Cyber-Security for the Controller Area Network (CAN) Communication Protocol
Chung-Wei Lin, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Chung-Wei Lin, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. "Cyber-Security for the Controller Area Network (CAN) Communication Protocol". Poster, MuSyC/GSRC Joint Review 2012, Clark Kerr Campus, 15, October, 2012.

We propose a security mechanism to help prevent cyber-attacks (masquerade and replay) on Controller Area Network (CAN) based in-vehicle architectures. We focus on CAN as it will likely continue being significantly used in upcoming in-vehicle architectures. The CAN protocol contains no direct support for secure communications. Retrofitting the protocol with security mechanisms poses several challenges given the very limited data rates available (e.g., 500kbps) as bus utilization may increase. In this paper, we focus on a security mechanism which keeps the bus utilization as low as possible. Through our experimental results, we show that our security mechanism can achieve high security levels while keeping communication overheads (e.g., bus load and message latency) at reasonable levels.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    Chung-Wei Lin, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli. <a
    ><i>Cyber-Security for the Controller Area Network
    (CAN) Communication Protocol</i></a>, Poster, 
    MuSyC/GSRC Joint Review 2012, Clark Kerr Campus, 15,
    October, 2012.
  • Plain text
    Chung-Wei Lin, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli.
    "Cyber-Security for the Controller Area Network (CAN)
    Communication Protocol". Poster,  MuSyC/GSRC Joint
    Review 2012, Clark Kerr Campus, 15, October, 2012.
  • BibTeX
        author = {Chung-Wei Lin and Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli},
        title = {Cyber-Security for the Controller Area Network
                  (CAN) Communication Protocol},
        day = {15},
        month = {October},
        year = {2012},
        abstract = {We propose a security mechanism to help prevent
                  cyber-attacks (masquerade and replay) on
                  Controller Area Network (CAN) based in-vehicle
                  architectures. We focus on CAN as it will likely
                  continue being significantly used in upcoming
                  in-vehicle architectures. The CAN protocol
                  contains no direct support for secure
                  communications. Retrofitting the protocol with
                  security mechanisms poses several challenges given
                  the very limited data rates available (e.g.,
                  500kbps) as bus utilization may increase. In this
                  paper, we focus on a security mechanism which
                  keeps the bus utilization as low as possible.
                  Through our experimental results, we show that our
                  security mechanism can achieve high security
                  levels while keeping communication overheads
                  (e.g., bus load and message latency) at reasonable
        URL = {}

Posted by Chung-Wei Lin on 25 Sep 2012.

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