CONTRACTOR: University of California at Berkeley
CONTRACT PERIOD: 11/18/96 - 9/30/00
DATE: February 21, 2000
TITLE: Heterogeneous Modeling And Design
REPORT PERIOD: 11/15/99 - 12/15/99
SPONSOR: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
0. Executive Summary
MoML, a language for specifying models in XML, is maturing. The same
MoML file can now be used for either Ptolemy II applications or
applets, and we have created a script for executing such models from
the command line. We have also created a Heterochronous Dataflow (HDF)
capability, a fixed-point datatype, and we have made progress on a code
generation mechanism. We have also made a number of improvements to the
software infrastructure, in anticipation of the forthcoming software
release. Finally, outside interactions and technology transfer
continue unabated.
1. Research Status
Task 1: Modular deployable design tools
MoML - The Modeling Markup Language
MoML files can now be used in both applets and applications without
change. Top-level parameters and director parameters are editable on
screen. We have created a command-line interface so that models can be
executed more easily by starting a Java application. The application
supports opening MoML files, saving the model to another file (or to
the same file, which you might want to do to save a mutation). It also
provides documentation for the model, defined in the XML file (via the
Help menu), and tooltips for the parameters (also given in the XML
When using a MoML file in an application, it is possible to import
a file that is specified relative to the classpath. E.g.:
This means that an application can directly refer to XML files in
the Ptolemy tree without copying them.
In the course of this effort, we discovered some major subtleties (and
some interesting research questions) due to a mismatch between the
current design of Ptolemy II and the MoML language.
MoML supports inheritance by permitting you to extend existing classes.
Ptolemy II reads MoML that uses this inheritance mechanism. For
example, consider the following MoML file:
Here, the “derived” class extends the “base” class by adding another
entity to it. However, there is a key limitation in Ptolemy II.
Invoking the exportMoML() methods discards the inheritance link. For
the above example, top.exportMoML() will produce:
The derived class no longer extends the base class. This is caused by
the addition of an entity to the derived class.
The reasons for this flaw are subtle and fairly deep, and a good
mechanism for correcting it remains an open research question.
Fortunately, this flaw is not visible at the level of a block diagram
editor, because no known block diagram editor provides visual
inheritance mechanisms like those in MoML. It is again an open research
question to identify such a mechanism.
We explain further. In object-oriented languages such as C++ and Java,
all instances of a class share the same code for their methods. Only
the instance variables differ among instances of a class. In Ptolemy
II, however, the “code” for a composite entity is its topology. Ptolemy
II has no mechanism for sharing the same topology among instances of
the composite entity. Instead, it clones the base topology when
creating an instance or a derived topology. The difficulty arises when
either the base or the derived topology changes.
If the base topology changes after the derived topology has been
created, then ideally, the derived topology should reflect those
changes. Unfortunately, this is difficult to do. All changes to the
base would have to be mirrored in the derived, which would require all
code that modifies the base, including user-written code in actors, to
mirror the changes in all derived classes. Such an approach would place
an undue burden on code developers, and the resulting code would have
very little chance of being correct.
One possibility would be to prohibit changes in the base topology after
a derived topology is created. However, this is excessively
restrictive. In Ptolemy II, the references() method of NamedObj returns
a list of objects that were derived by cloning a particular object.
This list can be used by a user interface to re-clone the base,
replacing the derived instances with new ones.
If the derived topology changes after cloning, as in the above example,
and these changes involve only addition to the topology (new entities,
ports, relations, or links) or changes to parameter values, then in
principle it would not be difficult to generate those additions in the
MoML body. However, even detecting the changes is non-trivial, since
they can occur arbitrarily deeply in the topology. A block diagram
editor can largely avoid the problem by providing no mechanism for
editing the derived topology. Only the base topology can be edited.
The mechanism in Ptolemy II is conservative, in that if a MoML file is
exported, it correctly reflects the topology. However, it loses
information about the heritage of composite objects that are derived
from others.
