Correctness Checking using Formal Verification
This is project which tries to equip Ptolemy II with abilities to test
the correctness
of a system using formal verification. Currently we develop code
generators to
convert Ptolemy II models into files accepted by model-checkers such as
Real Time Maude.
See also:
Kyungmin Bae, Peter Csaba Olveczky, Thomas Huining Feng, Stavros
Tripakis. Verifying Ptolemy II Discrete-Event Models Using Real-Time Maude, ICFEM '09:
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Formal Engineering
Methods, 717-736, 9, December, 2009.
This demonstration and most of the demonstrations below require that
NuSMV be installed.
- Open
- Double click on the MathematicalModelConverter (Pink color).
- A dialog box will appear, asking you to input a temporal logic
formula. Type
! EF ( CarLightNormal.state = Cgrn & PedestrianLightNormal.state = Pgreen)
You may want to copy and paste the above line; it would be a lot
faster than typing it.
- Press Convert. The code accepted by NuSMV will be generated. You can
thus save the file (use .smv as the extension).
- Invoke NuSMV or SMV to see if the property is hold. You can
also invoke the model checker directly in the
MathematicalModelConverter actor without generating the file (choose
output type: Invoke NuSMV; provided that the path variable has been
correctly set up).
- Now modify the model by opening the PedestrianLightNormal
actor, redirect the transition from Pgreen to Pred by creating a self
loop in Pgreen (you can move the arrow pointed to Pred back to
Pgreen). In this way, the model is no longer correct. Perform
verification again, and the result would be false with a counter
- For models in the DE domain, an example with detailed
instructions can be found in
This example requires the installation of the real-time model checker
RED 7.0.
Demo 2: Generate the specification directly from the graph
In this demo, we are experimenting methods to alleviate designers' burden
on writing the specification themselves. A simple solution is to
generate the specification graphically. For reachability properties,
this can be done easily by annotating properties on states.
- Open
- Right click on the FMVCarlightNormal actor and select "Open
Actor". Note that now the in FMVCarlightNormal actor, the state Cgrn
is red, and so is the state Pgreen in FMVPedestrianLightNormal.
- Double click on the MathematicalModelConverter (Pink color).
- A dialog box
will appear, ask you to input temporal formula. This time, for the
formula type
, choose
. You don't need to type the formula. The specification will be
annotated automatically in the file based on red-labeled states.
- To generate an automaton with the ability to annotate
risk/reachability properties, you can open an FMVAutomaton editor from
File -> New - > Fmv Automaton editor, or you can drag an instance in the
graph editor (More Libraries -> CodeGenerators -> Verification ->
Demo 3: SMVLegacyCodeActor
The SMVLegacyCodeActor can be viewed as a preliminary version of
code-generation helpers. The user can specify functionalities written
in SMV, and the MathematicalModelConverter would append it to the
generated file. In fact, a code-generation helper for a particular
actor can be viewed as a template; the information for the actor and
relevent ports is annotated to the template as the converted result.
- Open
- You can open the PedestrianLightSMV actor, and you can
find some code written in formats acceptable by SMV.
- Double click on the MathematicalModelConverter (Pink color)
! EF (CarLightNormal.state = Cgrn & PedestrianLightSMV.state = Pgreen)
You may want to copy and paste the above line; it would be a lot
faster than typing it.
- Perform the verification.
Another example: Railroad control
Another example can be found in
A larger example in robotic controller design (reactive control)
A relatively larger example can be found in
Note that this model is not intended for simulation but only to
illustrate the verification capability.
Real Time Maude code generation and verification
A simple example that use the Ptolemy II code generator to generate Real Time Maude
may be found at
An example that shows the capability to generate models acceptable by the Real Time Maude tool, and how these models can be verified using this tool, can be
found in
. ($PTII/ptolemy/codegen was removed between Ptolemy II 8.0 and 10.0)
Installing NuSMV
Install NuSMV by downloading from its website.
For Mac OS X 10.8, see
For Mac OS X 10.7, try Mac Ports. After installing Mac Ports, try
sudo port install nusmv
This should create /opt/local/bin/nusmv
Installing REDLIB (RED 7.0)
Install RED 7.0 by downloading from its website
Installing Real Time Maude
Install Real Time Maude by downloading from its website.
To perform full integration of verification process, we also
experiment how to embed verification engines into the Ptolemy II
architecture. Currently we are able to integrate NuSMV into Ptolemy
II, where code modification is minor (<100 lines + 1 file
renaming). The core technique is to use EmbeddedCActor instead of
using Java Native Interface directly (it is relatively complicated for
C++ programmers to learn Java and JNI). Therefore, for researchers
willing to use Ptolemy II as their front-end, this offers excellent
- This is a highly preliminary code generator facility, with many
limitations. It is best viewed as a concept demonstration. Currently
it may analyze a single FSMActor, and a system consisting of multiple
FSMActors or ModalModels (with state or SR refinement) interacting
with SMVLegacyCodeActors in the SR domain. For models in the DE
domain, we also perform preliminary experiments, see
- We find some examples having minor problems executing under
NuSMV while they are executable under SMV. These problems can be
easily fixed: the instructions in the corresponding model files show
how to do this. Our preliminary diagnosis is that there are small
syntactic differences between SMV and NuSMV.
- The DE conversion mechanism in
adapts current implementation of DE semantics and disallows the use of
super dense time; the semantics is slightly different compared to the
semantics specified in the technical report:
Chihhong Patrick Cheng, Teale Fristoe and Edward A. Lee,
Applied Verification: The Ptolemy Approach,
EECS Department University of California, Berkeley Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2008-41 April 19, 2008