CONTRACTOR: University of California at Berkeley
CONTRACT PERIOD: 11/18/96 - 9/30/00
DATE: February 21, 2000
TITLE: Heterogeneous Modeling And Design
REPORT PERIOD: 1/15/00 - 2/15/00
SPONSOR: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
0. Executive Summary
We have released the beta version of Ptolemy II, version 0.4.
See the appendix for the release notes.
1. Research Status
Task 1: Modular deployable design tools
CORBA and Embedded Software
Brian Vogel wrote a simple demo applet that uses CORBA to obtain and
plot data from the ultrasonic detector connected to norbert (the NT
machine in 524). The url is:
This is the first step in creating distributed Java capabilities.
The next step is to integrate this into a Ptolemy II distributed
component architecture.
Task 2: Domain-specific design tools
Brian K. Vogel has added SoundCapture and SoundPlayback to the package. These classes support capturing and
playing back audio. They use the brand new JDK 1.3.0 rc1 version of
Java Sound. It is used by the new version of the AudioSource and
AudioSink actors. These are SDF actors rather than domain-polymorphic
actors so that they can exploit the efficiency with which SDF can
manager large sequences of data.
Task 3: Heterogeneous interaction semantics
Nothing to report.
Generic (Cross Task)
User Interface
Steve Neuendorffer has finished a simplified manhattan routing
algorithm for Vergil, the Ptolemy II GUI.
Math Package
Jeff Tsay checked in * and * where * is
Double, Float, Integer and Long. He has removed because
it is now renamed to He is working on filling in
the operations for the matrix tokens.
Class Loader
Christopher Hylands has been working on a mechanism for applets to be
able to access files relative to the classpath. It turns out that the
getResources() method in java.lang.ClassLoader will search the
classpath for a file and return a URL to it, so this is just what we
need, however, an applet does not seem to have direct access to the
class loader. Nonetheless, he used this mechanism to improve the way
that applications access files.
Design Reviews
Wed 1/26 FSM Director
Wed 2/2 MoML
Wed 2/9 Vergil
Mon 2/14 Sound
2. Equipment/Infrastructure Status:
no changes.
3. Interactions and Technology Transfer
- Neil Smyth of Telcordia has made progress on the use of Vergil as a
GUI for Ptolemy Classic. The ClassicDirector in Vergil generates a ptcl
representation of the universe, then starts up ptcl in a separate
process. The ptcl process initially acts as a server, to which the JVM
connects and transfers over the ptcl script using a very simple protocol
(ready->send_>done), after which ptcl executes the script. He is using
sockets to achieve the transfer.
- Frederic Boulanger of Supelec in France reports that they will start
writing code for a debugger that will be a plug-in for Vergil. They
plan to implement the following operations:
- go: run until the end of the execution or a breakpoint is met
- step : step over one iteration of an actor [prefire() -> postfire()]
- step into : same thing, but consider each actor of a
composite actor individually
- step out : run until the end of the iteration of a composite actor.
- microstep : step over one activation of an actor [fire()].
("microstep into" is not necessary since "step into" will stop before
the prefire of the first inner actor).
All these operations may be interrupted if a breakpoint is met.
Breakpoints may be set on:
- initialize()
- prefire()
- fire()
- postfire()
- wrapup()
- a condition on the value or the status of data on a port
The last one depends on the domain, since there may not be any data
to compare to something (DE), or waiting for data may make no sense
(CT or SDF).
- Prof. Patrick Dewilde, director of Dimes, Delft University, The
Netherlands, visited our group on February 9.
4. Personnel Status
No changes.
5. Talks/Presentations/Publications:
- "Embedded Software - A Research Agenda," Edward A. Lee, invited talk
at BDTI, Berkeley, CA, Feb. 1, 2000.
