TerraSwarm, CHESS, and DOP Center
Open House and Poster Session (Lunch included)
The TerraSwarm, CHESS, and DOP Center Open House and Poster Session was held on February 11, 2016 from 1:00pm - 3:00pm.
This event was part of the Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS).
Location: Posters in 545 Cory Hall, DOP Center. Lunch in 540A/B Cory Hall.
TerraSwarm Registration closed on February 5, 2016 so that we could get an accurate count for lunch. We had 26 registrants through the DOP and TerraSwarm sites at the close of registration. (If you registered through through the EECS BEARS Registration website your name will not appear here.)
Akkaya, Ilge
Brooks, Christopher
Choi, Eric
Coyne, Elizabeth
Cremona, Fabio
Dai, Yu-Yun
Dreossi, Tommaso
Ghosh, Shromona
Hansen, Andy
Iannopollo, Antonio
Jiang, Wenwen
Kim, Hokeun
Lee, Edward
Mishchenko, Alan
Nuzzo, Pierluigi
Ong, Frank
Patkin, Katia
Rabaey, Jan
Rabe, Markus N.
Seshia, Sanjit A.
Sinha, Rohit
Tan, Raechel
Wang, Tianshi
Weber, Matt
Wu, Yi-Chin
Zhang, Ben
Further information about presenting a poster can be found at the following link:
Poster instructions
Questions? Contact Libby Coyne