EE 244 Homework 1 Supplement

Homework Resources

The tar file of all the (.class, .java and .html) files you will need to complete this assignment is:


Use the right button to save the link/file.

To extract the files, type

tar -xvf hw1.tar

The documentation for the java code that is used for the homework is at:
(A tar file named all_doc.tar is available if you want a local copy of the documantation.)

The source codes of the underlying system is at:

Code Usage Policy

While we made all sources (Persistent Object Management, OCT System and classes) available for perusal and editing, the completion of the project does not require any editing of the source code. Copying the .class files from the assigned directory and making the necessary calls should suffice. The documentation (on OCT, the Java code and the demonstration) should give you a good idea as to what methods you have to call in order to complete this assignment. It is strongly recommended that you do NOT edit code at the source level as that will make support of the (modified) OCT system virtually impossible.

(*Note: Since all materials are on-line, please exercise your discretion in printing out documentation.)

Other Resources

The display portion of the assignment requires/can be done with the standard Java API, which can be found at:

For people who have little experience with Java development, we have put together a page of useful pointers/references at:

Feedback: Francis Chan ( )

Modified: October 18, 1996