A Simple Ptolemy II Debugging Session Inside Eclipse

  1. Locate ptolemy/vergil/VergilApplication in the Explorer and double click. Place a breakpoint on the first line of main() by using Run | Add/Remove Breakpoint
  2. Tell Eclipse which class to run with Run | Debug As. On the Main tab, select the Ptolemy II package and enter ptolemy.vergil.VergilApplication as Main class.
  3. Press the Run button and make sure Vergil starts up.
  4. To debug, quit Vergil, and set a breakpoint:
    1. Use the Package Explorer to browse to ptolemy.domains.continuous.kernel.ContinuousDirector
    2. Find the fire() method.
    3. Right click in the left margin next to the first line of the fire() method and select Toggle Breakpoint.
  5. Then Run | Debug, and as above. In Vergil, open the Lorenz Continuo demo from the Quick Tour: Tour | complete list of all demos | Continuous | Lorenze and then run the demo.
  6. The model will run until the fire() method and the the Java debugger view will appear.

See also Eclipse Notes