Combined Task and Motion Planning Through an Extensible Planner-Independent Interface Layer
S. Srivastava, E. Fang, L. Riano, R. Chitnis, S. Russell, P. Abbeel

S. Srivastava, E. Fang, L. Riano, R. Chitnis, S. Russell, P. Abbeel. "Combined Task and Motion Planning Through an Extensible Planner-Independent Interface Layer". IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014.

The need for combined task and motion planning in robotics is well understood. Solutions to this problem have typically relied on special purpose, integrated implementations of task planning and motion planning algorithms. We propose a new approach that uses off-the-shelf task planners and motion planners and makes no assumptions about their implementation. Doing so enables our approach to directly build on, and benefit from, the vast literature and latest advances in task planning and motion planning. It uses a novel representational abstraction and requires only that failures in computing a motion plan for a high-level action be identifiable and expressible in the form of logical predicates at the task level. We evaluate the approach and illustrate its robustness through a number of experiments using a state-of-the-art robotics simulator and a PR2 robot. These experiments show the system accomplishing a diverse set of challenging tasks such as taking advantage of a tray when laying out a table for dinner and picking objects from cluttered environments where other objects need to be re-arranged before the target object can be reached.

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Citation formats  
  • HTML
    S. Srivastava, E. Fang, L. Riano, R. Chitnis, S. Russell, P.
    Abbeel. <a
    >Combined Task and Motion Planning Through an Extensible
    Planner-Independent Interface Layer</a>, IEEE
    International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),
  • Plain text
    S. Srivastava, E. Fang, L. Riano, R. Chitnis, S. Russell, P.
    Abbeel. "Combined Task and Motion Planning Through an
    Extensible Planner-Independent Interface Layer". IEEE
    International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),
  • BibTeX
        author = {S. Srivastava and E. Fang and L. Riano and R.
                  Chitnis and S. Russell and P. Abbeel},
        title = {Combined Task and Motion Planning Through an
                  Extensible Planner-Independent Interface Layer},
        booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
                  Automation (ICRA)},
        year = {2014},
        abstract = {The need for combined task and motion planning in
                  robotics is well understood. Solutions to this
                  problem have typically relied on special purpose,
                  integrated implementations of task planning and
                  motion planning algorithms. We propose a new
                  approach that uses off-the-shelf task planners and
                  motion planners and makes no assumptions about
                  their implementation. Doing so enables our
                  approach to directly build on, and benefit from,
                  the vast literature and latest advances in task
                  planning and motion planning. It uses a novel
                  representational abstraction and requires only
                  that failures in computing a motion plan for a
                  high-level action be identifiable and expressible
                  in the form of logical predicates at the task
                  level. We evaluate the approach and illustrate its
                  robustness through a number of experiments using a
                  state-of-the-art robotics simulator and a PR2
                  robot. These experiments show the system
                  accomplishing a diverse set of challenging tasks
                  such as taking advantage of a tray when laying out
                  a table for dinner and picking objects from
                  cluttered environments where other objects need to
                  be re-arranged before the target object can be
        URL = {}

Posted by Ehsan Elhamifar on 9 Jun 2014.
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