The ord package

Routines for ordering MDD variables of a flattened network.

By Adnan Aziz, Tom Shiple, Serdar Tasiran

The routines in this package relate to ordering MDD variables corresponding to the nodes of a network. The enumerated type Ord_OrderType is used to specify to which set of nodes certain ordering routines should be applied. The following matrix shows which node types are included in each ordering type:
                  |             Ord_OrderType
   node type      |  All   InputAndLatch   NextStateNode
  primary input   |   x          x 
  pseudo input    |   x          x
  latch           |   x          x
  shadow          |   x          x               x  
  combinational   |   x
In addition, the order type Partial can be used to specify an arbitrary subset of nodes.

There are various methods for ordering the roots of a network, and for ordering the nodes of a network. These are explained in the documentation for the static_order command.

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