CONTRACTOR:           University of California at Berkeley
AGREEMENT NUMBER:     F33615-00-C-1703
CONTRACT PERIOD:      5/25/00-11/1/03
TITLE:                Process-Based Software Components for
                      Networked Embedded Systems
REPORT PERIOD:        1/1/02 - 3/31/02
SPONSOR:              Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
TECHNICAL POC:        Dale Vancleave

0.  Executive Summary

Our focus is on component-based design using principled models of
computation and their runtime environments for embedded systems. The
emphasis of this project is on the dynamics of the components,
including the communication protocols that they use to interface with
other components, the modeling of their state, and their flow of
control. The objective is to provide mechanisms for introspection,
supporting both the ability of the run-time environment to safely
dispatch tasks and the ability of components to adapt their interfaces
using polymorphism. The focus is on real-time applications, which
implies that models of time are a critical part of the abstractions
that we are developing. The purpose of the mechanisms we develop is to
improve robustness and safety while promoting component-based design.

This reporting period was quite busy. We created our first Web Start
release of Ptolemy II specifically for the Mobies OEP effort. It proved
the efficacy of Web-based software installation technology, since
installation became trivially easy for those who attempted it. We
organized two new graduate courses focused on Mobies topics: one
studying models of computation and the other studying embedded software.
We made progress on code generation, actor specification, and meta
modeling.  We continued apace improving our software infrastructure
and preparing it for the next release (Ptolemy II 2.0).

1.  Research Status

Automotive OEP

Elaine Cheong did an extensive survey of the MPC555 Microcontroller
from Motorola and associated support software, in an effort to educate
the group. We had been hoping to target it in the code generation

We created a Ptolemy II model that duplicates the Charon model
demonstrated by U. Penn. in the Boca Raton PI meeting. This was
preliminary to an effort to understand Charon, HSIF, and interchange of
design data with Ptolemy II. The velocity and distance plots are the
same as what Penn reported. The model seems stiff, however. The solver
is finding that it has to use very small step sizes, which results in a
rather slow simulation.

Software Distribution for Mobies

To meet the request of the Automotive OEP team for a tool for
evaluation, we put together we web edition of Ptolemy II, together with
sample models of the ETC (constructed primarily by Tunc) and the V2V
(this is the Charon model showed by the Penn team in Boca Raton). We
have also provided a tutorial document on using the software. The web
edition of Ptolemy II is extremely easy to install and use. Just follow
this link:


This also leads to the tutorial document.

This web edition was an early version of our 2.0 release. We obtained a
certificate so the software distribution is signed, lending a measure
of security (at least if the software has problems, you can be sure
that we are the originator of those problems).

This web edition uses a product from Sun called Web Start, a technology
developed at Sun that uses the Web to download applications. The first
time a user downloads a Web Start application, they need to download
the Java Web Start client. That client includes a Java Virtual Machine
(JVM) and an application manager that allows the user to configure Web
Start and any downloaded Web Start applications.

Key Web Start Features: 

* Support for different versions of the Java Virtual Machine,
  the application can specify which version or versions are acceptable.
* jar file versioning, which allows users to update an application
  without downloading the entire application 
* The developer can choose whether the user can download an
  application to run it later when not connected to the network. 
* Support for applets, applications in an applet like sandbox and
  full applications. 

The best thing about Web Start is that it is easy to update a small
part of the application and then the next time the users run the
application, they will download just the updated portion instead of
having to download the entire application and reinstall. This is a
great way to make systems that are under development available to

Software Distribution for the General Public

We are preparing a release for the general public, which will include
source code. The current size of the Ptolemy II code release candidate

  218K lines of Java in 994 files
   88K lines of xml in 417 files
   63K lines of tcl in 362 files
   21K lines of html in 289 files (not counting javadoc output)
  other files: 810 files  (makefiles, gifs, frame, visio etc.)

