** Important information ** * When using appletviewer, make sure your CLASSPATH is set to the directory containing the DigSim *.class files * start this applet with: appletviewer DigSim.html * You can run this applet also with Netscape Navigator 2.0, only local loading and saving of schematics will be disabled. * For the latest release of DigSim, go to my homepage: (used to be http://www.bart.nl/~ivr/digsim/index.html) http://www.lookup.com/Homepages/96457/digsim/index.html Iwan van Rienen (ivr@bart.nl) http://www.bart.nl/~ivr 6/96: Modified by Naji Ghazal http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/~naji List of Modifications: (IN PROGRESS) --------------------- DigSim - Grid Total Size increased (MaxXPoints and MaxYPoints) - GridStep decreased (to allow for larger circuits) - Grid Dots drawn in the background of DigSim schematic - Added two components: InputPort and OutputPort - Removed ShortCircuit Exception in the Case of Input or OutputPort, because they are new components whose behavior was not accounted for in the Simulation code, causing spurious exceptions. Other .java files: DigSimFrame SchematicPanel Schematic AndPort OrPort Pin OutLogicPort ComponentPin 2-3 Nor Nand Port Caption InputPort OutputPort DFlipFlop Inverter TwoOrPort Switch LogicPort