Distributed Tool Flow Manager Demo

Francis Chan

With the Distributed Tool Flow Manager, the user can construct and configure a workflow with the available network tools or load pre-defined workflows from the Data Manager.

2 examples are provided for the testing of the tool flow manager.
They are:

To test, click File->Load, type in the workflow name, then click the OK button.
After the workflow has been displayed in the panel, click Operations->Execute.

General User Information

File Menu

New Window Open a new Main Window of the Tool Flow Manager.
Load Work Flow Load an existing workflow from the database.
Save Save the workflow on the screen.
Close Close the current session.

Edit Menu

Connect Connect two tools. 
Click and hold the mouse button over a tool; this becomes the start tool of the connection, then drag the mouse and release over another tool, this will be the end tool of the connection. 
Label Start Designate the start item of a workflow, or simulation. 
(There may be multiple starts in a workflow.) 
Label End Designate the ending tool of a workflow. 
There may be at most 1 item labeled as End. 
Label Normal Resets the tool to normal (from Start or End). 
Select Select an tool (for further manipulation). 
Move Move an item and all the lines connected to that item. 
Click on the tool you want to move and drag it to the desired place, then release the mouse button. 
Delete Click on the tool you want to delete. 
The tool and all connections will be deleted. 

 Click on the arrow of a path you want to delete. 

Clear Panel Pops up a dialog window. A response 'Yes' will clear the window. The current information will be preserved upon a 'No' or 'Cancel' response. 

Tools Menu

Includes all the tools that are avaiable as indicated by the registry.

General is provided so that the user can configure a non-public tool.

Operations Menu

Simulate Go through all the tools in the current workflow (according to the enumeration by the application), change the color of each tool in progress to yellow. 
Execute Goes through the graph and sends all relevant information to the Workflow Server.  It then periodically queries the Workflow Server to track the progress of the workflow. 
The tools change colors as the workflow progresses. 
  Blue  - Not yet run 
  Yellow - Running 
  Green - Done 
  Red    - Failed 
The result (of the End tool) or failure information will be displayed in a pop-up window 
Clear Network Clear the contents in the network input stream 
(should be done after an error has occured).
Query Tool Info Displays the information regarding the tool, 
such as usage, failure rate, parameter types, etc. 
Get Tool Result Displays the (intermediate) results of a tool operation, in a workflow. 
(can be called only after an execution) 
Configure Tool Provide the information regarding a tool, such as name, network location, parameter, etc. 
Configure Path Specify whether the output of the tool is significant to the next tool. 
Set Workflow Info Provide the information of a workflow, such as name, e-mail account of user, etc. 

Other Information

The Java Console should be displayed while running the Tool Flow Manager as a lot of error messages and status statements will be shown.

Modified: June 19, 1997
Feedback: (fchan@eecs.berkeley.edu)