Code Generation - Token Unboxing

Our code generation effort is based on a new concept that we call
co-compilation, to distinguish it from code generation or auto-coding,
which generally takes components unmodified and stitches them together,
and traditional compiling, which requires a single homogeneous
programming language.

Steve Neuendorffer has made progress on a key technique called "token
unboxing." The boxing and unboxing of data is a well-known technique
used in functional languages such as ML. In functional languages, the
goal of boxing is to be able to pass numeric types to type-polymorphic
functions. The functions themselves are written to handle arbitrary
objects, but are unable to handle numeric values. Boxing refers to the
process of automatically encapsulating a numeric value in a wrapper
object so that it can be passed to such a type-polymorphic method. When
the number is eventually passed to another method that requires the
numeric value, it is automatically removed from its wrapper through
unboxing. This transformation happens within the execution engine for
the language and is totally transparent to the programmer. Our code
generator performs a transformation similar to unboxing: it replaces
token objects (an abstract wrapper for a numeric object) with the
numeric value that the token contains. Similarly, operations on the
token (i.e. a method call) are replaced with native numeric operations.
For instance, the IntToken.add() method, which adds the values
contained in two integer wrapper objects, is replaced with a simple
integer addition. In most Java implementations, this greatly reduces
the overhead involved in the operation. More importantly, the overhead
of allocating and garbage collecting the wrapper object for the result
is also eliminated.

A key issue is to determine, for each token class, which primitive type
to replace it with. One possibility is to use a set of replacement
relations between a type of token and an native numerical type.
Unfortunately, this limits the ability to add new data types to the
Ptolemy II framework, as the operations for each token must be
essentially re-implemented in the code generation framework. We must
also have some way of transforming structured token types that are not
directly replaced with native types. This is not easily handled by a
small set of handwritten rules. 

Steve Neuendorffer has implemented a technique for transforming tokens
that does not rely on hand-written replacement rules. Instead of
re-implementing each token operation, he makes use of the implementation
for the token that already exists. In other words, we inline the code
from the class definition for a particular type of token. Each token
variable is replaced with variables corresponding to the fields of the
token class. We also synthesize a boolean field that tracks whether the
original token reference is null. This is used to properly replace
comparisons between the token and null. For domain-polymorphic actors
that have variables declared as ptolemy.data.Token, a type-inference
algorithm determines the correct token class to be inlined. This
technique is generally effective for all numeric token types.
Furthermore, it does not preclude optimized transformations for
specific numeric types. It is also applicable for structured types as
well, such as arrays and records. For instance, the
ptolemy.data.ArrayToken class aggregates a set of other tokens and
indexes them using integers. Since one field of the class contains an
array of other tokens, unboxing the array token replaces it with an
array of tokens. These tokens (regardless of their type) can then be
unboxed by applying the above procedure recursively.

Code Generation - Other Work

Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, under subcontract from the University of
Maryland, has demonstrated preliminary C code generation from a simple
Ptolemy II model.

Steve Neuendorffer collected statistics on the effectiveness of
successive stages of transformation of the abstract syntax tree,
learning which transformations lend the greatest advantage. It turns
out that in terms of execution speed, many of the transformations have
little impact. But in terms of code size, the entire chain of
transformations must be applied before the major benefit is gained.

Christopher Hylands created some scripts for measuring the memory usage
and speed of execution of code generated by our code generator invoked
on test models in the test suite.  This will greatly improve our ability
to measure the effectiveness of the code generator.  He also created a
script that uses "tree shaking" to generate a jar file that contains
exactly the classes needed to invoke a model.  He also created a script
that reports on the differences between two jar files.

Steve Neuendorffer tested the tree shaker on a fairly complicated
digital communication model (the OrthogonalCom model). The tree shaker
yielded a jar file with 476844 bytes, which is still quite large. After
running his code generator to the point where only the Ptolemy data
package gets used the file size is reduced to 158777 bytes. After
running the Jode code obfuscator to rename the generated code it
reduces further to 80526 bytes. This is approaching a reasonable size
for an embedded system and/or an applet. However, it is still larger
than we would like. Steve estimates that 80% of this file contains code
from the ptolemy.data and ptolemy.graph packages, leaving only 16K or
so from the model itself. These numbers were collected before token
unboxing was operational, and have provided a major motivation for that
work (see above).

