Traditionally, logic simulation is done by mapping a circuit description
into data structure in the main memory and we need to have a big piece
of code called "simulator" to interpret the data structure and execute
the input vector. There are usually two ways we implement the
a simulator:
event-driven mode and cycle-based compiled mode.
simulator. One is called "event driven".
Since most of the time there are only few of the total logic gates in a
system switching at a time
(we call them events), simulation is only needed when there are
gate inputs changing values... In Cycle-based simulation,
are only a few of the logic gates doing the switching (we call it
"event"), simulation is only needed when input of the gate is
In cyc-b sim'ion, we translate each combi. log. block contained
between two state elements (within a single clock cycle) into C code...
translate a circuit description into C code then compile and execute it
As the size and complexity of the digital system grows, Detailed Description, Progress and Status
During this quarter, I will demonstrate a working simulation environment based
on the above concept.