Welcome to the home page of the Medical Robotics Group at University of California, Berkeley.
This is an interdisciplinary / intercampus research group between the Berkeley and San Francisco campuses of University of California, with members from Departments of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, Mechanical Engineering, and Bioengineering of UC Berkeley, and Department of Surgery of UC San Francisco.
Our lab is located in the Robotics and Intelligent Machines Laboratory of UC Berkeley.
Please visit our research pages to find out more about our exciting research projects in the cutting edge of applying robotics technology in the broadest sense to medical applications.
Our research was also featured in several newspapers and magazines. Here you can find clips of some of these articles.
Pages designed and maintained by: Dr. M. Cenk Cavusoglu. Acknowledgements.
© 1993-2002. All text, photographs, and video in this web site are the exclusive property of current and/or former members of the Medical Robotics Group, University of California, Berkeley, and/or University of California, San Francisco, except where noted. These works are protected under United States and International copyright laws, treaties, and conventions. No image or text can be copied, duplicated, modified or redistributed in any way, in whole or in part, without explicit written permission.
Last updated: January 2002. MCC.