Ptplot 5.10.beta requires Java 1.6 or later.
To run Ptplot, the Java runtime environment (JRE) is sufficient. To run the applets in a browser, the Java plug-in is required. The JRE is bundled with the plug-in, so downloading the plug-in is sufficient. To extend Ptplot with your own Java code, the Java development kit (JDK) or an equivalent Java development environment is required. The JDK includes a Java compiler.
One way to determine what version of Java (if any) is installed is to run our Java Version Applet , which uses the Java 1.6 plug-in. Another way is to run the command below to see whether you have Java installed, and whether it is the proper version:
java -versionIf the command cannot be found, or the version that is printed is less than 1.6, you should install the plug-in, JRE 1.6, or JDK 1.6 or later.
so that d:\tmp\ptplot5.10.beta
was created.
-> Run
-> cmd
and type
java -classpath d:/tmp/ptplot5.10.beta/ptolemy/plot/plotapplication.jar ptolemy.plot.plotml.EditablePlotMLApplicationThere are also simple DOS batch files that will start up the Plotter. They depend on the
environment variable
being set. You can set that variable and run the batch files with:
C:\>set PTII=d:\tmp\ptplot5.10.beta C:\>echo %PTII% d:\tmp\ptplot5.10.beta C:\>%PTII%\bin\ptplot
To extend Ptplot under Windows, you will also need the Cygwin toolkit, and then follow the Installation Instructions to set up your build environment.