[1] Jie Liu, Bicheng Wu, Xiaojun Liu, and Edward A. Lee, "Interoperation of
Heterogeneous CAD Tools in Ptolemy II," Journal of Modeling and
Simulation of Microsystems, JMSM, Accepted for publication in vol. 1,
no. 2, 2000.
Study Group Topics
- Extreme Programming (XP)
- SystemC
- EPOC/Symbian
6. Difficulties/Problems
None to report.
7. Next Quarter Plans
We are planning the final release (version 0.4) of Ptolemy II.
8. Financial Data
Provided separately on a quarterly basis by the university.
Release announcement for Ptolemy II 0.4 beta
Ptolemy II 0.4beta is available for download, see
If you are running Netscape Communicator, or Microsoft Internet
Explorer, and have the JDK1.2.2 plugin installed, then you can run
the applet demos. Other users will need to download and install
Ptolemy II to run the applets.
The beta version of the release notes are as follows:
Ptolemy II 0.4beta Release Notes
Ptolemy II 0.4beta is a release of the Ptolemy II Java classes and
the Ptolemy II design document
Ptolemy II 0.4beta includes applet demonstrations of the domains, but it
does not include a GUI.
The design document describes the Ptolemy II design and the
implementation of the Java classes.
The Ptolemy design document is shipped with Ptolemy 0.4, it can be
found in $PTII/doc/design. The most recent copy of the Ptolemy II
design document can be found online at
Major Features that are new in Ptolemy 0.4
* Ptolemy II 0.4 supports an XML language called MoML for specifying
component-based models. (Edward A. Lee, Steve Neuendorffer and the
Ptolemy Team)
* The source code for the Finite State Machine (FSM) domain is
included. (Xiaojun Liu and the Ptolemy Team)
* Major rewrite of the type system. (Yuhong Xiong)
* The Discrete Event domain has been tuned for performance. (Edward
A. Lee and the Ptolemy Team)
* We are moving away from the JDK1.1 collections package and using the
JDK1.2 collections classes from java.util. Methods that shipped with
Ptolemy II 0.3 that used the JDK 1.1 collections package have been
marked as deprecated in Ptolemy II 0.4. It is our intention to remove
these deprecated methods in Ptolemy II 1.0 and to no longer ship the
$PTII/collections directory. (The Ptolemy Team)
* Support for fix point data types. (Bart Kienhuis, Yuhong Xiong)
* Various demonstrations have been added, removed and/or rewritten. (The
Ptolemy Team)
* Commmand line invocation of models via $PTOLEMY/bin/ptolemy. (Edward
A. Lee, Christopher Hylands and the Ptolemy Team)
The core of Ptolemy II 0.4 is 100% Java, so it should work on any
platform that has JDK1.2.
We developed Ptolemy II 0.4 under Solaris 2.5.1 and NT4.0sp3 and later
with JDK1.2.2. Ptolemy II 0.4 has also been built and tested under
JDK1.3 beta.
Ptolemy II 0.4 will not compile under JDK1.1.x.
See the Jacl section of the installation page for information about
the Ptolemy II test suite
* The gzipped tar file that contains the Ptolemy II distribution
requires GNU tar or WinZip. Solaris 2.5.1 tar will fail to untar this
file with a checksum error because the pathnames are longer than 100
characters. If you do not have GNU tar, you can obtain source and
selected binaries from
* Ptolemy II 0.4 does not include a GUI.
* This is the first release of the Finite State Machine domain (FSM)
which has the following limitations
* The FSM design document chapter is not part of the 0.4 beta
* There are not very many tests for FSM
* MoML support for FSM models is incomplete.
* The readFile() parameter function does not work with applets.
* The import statement in MoML requires the base attribute. The
following will not work:
Use the following instead
* The JDK1.2.1 Plug-in has a bug that causes the Netscape or Iexplorer
process to linger after exiting. The workaround is to turn of the JIT
using the Java Plug-in Control Panel, see the Troubleshooting guide
for details. This bug may be fixed in JDK1.2.2.