CS250 Homework 2

Ben Gribstad , Zhengyu Zhang

This is our explanatory notes for the second part of homework 2 and we implemented the "reg file" part.

1. The control word format :

Bank 3 bits

RS1 6 bits

RS2 6 bits

R/W' 1 bits

Mode 1 bits

Mask 2 bits

So these fields line up as follows:

Bank RS1 RS2 R/W' Mode Mask --> total 19 bits long

Each control word is equal in length. We also need control word for Write A and Write B, we decide to make all the control work equal in length.

2. Test Output

At cycle 0, we do 2 writes

the input vector , with each of the data field indicated below, is:

(enable) _(data for Bus A)_(data for Bus B)_(cw for W at bus A)_(cw for W at bus B)_(cw for R)


the outputs are:

0, in1 = 00000000deadbeef, in2 = aaaaaaaaaaaabbbb, out = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

At cycle 1, we do a read

0_0000000000000000 _ 0000000000000000_00008_00008_0000B

the outputs are:

1, in1 = 0000000000000000, in2 = 0000000000000000, out = 00000000deadbeef

(we read out what got written into the mem for bus A(64 bits) last cycle)

At cycle 2, we do one read


the outputs are:

2, in1 = 0000000000000000, in2 = 0000000000000000, out = aaaaaaaaaaaabbbb

( we read out what got written into the mem for bus B(64 bits) @ cycle 0)

At cycle 3, we do 1 write


the outputs are:

3, in1 = 0000000000000011, in2 = 0000000000000000, out = aaaaaaaaaaaabbbb

We read nothing, so the output value unchanged, 11 is written into mem at the end of the bank

At cycle 4, we did one read to verify the read wraps within bank 0


the outputs are:

4, in1 = 0000000000000000, in2 = 0000000000000000, out = 000000deadbeef11

( Mem content from diferent row is read and wrapped around (same bank only) )

At cycle 5, we did 1 write to the second row of the bank


the outputs are:

5, in1 = 00000000feedbeef, in2 = 0000000000000000, out = 000000deadbeef11

( We write in "feedbeef" for the next cycle)

At cycle 6, we did 2 32 bit read both from same bank


the outputs are:

6, in1 = 0000000000000000, in2 = 0000000000000000, out = feedbeefdeadbeef (we read out 2 32bits from two different row of the same bank)

At cycle 7, read write disabled


3 Source Code on line

Source code implementation are available below:

bank.v column.v reg.v toplevel.v barrel.v test_top.v

.log, test vector file