There is an additional subtlety. If a topology is modified by directly
making kernel calls, then exportMoML() will normally export the
modified topology. However, if a derived component is modified, then
exportMoML() may fail to catch the changes. In particular, consider the
following example:
Here, the derived class does not modify the topology, so exportMoML()
This MoML code will be exported even if the derived class has been
modified by making direct kernel calls. This actually can prove to be
convenient. It means that if a model mutates during execution, and is
later saved, that a user interface can ensure that only the original
model, before mutations, is saved. It does this by creating a class for
the model, instantiating the class without modifying it, and executing
the instance.
Code Generation
Jeff Tsay has adapted an open-source Java compiler to generate
an abstract syntax tree that describes a Ptolemy II application.
The intent is to attach various back-ends to this to generate
efficient code for particular models.
Task 2: Domain-specific design tools
Heterochronous Dataflow
Brian Vogel has created a heterochronous dataflow capability, which
allows state machines to be nested with synchronous dataflow. He
created a simple hysteresis demonstration. The goal of HDF is to
support dynamic modification of production and consumption profiles of
composite actors without giving up static scheduling and compile-time
assurance of freedom from deadlock.
Actor Libraries
Yuhong Xiong overhauled the Interpolator actor in actor.lib. The major
changes are: (1) moved the computation code to a new class
ptolemy.math.Interpolation; (2) support "wrapping" as well as extending
by 0. He also wrote some tests for it.
Communicating Sequential Processes
We have fixed a long-standing problem in the CSP domain that made it
impossible to run certain models more than once without getting
deadlocked threads. This problem proved to be extremely subtle,
underscoring again the difficulty of writing multithreading Java
programs without the help of a Ptolemy II domain. The problem was that
when an actor called delay(), and the model execution was terminated
while the actor was delayed, then the thread would not get terminated.
We have modified CSPDirector and CSP actor so that the delay() method
throws a ProcessTerminationException when wrapup() on the director is
Task 3: Heterogeneous interaction semantics
Nothing to report on this task.
Generic (Cross Task)
Collection Package
In a team effort that involved almost everybody in the group, we have
purged Ptolemy II of its dependence on the outdated collections
package, replacing it with the collections capabilities of Java 1.1.
Fixed-Point Modeling
Bart Kienhuis has created a fixed-point datatype in Ptolemy II, and
two demonstrations that use it. It works with polymorphic actors,
and thus automatically inherits a rich library of actors.
Command-Line Interfaces
We have also improved the command-line interface to Ptolemy II with
two new classes:
These have some pretty powerful features. Neither has any GUI (that
comes next), but you can do the following:
java -param1 "value" -param2 "value" \
and you will create an instance of the class named by the -class argument
(which is required to be a CompositeActor), set its parameters "param1"
and "param2" and run it.
You can also create multiple classes and run them in separate threads
under the same JVM at the same time by giving multiple -class args.
The parameter names can refer to _anything in the model_.
E.g., for an SDF model with a director named "director", you can do:
java -director.iterations 40 \
-class classname
to get a run of 40 iterations.
If you use the MoMLApplication class, then in addition to (or instead
of) the -class option, you can specify an xml file:
java [params] foo.xml
Command-line infrastructure
Christopher Hylands set up a script that will invoke the various
Ptolemy II standalone applications. The script looks at what name it
was called with and then invokes java on the appropriate class.
Here's how the script works:
configure reads in $PTII/bin/ and generates
$PTII/bin/makefile has rules that use ln -s to create links
for the following standalone applications
Note that if you call ptinvoke directly, then it will invoke the
class and pass the rest of the arguments along.
For example:
$PTII/bin/ptinvoke ptolemy.plot.compat.PxgraphApplication \
-binary $PTII/ptolemy/plot/demo/data/bin.plt
Thus, if you have a standalone application that you are testing,
you should be able to start it up more easily than setting CLASSPATH
and passing in -cp $CLASSPATH.
He also created .bat scripts that correspond to the various shell
scripts for use under Windows when Cygwin is not installed.
