Eclipse is unaware of the version control aspects of the Ptolemy II project, use the shell version of Subversion to update the tree.

(No Eclipse Subversion plug-in (Subversive), use Subversion (svn) from the command line).

Use this method if getting the Eclipse plug-in named "Subversive" is not working for you. To try to install the Eclipse plug-in named "Subersive", see Eclipse is aware of the Subversion aspects of the project.

For other ways to set up Eclipse and Ptolemy II, see the Setting up Eclipse to manage your Ptolemy II development Environment page.

  1. Mac OS X already has Subversion installed. To test this, start up a Terminal window and run svn help.
    If svn is not found, then install XCode.
    Note that under Mavericks (Mac OS X 10.9) and later when you type in svn, a window may appear that prompts you to install install XCode.
    Note that XCode is roughly a 1 gigabyte download.
  2. In a directory other than the Eclipse workspace directory (if it exists), check out the ptII svn repository with read-only access:
          svn co ptII
    Note: Most users will select the /svn-anon/ URL above because they will be accessing the tree with read-only Subversion access.
    If you have an UC Berkeley EECS LDAP account or have an external account on, then check out ptII with read/write access:

    	  svn co ptII
  3. Set up the Eclipse ptII project .classpath for Ptolemy II
  4. Create the ptII project
    1. In File | New | Project, select 'Java project'.
    2. In the "Create a Java Project" window, uncheck the "Use default location" and browse to the location of the ptII tree checked out above.
      Below is the "Create a Java Project" window:

      Eclipse Create a Java Project Window

      Then hit "Next". There may be a delay while the wizart reads the directory.
    3. In the "Java Settings" window, check the "Allow output folders for source folders" checkbox.
      Below is the "Java Settings" window:

      Eclipse Create a Java Project Window

      Then hit "Finish".
    4. When asked if you want to shift to the Java perspective, click on Yes.
    5. If you there is a message about ClassDoc missing, then see ClassDoc Missing on the Kepler site. That page also has instructions for adding tools.jar.
  5. If you have read/write access go to Setup the Subversion Configuration to Sane Settings so that if you commit files, they will have the appropriate settings.
  6. The next step is to Set up the Eclipse ptII project .classpath for Ptolemy II.