UCB Electronic Systems Design Research

The Donald O. Pederson Center for Electronic Systems Design is named after Professor Pederson, the father of SPICE.

Our active research areas include:

  • Advanced methods in combinational and sequential logic synthesis and formal verification (Prof. Brayton)
  • Modeling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. (Prof. Lee)
  • Modelling, analysis and design of electronic, biological and nanoscale systems. Computational algorithms for system dynamics. Design of energy-efficient, noise-immune computing systems. (Prof. Roychowdhury)
  • Design methodologies and tools for wireless sensor networks, embedded systems, hybrid systems, and electronic design automation, such as algorithms and techniques to support the computer-aided design and optimization of complex hardware and software systems. (Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli)
  • Algorithmic techniques for system verification, dependability, and security. (Prof. Seshia)

Active projects:

See the UC Berkeley EECS Department's Design of Embedded Systems (DES) research area page for a complete list of active projects.

A partial list of active and inactive research projects

AC Analog CAD (Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli)
ASVES Analysis, Synthesis, Verification of Electronic Systems (Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli)
BioCad Platform based design of Synthetic Biological Tools, including Clotho (Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli)
BLAST: Berkeley Lazy Abstraction Software Verification Tool (Prof. Henzinger)
BSIM Physical MOSFET model implemented with SPICE (Prof. Hu)
BLAST Berkeley Lazy Abstraction Software Verification Tool (Prof. Henzinger)
Chic A JBuilder plug-in for checking interface compatibility (Prof. Henzinger)
Diva Dynamic Interactive Visualization (Prof. Lee and Prof. Newton )
DS Distributed Simulation (Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli)
Giotto A time-triggered language for real-time programming (Prof. Henzinger)
HHRECO An Adaptive Multi-stroke Symbol Recognition System (Prof. Newton)
HSIS Hierarchical Sequential Interactive Synthesis (Prof. Brayton)
HyTech The HYbrid TECHnology Tool (Prof. Henzinger)
MAGIC Interactive VLSI layout system (Prof. Ousterhout)
MESCAL Modern Embedded Systems, Compilers, Architectures and Languages (Prof. Keutzer)
Metropolis Design Environment for Heterogeneous Systems (Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli)
Mocha Exploiting Modularity in Model Checking (Prof. Henzinger)
MVSIS Multi-valued logic synthesis (Prof. Brayton)
NDAM Non-Deterministic Abstract Machines (Prof. Newton)
Octtools Integrated system for IC design (Prof. Newton)
PicoRadio Ultra Low-Energy Wireless Sensor Nodes (Prof. Rabaey)
POLIS Hardware-Software Codesign Framework for Embedded Systems (Prof. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli)
Ptolemy Modeling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems (Prof. Lee)
SIS Sequential Interactive Synthesis (Prof. Brayton)
SoftWalls Preventing the Use of Commercial Aircraft as Weapons (Prof. Lee)
Spice A general-purpose circuit simulator (Prof. Pederson)
VIS Verification Interacting with Synthesis (Prof. Brayton)
WELD Web-Based Electronic Design (Prof. Newton)
xGiotto Fixed Logical Execution Time Language (Prof. Henzinger)
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