A Framework for Hardware-Software Co-Design of Embedded Systems

Please send questions or comments to polis-questions@ic.eecs.berkeley.edu

Motivation for HW/SW Co-Design

Embedded controllers for reactive real-time applications are implemented as mixed software-hardware systems. These controllers utilize Micro-processors, Micro-controllers and Digital Signal Processors but are neither used nor perceived as computers. Generally, software is used for features and flexibility, while hardware is used for performance. Some examples of applications of embedded controllers are:
  • Consumer Electronics: microwave ovens, cameras, compact disk players.
  • Telecommunications: telephone switches, cellular phones.
  • Automotive: engine controllers, anti-lock brake controllers.
  • Plant Control: robots, plant monitors.
Design of embedded systems can be subject to many different types of constraints, including timing, size, weight, power consumption, reliability, and cost.

Current methods for designing embedded systems require to specify and design hardware and software separately. A specification, often incomplete and written in non-formal languages, is developed and sent to the hardware and software engineers. Hardware-software partition is decided a priori and is adhered to as much as is possible, because any changes in this partition may necessitate extensive redesign. Designers often strive to make everything fit in software, and off-load only some parts of the design to hardware to meet timing constraints. The problems with these design methods are:

  • Lack of a unified hardware-software representation, which leads to difficulties in verifying the entire system, and hence to incompatibilities across the HW/SW boundary.
  • A priori definition of partitions, which leads to sub-optimal designs.
  • Lack of a well-defined design flow, which makes specification revision difficult, and directly impacts time-to-market.

There are many different academic approaches to try to solve the problem of embedded system design. In our opinion, none of them address satisfactorily the issues of unbiased specification and efficient automated synthesis for control-intensive reactive real-time systems. Therefore, we are developing a methodology for specification, automatic synthesis, and validation of this sub-class of embedded systems (that includes the examples described above). Design is done in a unified framework, POLIS, with a unified hardware-software representation, so as to prejudice neither hardware nor software implementation. This model is maintained throughout the design process, in order to preserve the formal properties of the design.

Introduction to POLIS

The POLIS system is centered around a single Finite State Machine-like representation. A Co-design Finite State Machine (CFSM), like a classical Finite State Machine, transforms a set of inputs into a set of outputs with only a finite amount of internal state. The difference between the two models is that the synchronous communication model of classical concurrent FSMs is replaced in the CFSM model by a finite, non-zero, unbounded reaction time. This model of computation can also be described as Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous. Each element of a network of CFSMs describes a component of the system to be modeled. The CFSM specification is a priori unbiased towards a hardware or software implementation. While both perform the same computation for each CFSM transition, hardware and software exhibit different delay characteristics. A synchronous hardware implementation of CFSM can execute a transition in 1 clock cycle, while a software implementation will require more than 1 clock cycle. CFSMs are also a synthesizable and verifiable model, because many existing theories and tools for the FSM model can be easily adapted for CFSM.

The design flow that is currently implemented in the POLIS system is depicted in the following figure and is described more in detail below.

  1. High Level Language Translation
    In POLIS, designers write their specifications in a high level language (e.g., ESTEREL, graphical FSMs, subsets of Verilog or VHDL) that can be directly translated into CFSMs. Any high level language with precise semantics based on extended FSMs can be used to model individual CFSMs (currently ESTEREL is supported directly).

  2. Formal Verification
    The formal specification and synthesis methodology embedded within POLIS makes it possible to interface directly with existing formal verification algorithms that are based on FSMs. POLIS includes a translator from the CFSM to the FSM formalism which can be fed directly to verification systems (e.g. VIS). In addition to uncovering bugs in a design, we also use formal verification to guide the synthesis process. Since the abstract CFSM model covers the behavior of all possible hardware-software implementations at once, it is possible to refine the specification base on the output of formal verification. Formal verification tools today still have problems with complexity. We have developed a methodology which incorporates a set of abstraction and assumption rules specific to POLIS and CFSMs. With this formal verification methodology we are able to verify designs which are larger than is previously possible.

  3. System Co-simulation
    System level HW-SW Co-simulation is a way to give designers feedback on their design choices. These design choices include HW-SW partitioning, CPU selection, and scheduler selection. Fast timed co-simulation (up to millions of clock cycles per second on a workstation) is possible in POLIS thanks to the software synthesis and performance estimation techniques described below. We currently utilize PTOLEMY as a simulation engine, but we are not limited to PTOLEMY. VHDL code including all the co-simulation information is also an output of the system, so any commercial VHDL simulator can be adapted for this purpose.

  4. Design Partitioning
    By design partitioning we mean making system-level design decisions such as HW-SW partitioning, target architecture selection, and scheduler selection. These decisions are based heavily on design experience and are very difficult to automate. We therefore provide the designer with an environment to quickly evaluate any such decision through various feedback mechanisms from either formal verification or system co-simulation.

  5. Hardware Synthesis
    A CFSM sub-network chosen for HW implementation is implemented and optimized using logic synthesis techniques from SIS. Each CFSM, interpreted as a Register-Transfer Level specification, can be mapped into BLIF, XNF, VHDL or Verilog.

  6. Software Synthesis
    A CFSM sub-network chosen for SW implementation is mapped into a software structure that includes a procedure for each CFSM, together with a simple Real-time Operating System:

    1. CFSMs. The reactive behavior is synthesized in a two-step process:

      • Implement and optimize the desired behavior in a high-level, processor-independent representation of the decision process similar to a control/data flow graph.

      • Translate the control/data flow graph into portable C code and use any available compiler to implement and optimize it in a specific, micro-controller-dependent instruction set.

      A timing estimator quickly analyzes the program and reports code size and speed characteristics. The algorithm uses a formula, with parameters obtained from benchmark programs, to compute the delay of each node in the control/data flow graph for various micro-controller architectures (characterization data for MIPS R3000 and Motorola 68HC11 and 68332 are already available). The precision of the estimator, with respect to true cycle counting, is currently on the order of plus or minus 20 percent.

      The estimator allows one to obtain accurate estimates of program execution times for any characterized target processor, by first appending to each statement in the C code generated from the control/data flow graph instructions that accumulate clock cycles, then compiling and execute the software on the host workstation. The same method is used to synchronize hardware and software blocks within the PTOLEMY-based co-simulation environment.

    2. Real-time Operating System. An application-specific OS, consisting of a scheduler (e.g. Rate-Monotonic and Deadline-Monotonic) and I/O drivers, is generated for each partitioned design.

  7. Interfacing Implementation Domains
    Interfaces between different implementation domains (hardware-software) are automatically synthesized within POLIS. These interfaces come in the form of cooperating circuits and software procedures (I/O drivers) embedded in the synthesized implementation. Communication can be through I/O ports available on the micro-controller, or general memory mapped I/O.

Documentation for Users

Hardware/Software Codesign Group

The following organizations have contributed to the development of the POLIS system:
  • University of California, Berkeley, CA
  • Cadence Berkeley Labs of Cadence Design Systems Inc., Berkeley, CA
  • Magneti Marelli, Torino and Pavia, I
  • Politecnico di Torino, Torino, I
  • Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, JP
  • Daimler Benz GMBH, Berlin, DE
  • Centro Studi e Laboratori di Telecomunicazioni, Torino, I
  • NEC C&C Research Labs, Princeton, NJ

POLIS Release 0.4

POLIS Release 0.4

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