We performed a number of experiments with the objective of getting
high-performance object code from the byte code produced the code
generator. Christopher Hylands experimented with gcj, the native Java
compiler that is part of gcc. With considerable effort, he was able to
get the code generator output for our OrthogonalCom model (a CDMA
communications example) to compile successfully. With static linking,
the resulting compiled code runs about 20% faster than the tree shaken
regular Java run using Sun's JIT compiler. This is less improvement
than we expected from compiled code.

Circuit Synthesis

Steve Neuendorffer and Ben Warlick developed a way of synthesizing an
FPGA circuit from a Ptolemy II component specification. They
demonstrated this as part of a class project.

Actor Specification

Progress on the Cal actor specification language (formerly called
Caltrop) continues, with Joern Janneck, Chris Chang, Yang Zhao, and
Lars Wernli being the key players. The key idea here is that actions
triggered by differing external conditions are specified separately.
This enables automated inference of key properties of an actor, such as
firing rules and triggering relationships between inputs and outputs.

Lars Wernli has created a code generator that produces Ptolemy II actor
definitions from Cal source code. (Lars was visiting from ETH for three
months, working on his diploma thesis).

Inspired by Cal, John Reekie has been working on Actif, an operational
model of actors and computation. Actif is a tool for reasoning about
actors and computation, an intermediate form for actor transformation
and optimization and a framework to guide implementation.

Tool Integration

Wolfgang Pree and Christoph Kirsch developed a technique for
integrating Giotto and Simulink. They provide a Giotto component
library that allows them to design Giotto programs within Simulink's
visual development environment. The full set of Simulink components is
available for implementing non-Giotto functionality within the Giotto
components. The Giotto components themselves are only syntactic to
Simulink. The gTranslator tool automatically creates Giotto semantics
by transforming the syntactic Giotto components into standard blocks
provided by Simulink without modifying the non-Giotto functionality.
The translation results in a pure Simulink model that resembles Giotto
semantics which can be simulated as well as executed with the Simulink
tool and code generators. 

The integration harnesses the full set of code generation capabilities
in Simulink, including preemptive multitasking for various target
platforms. A demonstration rounds out the talk: It illustrates how a
typical Simulink model is transformed to a Giotto-based one and
discusses the implications of such a restructuring. The gTranslator
also generates a Giotto program. By means of the Giotto compiler,
optimized code generation as well as schedulability analysis are thus

Meta Modeling

Andrew C Mihal, of the Mescal group (under professor Kurt Keutzer,
outside Mobies), has been working on metamodeling using Ptolemy II. His
hypothesis is that an explicit model of an application and its model of
computation is an excellent starting point for mapping an application
onto an architecture. This "metamodel" contains not only the
application's functionality (the actors) but also the behind-the-scenes
components that the application relies on (the ports, directors, and
receivers). The metamodel components can then be matched with
architectural components. This leads to an implementation that
preserves the formal semantics of the application's MoC.

Over the last semester he has been working on the code to design and
simulate a metamodel in Ptolemy II. His strategy has been to use a
model of computation that implements function call semantics. In that
domain, tokens represent function calls and return values. Send and get
operations are synchronized as expected. A "type" in this domain
corresponds to a Java interface. An input port means that an actor
implements a particular interface. An output port means that an actor
wants to use a particular interface.

A critical "type" for metamodeling is the Receiver interface. With it he
can create a metamodel whose actors are Actors and Receivers. The
Receiver actors have input ports that indicate they implement the
Receiver interface. The Actor actors have output ports that indicate
they want to use the Receiver interface. For example, consider a Sink
that has one input port. Normally this input port is connected to one
or more receivers. The equivalent Actor actor would have one multiport
output. The Sink actor wants to use the Receiver interface, and it can
be wired to one or more Receiver actors.

