Researchers: | Edward A. Lee |
Christopher Hylands | |
John Reekie | |
Advisor: | Edward A. Lee |
Sponsor: |
Tycho provides a number of textual and graphical editors in an extensible, reusable framework. It incorporates architectural features designed to facilitate multiple, coordinated views of complex and dynamically-evolving data. As well as a hypertext documentation system and a suite of graphical widgets, text tools, and interfaces to development tools, Tycho includes an enhanced graphical canvas designed to support modular, hierarchical construction of visual editors. Although designed primarily for use with the Ptolemy system, Tycho is also an opportunity to experiment with new forms of mixed visual and textual syntaxes for design representation and understanding. Tycho has been used extensively in the development of the Tycho software itself.
Tycho's user interface components are written primarily in Itcl, also called [incr Tcl], developed by Michael McLennan of Lucent Technologies. Itcl is an object-oriented extension of Tcl, a "tool command language" written by John Ousterhout of U.C. Berkeley. Tycho interfaces both with the existing C++ Ptolemy kernel, and to new simulation development work being done within the Ptolemy group in Java.
Last updated 03/22/99