MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT CONTRACTOR: University of California at Berkeley AGREEMENT NUMBER: DAAB07-97-C-J007 CONTRACT PERIOD: 11/18/96 - 11/31/99 DATE: January 26, 1998 TITLE: Heterogeneous Modeling And Design REPORT PERIOD: 12/15/97 - 1/15/98 SPONSOR: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) TECHNICAL POC: James P. Hanna REPORT PREPARED BY: Edward A. Lee 1. Research Status Task 1: Modular deployable design tools ======================================= Ptolemy II ---------- The Java redesign of Ptolemy is starting to take shape. During this period, we have made major progress in the design of the kernel, which is the set of classes that support the hierarchical graph abstract syntax. Instead of attempting to include the design details in this report (which would be difficult without graphics), we have made available a highly provision design document that can be accessed at the following location: This design offers some major improvements over the current C++ Ptolemy kernel. It is thread safe and has a much more robust and flexible mechanism for exporting ports to the next level of the hierarchy. Details are explained in the design document. Java Signal Plotter ------------------- Christopher Hylands has added error bars, logarithmic axes, support for another form of raw binary data and an interface to JavaScript to Ptplot. The documentation has been extended to include a list of Frequently Asked Questions and a troubleshooting guide. Java/Tcl interaction -------------------- Christopher Hylands has posted on the web tclBlend1.0b1up1, an unofficial patch to Sun's tclBlend1.0b1. This patch provides the following new functionality over tclBlend1.0a1up1: 1. The jwish script has been extended so that if it it is called as jtclsh, then a tclsh8.0 binary is run instead of wish8.0. The way we do this is create a hard link between jtclsh and jwish. 2. First cut at support for JDK1.2beta2. 3. Fixed all warnings displayed by compiling with gcc -Wall -O2. 4. Added targets to build a Purified green binary. Besides the above functionality, this patch includes the following features found in tclblend1.0a1up1: 1. Provides fixes for configure --srcdir= 2. Provides a wrapper script named jwish, which will start a vanilla wish8.0 with the proper LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CLASSPATH 3. Provides portability fixes so that tclBlend will build on other platforms. Under HPUX10.20 with JDK1.1.3, tclBlend1.0b1up1 builds but note that only the green binary seems to work, it does not seem to be possible to dynamically load tclBlend into a running vanilla tclsh8.0 or wish8.0 under HPUX Mutable Systems --------------- John Davis has modified the discrete-event (DE) calendar queue in Ptolemy so that it will facilitate mutability (dynamically changing system topologies). He has also carefully evaluated and integrated the contributions of Jens Voigt of Dresden (mentioned in the previous monthly report), which extends the functionality of the static higher order functions that are already in place. Here are John's comments: Functionality Dynamic higher order functions facilitate runtime creation and/or deletion of DE stars/galaxies. Both sources and sinks can be removed or added to topologies. The primary constraint is that stars which are created or deleted can not have multiportholes. A simple way to circumvent this problem is to connect "multiport-to-regular- port" stars as necessary. Compatibility One of the key advantages of this approach is that it integrates well with other Ptolemy stars. The process of mutability is cleanly separated from the traditional behavior of stars and galaxies. This separation occurs precisely because DynBlocks "operate" on regular DE stars. This means that backwards compatibility is preserved and the additional programming required by users of this facility is eliminated. Indeed, Ptolemy users interested in creating simulations that take advantage of dynamic HOF's need not leave the graphical domain. Initial State Apparently the initial state of the dynamic HOF is always absent of of mutable galaxies; mutable galaxies must be added (and then removed if desired) during runtime. It would be nice if at the initialization of the simulation run, the mutable components were already instantiated. This detail is relatively minor and does not pose a significant problem. Speed The demos that Jens composed run quite fast and appear to experience little to no lag due to mutability. However, we must keep in mind that the demos are relatively simple. It is a concern that the Dynamic HOF's will not scale. The reason for this is due to DEDynBlockBase::deletePendingEventsOfStar() It is not uncommon that event queues can hold hundreds of events for reasonable sized simulations. The most troublesome component of a discrete event simulation is the overhead that is experienced when storing and/or removing events from a queue. Given that the above method essentially searches through the queue event by event for each star that is removed, the problem is exacerbated using the above method. Task 2: Domain-specific design tools ==================================== Mixed Signal Design ------------------- Yuhong Xiong implemented in Ptolemy a mixed-signal simulation of an example system provided by Rome Labs. This simulation explores the trade-off between analog (MEMS or electronic) anti-aliasing filtering and digital anti-aliasing filtering. The strategy in the simulation is to use impulse invariance to discretize the analog simulation and downsampling quantization to model digitization. A Tcl script controls the simulation and iterates through several downsampling ratios and filter orders. It invokes filter design functions in Matlab to provide the filter parameters and then evaluates the overall frequency response of the system. We will be writing a brief report. Here is a summary: The problem: To decide where to draw the boundary between analog and digital in an A/D conversion application. The constraints: Need to preserve approximate linear phase. The Ptolemy simulation: - A Butterworth filter of order N modeling an analog filter. - A downsampling FIR filter of order M designed using Parks McClellan. The requirements: - Highest frequency of interest: 2kHz - 66dB attenuation above 4kHz. - 66dB of Signal-to-quantization-noise ratio within 0-2kHz. The Ptolemy simulation is scripted, iterating over the following parameters to outline the space of interest: - The sample rate (& implicitly, the downsampling ratio). - The order of the Butterworth analog filter - The order of the FIR filter. - The number of bits in the A/D converter. The demo iterates over a family of solutions that meet the criteria. Task 3: Heterogeneous interaction semantics =========================================== We have begun discussion of a generalization to the Ptolemy wormhole mechanism, to be implemented in Ptolemy II. Instead of a single model of interaction, we expect to have a small number (perhaps 3). A fully interoperable domain would have to provide interfaces to all three. 2. Equipment/Infrastructure Status: We have upgraded our central server to Solaris. It was the last Sun O/S machine on the network, and we had been running an obsolete O/S in order to support it in Ptolemy releases. We will no longer be supporting it. The main reason for the upgrade is security. The older operating system was vulnerable to external attack. We have installed three Sun workstations, three printers and a new network switch. With the completion of the 3 year departmental networking project, the bandwidth between our website and the outside world is much higher. 3. Interactions Nothing to report. 4. Personnel Status Nothing to report. 5. Talks/Presentations/Publications: Nothing to report. Talks by Group Members ---------------------- Nothing to report. Key Talks by Others ------------------- Nothing to report. Publications ------------ Nothing to report. 6. Difficulties/Problems Nothing to report. 7. Next Quarter Plans Ptolemy II is starting to become capable of supporting various styles of simulation. Our first will be an analog simulation domain, a process networks domain, and a rendezvous-based communicating sequential processes domain. These are mostly orthogonal to current capabilities in Ptolemy, and hence will represent fundamentally new capability. 8. Financial Data Provided separately on a quarterly basis by the university.