Implementing the domain of function calls turned out to be easy.
Implementing the Actor and Receiver actors has turned out to be
extremely difficult. Andrew was hoping to use the code from the
existing Ptolemy actor, receiver, and director objects in his
metamodels. Obviously it would not be worthwhile to create and maintain
a separate library of components that contains the metamodel
equivalents for the standard Ptolemy actors.

Andrew used Soot (the same compiler toolkit we are using for code
generation) to dynamically generate the metamodel equivalents of
Ptolemy II actors. He had a generic Actor actor that could be configured
to be the equivalent of any Ptolemy library actor. Upon configuration,
soot would load the original actor class and replace all the Ports with
MetaPorts. The MetaPort would redirect all of the function calls
normally done on receivers as function call tokens sent out into the
metamodel. He encountered three major problems with this rather
aggressive approach.

1. Soot is slow and uses an inexplicably huge amount of memory.

2. In order for the MetaPort to be an acceptable replacement for Port,
   (MetaPort instanceof Port) must be true. Therefore the MetaPort must
   be a descendant of Port. At the same time, MetaPort overrides every
   function it inherits from Port. This is unfortunate.

3. From the point of view of the actor, the MetaPort must behave
   exactly the same as the original Port. That means it must claim to
   be either an input or an output. From the point of view of the
   metamodel, the MetaPort is an output. Therefore, functions like
   isInput() have different behaviors depending on who is calling them,
   either the actor itself or the metamodel kernel. This is

To solve problem number 3, Andrew separated the MetaPort into two
pieces. The first piece pretends to be the actor's own port. The second
piece is used to send function call tokens in the metamodel. Any
functions that the actor calls on the first piece are redirected as
tokens sent out of the second piece. Now the Actor actor has two ports
where the original actor had only one. Unfortunately these extra ports
have serious ramifications concerning the type system.

Andrew has proposed a refactoring of the Ptolemy II kernel based on the
difficulties he has encountered.  The basic idea is to define a set
of interfaces that will take over the role now served by base classes.
Moreover, an object like a port will expose different interfaces
to different users.  Thus, the director would see a different interface
than an actor.  Other related suggestions he has made include:

1. Make it so actors do not construct their ports. Actors should use
   factories to get their ports. The factory returns an object that
   implements the Port interface. This allows the actors to be paired
   with different ports for different purposes. The actor will get a
   regular TypedIOPort for simulation in Ptolemy. The actor will get a
   MetaPort for metamodel simulation. The actor will get a reference
   into a communications library for implementation on a multiprocessor
   embedded system.

2. Adopt the same principles for directors as well. For the purposes of
   implementation, the director is just an actor that implements the
   centralized control of an application. The director should
   communicate with the actors using a standardized interface (perhaps
   with domain-specific extensions). The same applies for
   communications between directors and receivers for the domains that
   require it.

3. Separation of actor functionality from model structure. Actors
   inherit some functionality from AtomicActor and CompositeActor that
   is only related to the logical structure of the application and not
   to what the actors really do. An actor should be an object that
   implements the Actor interface. This object can be paired with a
   structural component, like the existing AtomicActor or
   CompositeActor, for the purposes of modeling and simulation in
   Ptolemy. For implementation these things are not needed.

4. A more general separation of application functionality and Ptolemy
   overhead. Things like MoML, attributes, names, and containers are
   great for simulation and modeling in Ptolemy. But they're not
   necessary for implementation. For example, consider static and
   dynamic type checking. Static type checking tells you if a model is
   valid. It does not end up in the final implementation. Dynamic type
   checking, for applications that require it, is something that
   actually ends up in the final implementation. It is part of the
   behavior of the application and is not a feature of the modeling and
   simulation tool. One of the reasons writing the MetaPort was so hard
   is that the Port objects inherit so much from the classes up
   in the hierarchy.

