2002-07-31 Christopher Hylands * ptolemy/actor/gui/HTMLViewer Paul Lieverse: Added code to handle mailto: 2002-07-15 Christopher Hylands * ptolemy/actor/gui/JNLPUtilities.java Added saveJarURLInClassPath() * ptolemy/actor/gui/Browser show(): Call saveJarURLInClassPath(), after calling BrowserLauncher.openURL(), call setContainer(null) because we have no way of communicating with the browser 2002-07-10 Christopher Hylands * ptolemy/actor/gui/BrowserLauncher.java If the url does not begin with http:, then look it up as a file, if the file does not exist, look it up in the classpath, if the url cannot be found in the classpath, then pass the original url to the browser and hope for the best. 2002-07-08 Christopher Hylands * ptolemy/vergil/basic/NamedObjController.java If the docs cannot be found, then suggest that the user install the documentation component * ptolemy/configs/doc/makefile When creating demosPtiny.htm, substitute in a link for completeDemosPtiny.htm 2002-06-18 Christopher Hylands * bin/ptinvoke.in Handle pathnames with spaces more gracefully. * configure.in * configure Ed Willink, Christopher Hylands: Better URL for JavaCC" configure.in * ptolemy/data/expr/makefile modified classpath to handle JavaCC2.1 2002-06-16 Christopher Hylands * configure configure.in We were checking for the existence of LEJOS_USER_DIR, but if it was not found we were reporting that COMM_USER_DIR was not present. 2002-06-14 Christopher Hylands * ptolemy/plot/EditablePlot.java ptolemy/plot/Histogram.java ptolemy/plot/Plot.java ptolemy/plot/PlotApplication.java Fixed imports 2002-06-11 * ptolemy/gui/Query.java: getMaximumSize() now returns the preferred height but the maximum width so that horizontal and vertical applets look good. Bumped up preferred height to 4x so that models that have parameters such as GR/Pendulum look good * lib/diva.jar (John Reekie) Updated diva/canvas/toolbox/LabelFigure.class to work with j2skd1.4.0 * ptolemy/domains/sdf/lib/FIR.java ptolemy/domains/sdf/lib/VariableFIR.java ptolemy/domains/sdf/lib/test/auto/VariableFIR.java (Edward A. Lee) Bug fix for VariableFIR.java 2002-06-10 * ptolemy/data/unit/demo/Units/Units.xml (Winthrop Williams): Added title to results display 2002-06-04 * ptolemy/domains/sdf/lib/MaximumEntropySpectrum.xml Changed wiring slightly * ptolemy/domains/sdf/lib/SmoothedPeriodogram.xml * ptolemy/domains/sdf/lib/SmoothedSpectrum.xml inputIsPower is now set to true * ptolemy/copernicus/gui/GeneratorTableau.java Throw a better error message if saving the model does not set the effigy 2002-06-03 * doc/mainheader.htm Mozilla/Netscape 6 has a bug with align=right, see http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78820 2002-05-30 * ptolemy/moml/Vertex.java * ptolemy/moml/test/MoMLParser.tcl Greg Rohling pointed out that when we export a vertex, according to the DTD, the output should not include the class. * ptolemy/actor/gui/MoMLSimpleApplication.java Don't skip MoML parsing errors 2002-05-29 * ptolemy/gui/Query.java Added scrollbars so that we can view the Units 2002-05-16 * ptolemy/actor/gui/MoMLApplication.java If openStream() barfs, then print the file name that we were to open. Note that Web Start does not seem to work very will if the path name to the vergil.jnlp file has a space in it. * ptolemy/actor/lib/URLReader.java If we throw an IllegalActionException, then be sure to include the causing exception. 