WELD Client/Server Communication Protocol

Interface Syntax

(Each line is terminated by "\n\r", including one additional line after the last line given). 

Called when a tool informs of the registry/data server of its availability.

Called when a tool informs of the registry/data server that it is no longer available.

Assumption: Tools will not stay down for an extended period of time without de-registering.

Tools can re-register, after a crash.

The triplet (name, server, port) which "should" be unique.

Called when a client starts a tool flow manager and queries about the availability of network resources (for dynamic UI (menu bar) construction) from the registry/data server. 

(*Rationale: The tool/service name, server and port are the only essential information needed for a client to make a connection.) 

The data server needs to know where (which table) to look for the information.

Called when a client wants to get more data about a program at a "networked" server. 

The triplet (name, server, port) which "should" be unique.

Called when a proxy wants to input data about a program in the network worklist

Called when a client wants to execute a program at a "networked" server. 

This should be enough for our needs, we will continue to study the syntax of (different) RPC(s).) 

The first-cut implementation will be to have the clients send and receive the data that is to be transmitted. However, we will investigate different mechanisms where the data field can be replaced by a "pointer" to the data location, such as DataObject in the database, URL, etc. (for efficient data transfer).

Francis Chan, Mark D. Spiller 

Last modified: June 2, 1997