Data Package

The data package in Ptolemy defines token classes, which are wrappers
for user data. Steve Neuendorffer has completed an extensive
refactoring of this package to simplify it, make it easier to extend,
and make it work more smoothly with code generation.

He consolidated code dealing with datatype conversions, units (in the
case of scalar tokens) and matrix dimensions (in the case of matrix
tokens). He added two new base classes: AbstractConvertibleToken, and
AbstractNotConvertibleToken. These factor out a great portion of common
code for common token classes. AbstractConvertibleToken implements the
conversion-before-operation pattern, and AbstractNotConvertibleToken
implements a check to ensure that no conversion is necessary. These
classes reduce the work that users will have to go through to implement
a new type. If no conversions are necessary, this is simply a matter of
implementing a subclass of AbstractNotConvertibleToken, filling out the
7 protected operation methods, and adding a singleton inner class that
is returned by getType(). The type will not be in the type lattice, and
is therefore assumed to be between top and bottom and incomparable with
anything else.

The ScalarToken base class implements relatively simple methods that
are ensured to be called with arguments of the correct type, for
instance the DoubleToken._add(ScalarToken) method is:

    /** Return a new token whose value is the value of the
     *  argument Token added to the value of this Token.  It is assumed
     *  that the type of the argument is an DoubleToken.
     *  @param rightArgument The token to add to this token.
     *  @return A new DoubleToken containing the result.
    protected ScalarToken _add(ScalarToken rightArgument) {
        double sum = _value + ((DoubleToken)rightArgument).doubleValue();
        return new DoubleToken(sum);

Similarly for the MatrixToken classes, except there are separate
methods for Matrix/Matrix operations and Matrix/Scalar operations. This
ensures that these operations all mean the same... in some cases
a.add(b) was implemented, but b.add(a) was not, or meant something

All unit conversion is handled systematically in the ScalarToken base
class. Handling and checking of matrix dimensions are now handled
systematically in the MatrixToken base class. All operations for
ArrayToken are now implemented consistently pointwise. All operations
for RecordToken are now implemented consistently fieldwise. Consistent
and more informative error messages for automatic type conversion and
unit conversion errors. Methods are more consistent within the Java
type system. For instance Types simply override the equals(Object)
method, as opposed to implementing a separate equals(Type) method. This
should eliminate some scary accidental programming errors.

Generally, Steve's changes are semantically identical to what we had
before, but there are some minor changes. For instance, IntToken(33) is
now equal to StringToken("33"). The isCloseTo() method is now
reflexive, just like isEqualTo(). One major change has to do with
multiplying arrays by scalars. Previously, the scale actor used the
arrayToken.multiply(ScalarToken) method to scale multidimensional
arrays. Unfortunately, this implemention was not consistent with
lossless type conversion for all operations. The result is that the
scale actor works the same as before, but the operation it performs is
slightly more rich that normal multiplication. This may cause some
models that were scaling using an expression actor to throw an
exception. This has also simplified the ArrayToken class.

The new classes are roughly half the size of the old ones, even though
there is significantly more documentation than there had been.

I/O Actors

Winthrop Williams has continued a project to systematically add
sophisticated I/O capabilities to Ptolemy II. A major part of this
effort is to understand the semantics of interaction between various
models of computation and the physical world, which of course has
its own semantics.

Win improved his datagram actors to support more domains (they were
previously designed specifically for DE), and identified a bug in the
DE (discrete event) director that was causing intermittent failures
after lengthy runs.

Miscellaneous Software Infrastructure Improvements

* Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, under subcontract at U. of Maryland, checked
  in a major revision to the ptolemy.graph package based on feedback
  from a design review.

* Elaine Cheong created the beginnings of an interactive debugging
  capability in Ptolemy II, where one can set breakpoints on actor

* We have modified the way that Diva (the 2-D graphics package
  underlying the Ptolemy II visual editor) aligns icons in a graph
  rendition. Previously, diva had used the center of the bounding box
  as the location of the icon. This made it very difficult to align key
  visual elements such as ports to a grid. Now, Diva uses the origin.
  This also means that textual annotations can be aligned, and will
  stay aligned when you change the text. It also greatly simplified the
  snap-to-grid code.

