers (assuming changes and crashes were fairly infrequent. Since the changes were on stable storage, fairly few of the updates would be permanently lost in case of a crash). This is necessary to prevent the higher network cost and server delay involved in strong consistency, which would require the propagation and confirmation of changes to all (or a majority voting share, in a quorum system) of the replicating meta servers.

Role in Collaboration

Meta servers would also be used to provide group collaboration profiles. Part of a profile deals with the access rights of the data being shared, which includes information such as whether the data is local to a member's or group server, whether it is with a tool, or on rented space, as well as the type of read/write policy that is applied. Thus, the users would be able to use the meta servers (as well as the tool servers, if they had the option) to govern the collaboration and consistency of the shared data. Special meta server access tools would allow groups to modify these policies for their profiles. Collaborating groups could still choose the desired level of consistency by choosing the type of tool and data servers and their consistency/accessibility levels.

Level 3 - Secure Distributed System

The Level 3 system goes on to provide the same features and functionalities as a Level 2 system but with user and tool security integrated. The performance of the system in storing, retrieval, communication, etc. may decline due to the bearing of extra overhead in data encryption and decryption.

  1. User Login Only - User profiles containing relevant pointers to tools, data, users, etc. are retrieved during user login. The user has to perform explicit logins (username and password) for each use of a secure tool. Tools may be able to retain their original login and security procedure.
  2. Complete Tool Login - When user logs in, he is automatically logs in to all the tools he has subscribed to in the background. It is good for operations such as "make"/compile since the registration is done transparently and at the beginning. It can be disadvantageous if the user subscribes to sites that charge on a per-connection basis, as well as disadvantageous in terms of the number of net connections that must be kept open.
  3. Tool Login as Needed - User logs in to a new tool the first time he accesses it during a session. Efficient bandwidth usage is achieved at the expense of (slightly) slower response time (depending on number of hits on server and the security measures, such as simple password/checksum/encryption check, time-stamped cookie, etc.).

A table summarizing the characteristics of the three session administration scheme is as follows:

Session Control Type Bandwidth Requirement User Convenience Security Requirements for Tools
User Login Only None wasted Least No change
Complete Tool Login Most wasteful Highest Standardization
Tool Login as Needed None wasted Moderate Standardization

Open Issues


A central security provider is required especially in Level 3 design. However, issues such as:

These questions may probably not be answered until a successful (feasible, secure and broad user base) mode of electronic commerce emerges.

Payment Transfer

In order to do online services, people will need to trust some organization(s) (e.g. commerce servers, cyber banks, credit card companies) for fund transfers. In we do plan to handle fund transfers in the future, we will have to ride the wave and explore ways to make use of the services that gets adopted by the majority (unless UC Berkeley is generally considered a trusted place ).

Proposed Implementation Plan

It is our intention to build the infrastructure for the system described in the previous pages. We have begun with an implementation of level 1 as a feasibility study, which will be used to observe the design in action and confirm its potential benefits. From there, we plan to expand the system to level 2, and then build sufficient interest to get the Internet community involved and with its help eventually raise the design system to level 3.

Currently, our research group (working with Prof. Newton) is engaged in building infrastructure and testing the feasibility of level 1. We have built several tools, including a Finite State Machine editor and a group status monitor. The FSM editor:


makes use of a machine-independent front-end written in Java that can access two simple servers over the network, one of which is used to load and store designs, the other of which runs the nova state optimization tool on the current design. The group status applet:


makes use of a similar server that keeps track of specified users in our research group. We plan to (and are committed to!) demonstrate a system at the Design Automation Conference University Booth in June in which a user will:

  1. Build a finite state machine in the FSM Editor
  2. Optimize it over the net using the Nova server
  3. Store the results in an object-oriented database that we have modified to serve as a Internet data server
  4. Transfer this data to a Synopsys (commercial CAD system) behavioral compiler, which will use it to create a design net list
  5. Transfer the net list back to a Java front-end to be displayed and save the design to the data server.

(In fact, we'll be working on this as soon as we finish this paper ).


Recent developments in high-technology have shown that it is often the market and user community, not the standards-setting bodies, that drive the market and technological direction (case and point: Microsoft). We have, therefore, deliberately avoided stringent requirements to many open-ended issues in our design so as to allow a flexible implementation and extension to our system and the tools that are to be incorporated; in doing so, we also make sure that our eventual goals are met -- encouraging and being the driving force behind the shift towards Internet-based collaboration.

As a research institution, we are capable of providing a totally public architecture (up to level 2). However, we may not have the leverage or critical mass to force a security or payment standard and will have to allow tools to implement and adopt their own security and payment methods. We hope that level 2 will show the possibilities of this system and generate sufficient impetus to drive industry to take it to level 3. A likely deployment of Level 3 is the adoption of our system (protocols, user interfaces, etc.) within organizations, similar to what many companies are currently doing with Internet/intranets and deployment of specific security and protection schemes. The same architecture can be retained, but access and usage can be limited to inter- and intra- corporate collaboration

To date, there have not been many published papers in the area of Internet-based collaboration. This explains our lack of references for this paper, as our design is based on and inspired by the CS 269 class lectures and the many intellectually-stimulating papers in the course reader . In addition, our group's research into the area of distributed CAD environments has lead us to believe that we are currently among the leaders and on the cutting edge of technology in regards to Internet-based collaboration. It is our goal to assist in the paradigm change to distributed computing and collaboration, if not achieve it ourselves (i.e. "Change the World").