1997 Research Summaries for the Ptolemy Project

Research advisor: Edward A. Lee

These research summaries give a snapshot of many of the research efforts within the Ptolemy Project. These summaries appear in the collection of research abstracts EECS/ERL 1997 Research Summary. The research summary is published once a year by the Industrial Liaison Program, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences Department, and the Electronics Research Laboratory of the University of California at Berkeley. The Industrial Liaison Program office can be reached at +1-510-643-6691 or ilp at eecs berkeley edu

Researcher(s) Project Title
Stephen A. Edwards
Heterogeneous Synchronous/Reactive Systems for Embedded Control
Michael C. Williamson
Synthesis of Parallel Hardware Implementations from Synchronous Dataflow Graph Specifications
Bilung Lee
Wan-Teh Chang
Specification of Control Flow in Ptolemy
Richard Stevens
Assigning Processes to Processors in a Parallel Architecture
Alain Girault
Distributing Reactive Systems
Dr. Seehyun Kim
Fixed-point Computation Infrastructure for Ptolemy
John Reekie
Visual Language Editor Toolkit
Edward A. Lee
Christopher Hylands
Tycho - A Heterogeneous Syntax Manager
Edward A. Lee
Discrete-Event System Theory
Geroncio Galicia
Cosynthesis of Control and Dataflow
Michael Goodwin
Prof. Martin Vetterli
Overcomplete Signal Representations for Analysis-Synthesis