* Yuhong Xiong updated the ArrayToken class to allow it to contain an
  empty array. The solution was to add a new constructor

      public ArrayToken(Type type)

  that constructs an empty array token with the specified element type.
  He added this constructor, updated the code in ArrayToken and
  ArrayType to handle empty arrays in various operations and type
  conversions, and added some tests.  This change was needed by the
  datagram applications (which distribute Ptolemy models over the net).

* Elaine Cheong created a PreemptableTask actor to model tasks running
  under an RTOS that can be preempted.

* Lars Wernli pointed out that our implementation of the Token class
  and its subclasses (which encapsulate data exchanged between
  components) do not override the java.Object.equals() and hashCode()
  methods. Thus, token1.equals(token2) returns true if and only if
  token1 and token2 are references to one and the same object (since
  that is how the equals() method is defined in java.Object), instead
  of comparing the tokens values, as the Token.isEqualTo() method does.
  This leads to counterintuitive behavior. Yuhong Xiong fixed this by
  adding the equals() and hashCode() methods to all the concrete

* John Reekie improved Diva, the underlying graphics package for the
  Ptolemy visual editor (Vergil) so that the FSM editor has more
  flexible orientation of the transitions between states.

* Haiyang Zheng rewrote the Giotto scheduler in Ptolemy II to make use
  of the static scheduling infrastructure in the base classes. Also, we
  separated the Giotto code generator from the Giotto director, and
  created a new visual icon for the code generator.

* Steve Neuendorffer and Jim Armstrong created a variant of the discrete
  event domain that provides persistent input data to actors.  This is
  intended to have semantics closer to that of HDLs such as Verilog and

* We updated the Vergil tutorial to include instructions for constructing
  modal models.

* We upgraded Java support to version 1.4.

* Christopher Hylands created a set of scripts and interfaces for
  invoking the code generator.

* Christopher Hylands created a filter that translates MoML files
  created using earlier versions of Ptolemy II into MoML files for
  Ptolemy II 2.0.

* Cristopher Hylands created an interface from Vergil to invoke
  a browser to view pdf files or web pages.  This supplements the
  built-in HTML viewer in Vergil. You can now create a link to an
  html page and force it to be opened by the browser rather than
  by Ptolemy II.  To do this, write the link as something like:

     <a href="http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu#in_browser">foo</a>

  The "in_browser" fragment specifies to open in the browser.
  A more natural thing might have been:

     <a href="http://ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu" target="_browser">foo</a>

  but this doesn't work in Java.  The target is only made visible if
  the link is within a frame, a limitation in the Java HTML classes.

* Steve Neuendorffer fixed the process networks (PN) domain to once
  again handle feedback loops.  This domain has not been heavily used,
  but was needed for a class. He also made PN support run-time mutations,
  SDF models inside, and pause and resume.

* Xiaojun Liu, Winthrop Williams, and Yuhong Xiong made a number of
  improvements to the unit system support.  Unit systems are now
  components that one drags into a model to use, and we have provided
  some basic unit systems as a starting point.

* The usual suite of design and code reviews were held.


* Yuhong Xiong has accepted a position at HP Labs and expects to file
  his PhD thesis soon.

* Lars Wernli completed his three-month diploma thesis visit from ETH
  and has returned to Switzerland.

* Haiyang Zheng, a graduate student in the Mechanical Engineering
  department, has officially joined the group to work on Mobies.

Study Group

Our quasi-weekly study group examined the following topics:

-- Hybrid Control in Air Traffic Management Systems
-- Self, an object-oriented programming language 
-- Four papers on software engineering in Parnas' book.
-- Petri nets.
-- Grid computing.

2.  Interactions, Meetings, and Technology Transfer


*  Edward A. Lee, "Preventing the use of Commercial Aircraft as Weapons,"
   invited talk, Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Berkeley,
   February 8, 2002.

