Class OctTransform

Class OctTransform


public class OctTransform
extends OctObject
Declaration for OctTransform object

Variable Index

Static Variables

  // values that transformType can/should take

  public static final int NO_TRANSFORM = 0;
  public static final int MIRROR_X = 1;
  public static final int MIRROR_Y = 2;
  public static final int ROT90 = 3;
  public static final int ROT180 = 4;
  public static final int ROT270 = 5;
  public static final int MX_ROT90 = 6;
  public static final int MY_ROT90 = 7;
  public static final int FULL_TRANSFORM = 8;

Other Variables

 o className
 o generalTransform
2D array indicating transformation
 o octFields
 o transformType
 o translation
Point of Translation

Constructor Index

 o OctTransform(OctCell)
Constructor of an OctTransform (for loading from data back-end server)
 o OctTransform(OctCell, OctPoint, int, double[][])
Constructor of an OctTransform (for dynamic creation)

Method Index

 o GetObjFields()
Filled if any of the fields are objects
 o Load(int)
Loads the fields of an OctBag from data back-end
 o Load(String)
Should not be called
 o SetObjFields()
Performs the neccessary overhead to allow this object to be manipulated over the network


 o className
  public final static String className
 o octFields
  public final static int octFields
 o translation
  public OctPoint translation
Point of Translation
 o transformType
  public int transformType
 o generalTransform
  public double generalTransform[][]
2D array indicating transformation


 o OctTransform
  public OctTransform(OctCell octCell,
                      OctPoint translation,
                      int transformType,
                      double generalTransform[][])
Constructor of an OctTransform (for dynamic creation)
octCell - The OctCell that the object resides in
translation - Point of translation
transformType - Takes on values of octTransformType
generalTransform - 2d array indicating transformation
 o OctTransform
  public OctTransform(OctCell octCell)
Constructor of an OctTransform (for loading from data back-end server)
octCell - The OctCell that the object resides in


 o SetObjFields
  protected void SetObjFields()
Performs the neccessary overhead to allow this object to be manipulated over the network
SetObjFields in class PersistentObject
 o Load
  public boolean Load(int intId)
Loads the fields of an OctBag from data back-end
intId - The integer (unique) Id for the object
Load in class PersistentObject
 o Load
  public boolean Load(String strId)
Should not be called
Load in class PersistentObject
 o GetObjFields
  protected int GetObjFields()
Filled if any of the fields are objects
GetObjFields in class PersistentObject