MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT CONTRACTOR: University of California at Berkeley AGREEMENT NUMBER: DAAB07-97-C-J007 CONTRACT PERIOD: 11/18/96 - 11/31/99 DATE: May 30, 1999 TITLE: Heterogeneous Modeling And Design REPORT PERIOD: 4/15/99 - 5/15/99 SPONSOR: Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) TECHNICAL POC: James P. Hanna REPORT PREPARED BY: Edward A. Lee 0. Executive Summary We have acquired considerable new insight on the properties of domain polymorphic actors, and have used this insight to better define the library and to validate (or some cases, invalidate) the design of various domains with respect to their handling of domain polymorphic actors. We have also made progress in handling mutable systems and have constructed a major new hybrid system example. 1. Research Status Task 1: Modular deployable design tools ======================================= Domain Polymorphic Actor Library -------------------------------- This library continues to evolve, although the task of building a generically useful actor library has proved daunting. We are up to approximately 40 actors in this library, and have verified their functionality in most domains. There are two natural categories of actor functionality, those that are sequence based and those that are time based. These two categories are indicated by two empty Java interfaces, SequenceActor and TimedActor. Actors typically implement zero, one or both interfaces. Actors that implement neither interface can operate equally well in either timed or untimed domains. This includes all functional actors, for examples. Actors that implement SequenceActor fundamentally operate on sequences of tokens. Actors that implement TimedActor use the notion of current time to process data. Domains that attach no significance to sequences (such as CT, continuous time), reject actors that implement SequenceActor. Domains that attach no significance to time (such SDF, synchronous dataflow), reject actors that implement TimedActor. Occasionally, actors are both sequence based and time based. Such actors seem to be primarily useful in the DE (discrete event) domain. Expression Language ------------------- Xiaojun Liu has added to the Ptolemy II expression language Matlab-style matrix construction, including for example "[1, 2, 3]" to specify a row vector, "[1; 2; 3]" to specify a column vector, "[1, 2; 3, 4]" to specify a matrix, and "[0:1:10; 0:2:20]" to specify a matrix with eleven columns and two rows. The elements of the matrices and vectors can be arbitrary subexpressions. He has also added the capability to detect constant sub-expressions, so they are evaluated only once. Type System ----------- Yuhong Xiong made a study of the ML language and presented a synopsis to the group at our regular group lunch. Mutable Systems --------------- We have completely redesigned the kernel.event package, which supports run-time topology mutations. The new design (our third) involves a number of compromises between replicating functionality of the kernel and providing a rich semantics. In contrast to the previous design, it no longer attempts to perform detailed notification to listeners of the mutations. In addition, it does not attempt to provide an undo mechanism. These two capabilities made the previous design far too dependent on the complicated design of the kernel, having to essentially mirror the details of the design. The resulting duplication of structure resulted in fragile code, where changes on one side would fail to be replicated on the other side. Execution Control ----------------- The Manager class in Ptolemy II provides domain-independent control over the execution of a model residing in either an application or an applet. We have overhauled the design of this class to support more fine-grained control, primarily so that we can more effectively test mutations, which are run-time changes in the structure of a model. Software Engineering -------------------- John Davis led our regular Friday study group in examining the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) as developed by Carnegie Mellon's Software Engineering Institute. Design Reviews: - data package modifications (Variable class) - actor package modifications (Manager + listeners) - kernel/event Code Reviews: - actor/lib (domain-polymorphic actor library) Task 2: Domain-specific design tools ==================================== Jie Liu led our Friday study group in studying state charts in UML Task 3: Heterogeneous interaction semantics =========================================== Hybrid Systems -------------- Jie Liu and Xiaojun Liu have created a "sticky masses" model using the Ptolemy II CT (continuous time) and FSM (finite state machine) domains. This model is much more interesting than typical hybrid systems examples. It includes two point masses on springs that oscillate. When they collide, the stick together with an exponentially decaying stickiness. They eventually come apart and continue to oscillate. A modal model uses two states, one representing the masses when they are apart, and the other representing the masses when they are stuck together. 2. Equipment/Infrastructure Status: Christopher Hylands updated our CVS and SSH sources to the most recent releases and created a Windows installer. CVS/SSH permits secure access (with encrypted passwords) to our cvs repository from laptops, wherever they might be. Due to restrictions on releasing software that includes encyrption, his work is only accessible from within the UC Berkeley EECS Department via 3. Interactions and Technology Transfer ----- Carolyn Talcott (Stanford), Jose Meseguer (SRI), David Barton (Intermetrics), Perry Alexander (Univ. of Cincinnatti), Richard Newton (Berkeley), and several members of the Ptolemy project met at Berkeley on April 28 to discuss the role we could play in the evolution of SLDL (System-Level Design Language) effort. ----- Claudio Passerone, of Cadence Berkeley Labs, modified the DE domain in Ptolemy Classic to better support Polis, an experimental hardware/software codesign simulator that Cadence has been developing in cooperation with Berkeley. A partial commercialization of this work is the recently announced VSS system from Cadence. Below is a description of the changes that Claudio made to Ptolemy. These are mostly small changes and fixes on an architecture created by Neil Smyth and Mudit Goel of the Ptolemy group. The objective was to fix some bugs and extend the capabilities of the Resource Contention Scheduler. This scheduler is mostly used by the Polis HW/SW codesign tool to simulate systems with shared resources, but it can be used also by other people without using Polis. There is no code in Ptolemy which is Polis specific, but to use this scheduler there are some rules to be followed when writing DERCStars. * How the Resource Contention Scheduler works The RC Scheduler is used to schedule stars which should access a shared resource in mutual exclusion. The shared resource does not appear as a star in the netlist, but it is just specified as a data member of the class DERCStar (string resource). Each star can have no more than one resource, but multiple stars can use the same resource. Resources cannot be changed at run time. At the beginning, in the setup of each RCStar, the string resource should be assigned a name (in Polis this is done by copying a parameter of the star). Also the variable needsSharedResource should be assigned a value, which is non zero if the resource needs to be arbitrated, otherwise it is zero. The RCScheduler setup will then call the method getResources() and will create an object of the class Resource for each unique resource specified by stars in the netlist. The resource itself will then be responsible of scheduling events emitted by RCStars. During operation, RCStar should take special care when emitting events, since events should be redirected to a queue belonging to the resource. So, before executing a star, the resource will check if it is itself available, and only then will events be scheduled in the global queue. Some scheduling policies also support interrupts: this means that events of the interrupted star which have not been yet scheduled yet, are delayed by an amount equal to the delay introduced by the interrupting star. ----- Luca Benini of Stanford visited our group to brief us on JavaCAD, a distributed IP-based design environment under development under the direction of Prof. Nanni de Micheli. 4. Personnel Status Jennifer Basler has left, leaving the group without a grant administrator. Diane Chang is temporarily filling in. 5. Talks/Presentations/Publications: Edward Lee presented a position paper at a DARPA workshop on Software Creation for Embedded Systems, Boston, MA, May 10 and 11. 6. Difficulties/Problems Christopher Hylands discovered that the JIT compiler that comes with the Java 1.2 plugin causes lingering processes under Windows NT. This is apparently a known bug, but since we have converted to using JDK 1.2, then this will be a chronic problem with Ptolemy II applets until Sun fixes the problem. 7. Next Quarter Plans We plan to release version 0.3 of Ptolemy II, which will include, for the first time, a usable infrastructure for constructing actor libraries and applets in various domains. 8. Financial Data Provided separately on a quarterly basis by the university.