*  Edward A. Lee, "Process-Based Software Components," Mobies PI Meeting,
   Boca Raton, FL, January 30, 2002.

*  Steve Neuendorffer, "Heterogenous Actor-oriented Modeling in Ptolemy
   II," UC Irvine, Feb. 21, 2002.

*  Jie Liu, lecture on hybrid system modeling and simulation in Ptolemy
   II, in 'EE291: Hybrid System' class, February 25, 2002.

*  Wolfgang Pree and Christoph Kirsch, "Integration of Giotto and
   Simulink," Embedded Software Seminar, UC Berkeley, February 25, 2002.

Technology Transfer

* Edward A. Lee, Ptolemy II demo, Mobies PI Meeting, Boca Raton, FL,
  January 31, 2002.

* Jie Liu, Ptolemy II demo, Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control
  2002, 25-27 March, Stanford CA.

* We have organized a new course, taught during the current semester,
  Spring 2002.

  EE290N: Advanced topics in systems theory: Concurrent models of computation
  Instructor: Prof. Edward A. Lee

  This experimental research course will study models of computation
  used for the specification and modeling of concurrent systems,
  particularly those with relevance to embedded and real-time systems
  design. Current research approaches will be considered, including the
  tagged signal model, behavioral type systems, interface theories, and
  (possibly) category theoretic approaches. The emphasis will be on
  developing an understanding of models of computation in practical use
  and of the mathematical tools that researchers can use to study them. 

  The course will begin with a review of the theory of partially
  ordered sets, particularly as applied to prefix orders and Scott
  orders. It will develop a framework for models of computation for
  concurrent systems that uses partially ordered tags associated with
  events. Discrete-event models, synchronous/reactive languages, and
  dataflow models will be studied in this context. Basic issues of
  computability, boundedness, determinacy, liveness, and the modeling
  of time will be studied. Classes of functions over partial orders,
  including continuous, monotonic, stable, and sequential functions
  will be considered, as will semantics based on fixed-point theorems.
  A hierarchy of increasingly specialized asynchronous models of
  computation, including process networks, Kahn process networks,
  dataflow process networks, the Boolean dataflow model, and
  synchronous dataflow will be covered. Timed models, including
  discrete-event systems (as embodied for example in the VHDL and
  Verilog languages) and the synchronous/reactive languages Signal,
  Lustre, Esterel, and Statecharts will be studied.

* We have organized a new course, taught during the current semester,
  Spring 2002.

  EE290o: Embedded Software Engineering
  Instructor: Christoph Kirsch

  Brief Overview: This 3 unit course will provide an introduction to
  embedded software engineering: the first part covers real-time
  operating systems, real-time communication protocols, and scheduling
  theory; the second part focuses on real-time programming and code
  generation. The course is a revised version of a course that has been
  held in Spring 2001 for the first time. The course begins with an
  introduction to real-time operating system concepts and real-time
  communication protocols like the time-triggered protocol (TTP) and
  the event-triggered CAN protocol. Scheduling techniques like
  rate-monotonic and earliest deadline first scheduling will be
  illustrated. The second half of the course emphasizes real-time
  programming and code generation for embedded systems. The high-level
  embedded programming languages Esterel, Lustre, and Giotto, will be
  presented. Esterel and Lustre are so-called synchronous reactive
  languages. Giotto is a time-triggered programming language for
  embedded control systems that has recently been developed at UC
  Berkeley. Code generation for Giotto will be discussed based on a
  virtual machine architecture called the embedded machine that has
  also been developed at UC Berkeley. Example programs in Esterel,
  Lustre, and Giotto will be implemented on Lego Mindstorm robots. Each
  week, a one and a half hour lecture will be presented and a one and a
  half hour discussion will be held.

Other Interactions

* Wolfgang Pree, Professor at the University of Salzburg, Austria, and
  Christoph Kirsch of UC Berkeley worked together to integrate Giotto
  and Simulink. Simulink is used as a front-end for building Giotto
  designs, and a tool then translates these into another Simulink model
  that executes with Giotto semantics.

