Well, this is embarrassing. There should be an image here. Great picture, too!

(Summer University Camp for Computing, Engineering, and Science Scholars)

SUCCESS is a six-week summer program offered by UC Berkeley’s College of Engineering. SUCCESS was created to offer high school students a chance to blend maker techniques and skills with ideas introduced to them by Berkeley engineers and researchers on the leading edge of their fields. During the program, students will have the opportunity to visit some of Berkeley’s world-class labs and facilities and create their own innovative projects based concepts they will encounter. SUCCESS’s activities are designed to give participants a first-person understanding of the engineering design process at the heart of every type of problem-solving process.

Our mission is to ensure our students are equipped with an increased mastery of STEM concepts. At SUCCESS students work alongside UC Berkeley faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates to develop their expertise in STEM fields in order to foster their perception of themselves as SUCCESSful scientists, makers and students.

Bay Area high school students were inspired by their experiences in the 2016 SUCCESS summer camp. Watch as they share their enthusiasm for the program.

Video by Adriel Olmos from CITRIS Media.

NOTE: The 2016 SUCCESS summer program has concluded. Please check back here next year to learn about the program and how to apply.