GR Three-D Graphics

The GR domain is an experimental domain designed for three dimensional graphical animations. It is an untimed domain with particular optimizations aimed at reducing recomputations of scene graph components. A model consists of a set of three dimensional graphical elements, such as spheres, cylinders, etc., composed and transformed to form a scene graph. It is particularly interesting and useful to couple this domain with others, where the other domains provide the transformations for the graphical elements. For example, a model of a physical system might be constructed in CT and animated in GR.


The GR domain demos require Java3D, which can be installed You need not install Java3d if you are not planning on using GR domain.

If you plan on recompiling the GR domain, then install the Java 3D SDK and runtime. If you plan on only running the GR domain demos, then installing only the Java 3D runtime should be sufficient. We have verified the demos with the java3d-1_5_1-windows-i586.exe installer. from

You need not install Java3D if you are not planning on using GR domain.

If you plan on recompiling the GR domain, then install the Java 3D SDK and runtime. If you plan on only running the GR domain demos, then installing only the Java 3D runtime should be sufficient.

If you are running Ptolemy II under Web Start, see Installing Java 3D for use with Web Start

If, when you run the GR domain demos, you get a message about d3d8.dll missing, then you probably need to install DirectX.
DirectX can be downloaded from


  • Ptolemy II Plugin troubleshooting guide