Class DirObject

Class DirObject


public class DirObject
extends PersistentObject
DirObject Class This is a class which represents a node of the directory structure of a remote data server

Variable Index

 o contentsInfo
Vector that contains the contents' info
 o numField
 o numObjField
 o objectClassName

Constructor Index

 o DirObject()
The DirObject construction should be followed by a Load so that the object field(s) will be set
 o DirObject(String)
Constructor for DirObject

Method Index

 o delete()
Delete Removes all references of the PersistentObject in the system (The object is not explicitly deleted (i.e.
 o deleteCommit()
Committing a Delete, so that the information gets transferred back to the data server.
 o getName()
Returns the name of the directory (object)
 o getObjFields()
Determines how the fields of the objects should be filled after a (network) load To be declared by object developer
 o getRoot()
 o load(String)
Loads the object from a network (persistent object storage) database backend(and sets it's fields)
 o setObjFields()
Sets up the Vector that that contain the "essential" fields of the object


 o objectClassName
  public final static String objectClassName
 o numField
  public final static int numField
 o numObjField
  public final static int numObjField
 o contentsInfo
  public Vector contentsInfo
Vector that contains the contents' info


 o DirObject
  public DirObject(String name)
Constructor for DirObject
 o DirObject
  public DirObject()
The DirObject construction should be followed by a Load so that the object field(s) will be set


 o getName
  public String getName()
Returns the name of the directory (object)
 o delete
  public void delete()
Delete Removes all references of the PersistentObject in the system (The object is not explicitly deleted (i.e. space freed))
 o deleteCommit
  public void deleteCommit()
Committing a Delete, so that the information gets transferred back to the data server. Both local and persistent data is updated
 o getRoot
  public int getRoot()
 o setObjFields
  protected void setObjFields()
Sets up the Vector that that contain the "essential" fields of the object
setObjFields in class PersistentObject
 o load
  public boolean load(String strId)
Loads the object from a network (persistent object storage) database backend(and sets it's fields)
load in class PersistentObject
 o getObjFields
  protected void getObjFields()
Determines how the fields of the objects should be filled after a (network) load To be declared by object developer
getObjFields in class PersistentObject