User Interface
Steve Neuendorffer, Edward Lee and Bart Kienhuis have put together some
ideas on how parameters get displayed in the GUI, and how Ptolemy
Entities specify how they are configured. The ideas make use of a
Factory design pattern.
Actors could contain a Configurer, which would be a subclass of
Attribute. A Configurer is a factory for swing components that
configure different aspects of that actor. When the Vergil wishes to
bring up a window to configure an Actor, it would check for an instance
of a configurer and, if one exists, it would ask it to create a
component that Vergil would place on the screen. If no configurer
exists, then a default configurer (probably an improved version of would be created. This mechanism
would be useful for actors like an FIR filter, which could specify a
configurer that would create a pole-zero plot.
A separate mechanism for changing how Parameters are viewed also could
make use of a factory design pattern. Depending on what a parameter
represents, it may be more useful to use a different on screen
representation (such as a typein entry box, a slider, or a radio
button). A Parameter could contain a factory for creating these
widgets, which the ParameterEditor class could make use of.
Code reviews
- DDE (distributed discrete events) domain.
2. Equipment/Infrastructure Status:
no changes.
3. Interactions and Technology Transfer
- We met on December 3 with Steve Shultz of VHDL International to
discuss our efforts on system-level design languages.
- Our collaborative project with the GSRC center (gigascale silicon
research center) on system-level design languages has been reported
in EE Times, together with some complementary efforts. See:
Foundation laid for next-generation languages
- John Eidson, Stan Jefferson, and FIXME, from Agilent Labs, formerly
Hewlett Packard, visited our group on November 19 to discuss
cooperation on smart sensors.
- We have set up an active collaboration with Supelec, in France,
where three students, Brieuc Desoutter, Guillaume Vibert, and
Pedro Domecq Marquez, under the Direction of Prof. Frederic
Boulanger, will be working with us on the user interface.
- Neil Smyth of Telcordia send the following update:
"Telcordia Technologies has ported their Wavelength Domain
Simulator (WDS) into Ptolemy Classic, from a previous
implementation in Cadence's SPW. The simulator allows rapid
evaluation of the spectral performance of large scale optical
networks. Due to the impact of wavelength division multiplexing
each fiber in a network normally now contains many channels, and
the full solution of the network from first conditions in the time
or frequency domains would be infeasible. WDS operates by dividing
the spectral range of interest into small intervals, and
propagating the power in each of these intervals through the
network. This very coarse sampling means that pulse shape
information (time domain) has been lost, but gives the user
feedback on the signal-noise ratios on all channels in the network,
as well as allowing the user to evaluate the performance of the
network under varying power level boundary conditions."
Neil is also working on using MoML as a persistent file format for
Ptolemy Classic, and using Vergil as a visual editor.
- Gerard Damm of Alcatel reports that he has managed to get unconnected
actors to communicate, validating one of our design objectives in
Ptolemy II. He is using Ptolemy II for modeling highly dynamic
wireless networks.
- We have had extensive discussions with Ed Willink of Racal Research,
Ltd., in England, on a variety of issues. He is interested in using
Ptolemy II to specify arbitrary radio systems in an implementation
independent fashion.
4. Personnel Status
No changes.
5. Talks/Presentations/Publications:
[1] Yuhong Xiong and Edward A. Lee, "An Extensible Type System for
Component-Based Design," accepted by Tools and Algorithms for the
Construction and Analysis of Systems TACAS 2000, March, 2000.
[2] Edward A. Lee, "Modeling Concurrent Real-Time Processes using
Discrete Events," Annals of Software Engineering, vol. 7, 1999,
pp. 25-45.
[3] Walid A. Najjar, Edward A. Lee, and Guang R. Gao, "Advances in
the Dataflow Computational Model," Parallel Computing, vol. 25,
1999, pp. 1907-1929.
Study Group Topics
- Every little bit counts: toward more reliable software.
- Formal Methods.
6. Difficulties/Problems
None to report.
7. Next Quarter Plans
We are planning a release (version 0.4) of Ptolemy II.
8. Financial Data
Provided separately on a quarterly basis by the university.