Wray Buntine

This Page contains:

See also Papers, talks and tutorials by Wray Buntine.

Teaching and Tutorials:

For a list of recent tutorials presented, most information available in Postscript, see my references page, and the conference plans below. I teach a class at Stanford University, CS354 on Probabilistic Computing in the odd years. For a list of some really great tutorials and review articles in my area, see the AUAI Tutorials.


Research areas are:

For more information see Papers, talks and tutorials by Wray Buntine.

On the editorial board for the Machine Learning Journal, the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, the Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery and the Journal of Neural Computing Surveys. Active member of several communities including Machine Learning, Uncertainty in AI, Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Neural Networks and Knowledge Discovery.

Conference plans (recent past and future):


While my office is in Cory Hall, I sometimes work in Palo Alto. I'm in frequent email contact, and prior appointments essential.

Last change: Wed Dec 11 14:04:44 PST 1996