2004 Research Summaries for the Ptolemy Project
Research advisor: Edward A. Lee
These research summaries give a snapshot of many of the research
efforts within the
Ptolemy Project.
These summaries appear in the collection of research abstracts
EECS/ERL Research Summary.
The research summary is published once a year by the
EECS Industrial Relations Office,
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department, and the
Electronics Research Laboratory
of the University of California at Berkeley.
The EECS/ERL Industrial Relations program office
can be reached at +1-510-643-6691 or
indrelations at eecs berkeley edu
Researcher(s) |
Project Title |
Christopher Hylands Brooks, Edward Lee, Jie Liu, Xiaojun Liu, Stephen Neuendorffer, Yuhong Xiong, Yang Zhao, Haiyang Zheng
Ptolemy II- Heterogeneous Concurrent Modeling and Design in Java |
Stephen Neuendorffer and Christopher Hylands Brooks
Copernicus: Generating Code from polymorphic components and heterogenous models. |
Stephen Neuendorffer and Yang Zhao
A Framework for Component Management in Large Scale Distributed Systems |
Haiyang Zheng, Stephen Neuendorffer
Compositionality Analysis |
Christopher Hylands Brooks
Software Development in an Academic Environment |
Elaine Cheong
TinyGALS: A Programming Model for Event-Driven Embedded Systems |
Stephen Neuendorffer and Edward Lee
Vergil: User interface for Ptolemy II |
Edward A. Lee, Christopher Hylands Brooks
Ptplot - A Java 2D Signal plotter |
Joern Janneck, Chris Chang, Yang Zhao
CAL: A Novel Actor Language |
Adam Cataldo and Xiaojun Liu
Soft Walls: Modifying Flight Control Systems to Limit the Flight Space of Commercial Aircraft. |
Yang Zhao, Xiaojun Liu, Elaine Cheong, Sanjeev Kohli
A Modeling and Design Environment for Sensor Networks |
Rachel Zhou
Heterochronous Dataflow |
Sanjeev Kohli
Cache Aware Scheduling for Synchronous Dataflow Programs |
Eleftherios D. Matsikoudis
Structured Interface Automata |
N. Vinay Krishnan
An Interpretive-Scheduler for Schedule Carrying Code |
Gang Zhou
Dynamic Dataflow and Boolean Dataflow in Ptolemy II |
Xiaojun Liu
A Unified Simulation Framework and Component Model for Timed Models of Computation |
Last updated 11/20/03