Using Classical Planners for Tasks with Continuous Operators in Robotics
S. Srivastava, L. Riano, S. Russell, P. Abbeel

S. Srivastava, L. Riano, S. Russell, P. Abbeel. "Using Classical Planners for Tasks with Continuous Operators in Robotics". ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics, 2013.

The need for high-level task planning in robotics is well understood. However, interfacing discrete planning with continuous actions often requires extensive engineering of the solution. For instance, picking up an object may require removing many others that obstruct it. Identifying the exact obstructions requires geometric reasoning which is prohibitively expensive to precompute, with results that are difficult to represent efficiently at the level of a discrete planner. We propose a new approach that utilizes representation techniques from first-order logic and provides a method for synchronizing between continuous and discrete planning layers. We evaluate the approach and illustrate its robustness through a number of experiments using a state-of-the-art robotics simulator, accomplishing a variety of challenging tasks like picking objects from cluttered environments, where the planner needs to figure out which other objects need to be moved first to be able to reach the target object, and laying out a table for dinner, where the planner figures out effective tray-loading, navigation and unloading strategies.

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  • HTML
    S. Srivastava, L. Riano, S. Russell, P. Abbeel. <a
    >Using Classical Planners for Tasks with Continuous
    Operators in Robotics</a>, ICAPS Workshop on Planning
    and Robotics, 2013.
  • Plain text
    S. Srivastava, L. Riano, S. Russell, P. Abbeel. "Using
    Classical Planners for Tasks with Continuous Operators in
    Robotics". ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics,
  • BibTeX
        author = {S. Srivastava and L. Riano and S. Russell and P.
        title = {Using Classical Planners for Tasks with Continuous
                  Operators in Robotics},
        booktitle = {ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics},
        year = {2013},
        abstract = {The need for high-level task planning in robotics
                  is well understood. However, interfacing discrete
                  planning with continuous actions often requires
                  extensive engineering of the solution. For
                  instance, picking up an object may require
                  removing many others that obstruct it. Identifying
                  the exact obstructions requires geometric
                  reasoning which is prohibitively expensive to
                  precompute, with results that are difficult to
                  represent efficiently at the level of a discrete
                  planner. We propose a new approach that utilizes
                  representation techniques from first-order logic
                  and provides a method for synchronizing between
                  continuous and discrete planning layers. We
                  evaluate the approach and illustrate its
                  robustness through a number of experiments using a
                  state-of-the-art robotics simulator, accomplishing
                  a variety of challenging tasks like picking
                  objects from cluttered environments, where the
                  planner needs to figure out which other objects
                  need to be moved first to be able to reach the
                  target object, and laying out a table for dinner,
                  where the planner figures out effective
                  tray-loading, navigation and unloading strategies.},
        URL = {}

Posted by Ehsan Elhamifar on 9 Jun 2014.
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