/* Interface for channels in the wireless domain. Copyright (c) 2003-2014 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 COPYRIGHTENDKEY */ package ptolemy.domains.wireless.kernel; import java.util.List; import ptolemy.actor.Actor; import ptolemy.data.RecordToken; import ptolemy.data.Token; import ptolemy.kernel.util.IllegalActionException; import ptolemy.kernel.util.Nameable; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// WirelessChannel /** Interface for wireless channels in the wireless domain. Wireless channels are special components in a wireless model. They are used to determine the connectivity and deliver tokens from the transmitter to receiver(s). This interface defines a set of methods for the wireless channel components.

The transmitter can call the channel's transmit() method to deliver data to its corresponding receivers. It can specify the transmission properties by a record token including the transmission range, transmission power. The transmit properties may be modified by the channel model or by some property transformers(@see PropertyTransformer) during the transmission to take into account channel losses, antenna gain, noise, etc.

Channel listeners may also be added to this channel. @author Yang Zhao, Edward A. Lee, Heather Taylor, Elaine Cheong @version $Id: WirelessChannel.java 70402 2014-10-23 00:52:20Z cxh $ @since Ptolemy II 4.0 @Pt.ProposedRating Green (cxh) @Pt.AcceptedRating Yellow (cxh) */ public interface WirelessChannel extends Actor, Nameable, PropertyTransformer, ChannelListener { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// public methods //// /** Add a channel listener to listen for transmissions on this channel. * A ChannelListener can read the transmission property and token that * was transmitted on this channel. * * If the channel listener has already been added, then no changes * are made. * * If multiple channel listeners are registered that can operate on a * given transmission, then the order in which they are applied is arbitrary. * * @param listener The channel listener to add. * @see #removeChannelListener(ChannelListener) */ public void addChannelListener(ChannelListener listener); /** Return a channel port that can be used to set type constraints * between senders and receivers. An channel contains a single port, * which is an instance of ChannelPort. The port is merely used to * set up n type constrains instead of n*n, where n is the number of * ports using the channel. * @return The channel port. */ public ChannelPort getChannelPort(); /** Return a list of input ports that can potentially receive data * from this channel. This must include input ports contained by * entities contained by the container of this channel that * have their outsideChannel parameter set to the name * of this channel. Transparent hierarchy is not supported. * @return The list of input ports of class WirelessIOPort * using this channel. * @exception IllegalActionException If a port is encountered * whose outsideChannel parameter cannot be evaluated. */ public List listeningInputPorts() throws IllegalActionException; /** Return a list of output ports that can potentially receive data * from this channel. This must include output ports contained by * the container of this channel that * have their insideChannel parameter set to the name * of this channel. This method gets read access on the workspace. * @return The list of output ports of class WirelessIOPort * using this channel. * @exception IllegalActionException If a port is encountered * whose insideChannel parameter cannot be evaluated. */ public List listeningOutputPorts() throws IllegalActionException; /** Register a property transformer for transmissions from the * specified port. A PropertyTransformer modifies the transmission * property and returns the modified property. If null is * given for the port, then the property transformer will * be used for all transmissions through this channel. * If multiple property transformers are registered that can operate * on a given transmission, then the order in which they are applied * is arbitrary. Thus, property transformers should implement * commutative operations on the properties (such as multiplying * a field by a value). * If the property transformer is already registered with a particular * port, then an implementer of this method must not register it again with * that port. Similarly, if a property transformer is registered with * no port, then an implementer of this method must not register * it again with no port. * @param transformer The property transformer to be registered. * @param port The port whose transmissions should be subject to the * property transformer, or null to make them subject to all * transmissions through this channel. */ public void registerPropertyTransformer(PropertyTransformer transformer, WirelessIOPort port); /** Remove a channel listener for transmissions on this channel. * If the listener has not been added, then do nothing. * @param listener The channel listener to remove. * @see #addChannelListener(ChannelListener) */ public void removeChannelListener(ChannelListener listener); /** Return a list of input ports that can potentially send data * to this channel. This must include input ports contained by * the container of this channel that * have their insideChannel parameter set to the name * of this channel. This method gets read access on the workspace. * @return The list of input ports of class WirelessIOPort * using this channel. * @exception IllegalActionException If a port is encountered * whose insideChannel parameter cannot be evaluated. */ public List sendingInputPorts() throws IllegalActionException; /** Return a list of output ports that can potentially send data * to this channel. This must include output ports contained by * entities contained by the container of this channel that * have their outsideChannel parameter set to the name * of this channel. This method gets read access on the workspace. * @return The list of output ports of class WirelessIOPort * using this channel. * @exception IllegalActionException If a port is encountered * whose outsideChannel parameter cannot be evaluated. */ public List sendingOutputPorts() throws IllegalActionException; /** Transmit the specified token from the specified port with the * specified properties. All ports that are in range must receive * the token if they have room in their receiver. * @param token The token to transmit, or null to clear all * receivers that are in range. * @param port The port from which this is being transmitted. * @param properties The transmission properties. * @exception IllegalActionException If something goes wrong during * the transmission. */ public void transmit(Token token, WirelessIOPort port, RecordToken properties) throws IllegalActionException; /** Unregister a property transformer for transmissions from the specified * port (or from null for a generic property transformer). If the transformer * has not been registered, then do nothing. * @param transformer The property transformer to be unregistered. * @param port The port whose transmissions should be subject to the * property transformer, or null for a generic transformer. * @see #registerPropertyTransformer(PropertyTransformer, WirelessIOPort) */ public void unregisterPropertyTransformer(PropertyTransformer transformer, WirelessIOPort port); }