Formal Verification of Arithmetic Circuits
As designs are becoming more complex while the time-to-market window is
getting shorter, it is important that designers can locate pre-silicon
errors at an early stage. Beside logic simulation and timing verification,
formal verification is becoming a viable solution to improve design quality.
This seminar will first motivate the topic by presenting microprocessor
design trends regarding performance, area and productivity. Traditionally
formal verification has been applied to control circuits and various
protocols successfully. We found that formal verification of arithmetic
circuits is both important and feasible, which will be the focus of this
seminar. An industrial strength FV tool called word-level model checking
will be presented which uses HDDs (BDDs+BMDs) to compactly represent mixed
arithmetic/control functions. A suite of enabling FV techniques will also
be presented, with which a large class of floating-point arithmetic
circuits can be automatically verified and debugged using word-level model