* We had a two-day meeting with a team from BMW where we discussed
  model-based approaches to embedded software design.

* Michael J. Wirthlin, from Brigham Young University, visited for two
  days to work on code generation. Michael is using Ptolemy II for
  hardware synthesis. 

* Thilo Demmeler, BMW, gave a talk in our Embedded Systems seminar on
  "Enabling Rapid Design Exploration through Virtual Integration and 
  Simulation of Fault Tolerant Automotive Application."

* Zoltan Kemenczy, of Research In Motion (RIM), contributed a number of
  software improvements to Ptolemy II.  Key among these are changes that
  enrich the ability to attach Java functions to the expression language.
  In particular:

  - Convert matrix and array arguments to two-/one-dimensional
    Java arrays if a function signature using argument token
    classes wasn't found. Any Java array results are converted
    back to corresponding tokens. This permits a user to invoke
    functions that are defined on ordinary Java arrays from within
    the expression language.

  - If a function signature is not found and some arguments are
    arrays, recursively attempt reducing argument dimensions by
    one and search again. Any results are aggregated to arrays
    as the recursion is exited.  This allows, for example,
    java.lang.Math functions to be applied element-by-element
    to matrices and arrays. This works for functions and methods
    invoked on objects.

  - Provide a built-in "matlab()" form for invoking matlab

  - For StringTokens, provide access to java.lang.String class

  - Allow the construction of matrices from array arguments.
    This allows for example


    to create a 2x10 matrix.

  - Significant performance improvements on expression evaluation.

  - Updates for Ptolemy II Matlab support, including correct access to
    the matlab engine by multiple threads. The previous code was only
    working for a single thread, additional threads could not access
    the matlab engine. He also now handles BooleanTokens and translates
    them to Matlab's ones/zeroes.
* Jie Liu (of Xerox PARC) made a few enhancements and bug fixes
  in the continuous-time domain in Ptolemy II. These include a
  facility for synchronizing a simulation to real time, better
  handling of requests for future firing, a level parameter for
  the ZeroCrossingDetector actor, and other smaller changes. 

4. Publications

[1] Jie Liu and Edward A. Lee, "Timed Multitasking for Real-Time
    Embedded Software," invited paper to IEEE Control System Magazine,
    special issue on SEC, draft version, January 31, 2002.

[2] Jie Liu, Johan Eker, Xiaojun Liu, John Reekie, and Edward A. Lee,
    "Actor-Oriented Control System Design," invited paper to
    IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, draft version,
    March 15, 2002. 

[3] Stephen A. Edwards and Edward A. Lee,"The Semantics and Execution
    of a Synchronous Block-Diagram Language," accepted by Science of
    Computer Programming, to appear, 2002.

[4] Liu J., J. Eker, J. W. Janneck, and E. A. Lee: ``Realistic
    Simulations of Embedded Control Systems": To appear in proceedings
    of International Federation of Automatic Control 15th IFAC World
    Congress, Barcelona, Spain, July 21-26, 2002.

[5] Eker J., C. Fong, J. W. Janneck, and J. Liu: ``Design and
    Simulation of Heterogeneous Control Systems Using Ptolemy II''. In
    Proceedings of New Technologies for Control System, November, 2001,
    Hong-Kong, China.

[6] Jozsef Ludvig, James McCarthy, Stephen Neuendorffer, and Sonia R.
    Sachs, "Reprogrammable Platforms for High-speed Data Acquisition",
    Submitted to the International Journal Design Automation for Embedded

[7] Praveen K. Murthy and Edward A. Lee, "Multidimensional Synchronous
    Dataflow," to appear in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, July

[8] Lars Wernli, "Design and implementation of a code generator for the
    CAL actor language," Technical Memorandum UCB/ERL M02/5, University of
    California, Berkeley, CA 94720, March 2002.

5. Financial Data

Provided separately on a quarterly basis by the university.