2002-05-15 * bin/ptinvoke.in Added fix for 'basename: not found' message, added htmlconvert * ptolemy/kernel/test/makefile * ptolemy/domains/sdf/lib/test/makefile * ptolemy/domains/de/lib/test/makefile Added double quotes to handle spaces in pathnames * mk/jnlp.mk Use # instead of % in sed statements in case the PTII_LOCALURL as a space in it, which will come out as %20 * ptolemy/data/unit/test/makefile No need to have dummy.tcl as a dependency, fixed it so we run the auto tests 2002-05-14 * ptolemy/domains/ct/kernel/CTEmbeddedDirector.java * ptolemy/domains/ct/kernel/CTReceiver.java * ptolemy/domains/ct/kernel/CTScheduler.java (Jie Liu): Handles SignalTypes in CTReceiver * ptolemy/domains/ct/kernel/test/CTReceiver.tcl * ptolemy/domains/ct/kernel/test/CTScheduler.tcl (Jie Liu): fixed tests for CTScheduler and add test for CTReceiver. Added SignalTypes to CTReceiver * ptolemy/actor/IOPort.java (Jie Liu): fixed a bug in sinkPortList(), and add an insideSinkPortList() method. * ptolemy/domains/ct/demo/SigmaDelta/SigmaDelta.java * ptolemy/domains/ct/demo/SquareWave/SquareWave.java * ptolemy/domains/ct/demo/StickyMasses/StickyMasses.java (Elaine Cheong): Cleaned up import statements * ptolemy/domains/ct/demo/BouncingBall/BouncingBall.htm (Jie Liu): Uses MoMLApplet instead of PtolemyApplet, no longer refers to the nonexistant Java version * ptolemy/domains/ct/demo/Helicopter/Helicopter.java * ptolemy/domains/ct/demo/Thermostat/Thermostat.java (Jie Liu): Fixed the Java implementation to be compatible with signal types. * ptolemy/domains/ct/doc/toc.htm (Jie Liu): Link to Units demo went to a .xml file instead of a .htm file * ptolemy/domains/fsm/kernel/HSDirector.java (Jie Liu): return a new CTReceiver with type DISCRETE in newReceiver()" HSDirector.java * ptolemy/domains/ct/doc/signal_types.htm * ptolemy/domains/ct/doc/ct_lattice.gif * ptolemy/domains/ct/doc/main.htm (Jie Liu): Added documentation for setting signal types * ptolemy/domains/ct/doc/makefile Added signal_types.htm and ct_lattice.gif * ptolemy/configs/doc/docs.html Added link to signal_types.htm and doc/expression.htm * ptolemy/configs/doc/vergilGraphEditorHelp.htm * ptolemy/configs/doc/vergilFSMEditorHelp.htm Added link to docs.htm * ptolemy/plot/doc/thirdparty.htm Added Filter Design and Visualization applet * ptolemy/configs/doc/demos.htm (Edward A. Lee) Rearranged the order of the quick tour and improved writeup * ptolemy/configs/doc/completeDemos.htm (Edward A. Lee) New file that contains the listing by domain * ptolemy/configs/doc/completeDemosPtiny.htm * ptolemy/configs/doc/makefile completeDemosPtiny.htm is derived from completeDemosPtiny.htm * ptolemy/domains/pn/demo/OrderedMerge/OrderedMerge.xml (Edward A. Lee) New demo of PN * ptolemy/domains/pn/demo/OrderedMerge/OrderedMerge.htm * ptolemy/domains/pn/demo/OrderedMerge/OrderedMergeVergil.htm * ptolemy/domains/pn/demo/OrderedMerge/makefile * ptolemy/domains/pn/demo/makefile * ptolemy/domains/pn/doc/toc.htm Added OrderedMerge model * ptolemy/actor/lib/OrderedMerge.java * ptolemy/actor/lib/esoteric.xml * ptolemy/actor/lib/makefile * ptolemy/configs/vergilConfiguration.xml Added esoteric.xml, OrderedMerge.java * ptolemy/actor/lib/javasound/AudioReader.java (Steve Neuendorffer): Default value should use double quotes, not " * ptolemy/domains/ct/demo/Switch/Switch.xml: (Edward A. Lee): Changed to use a modal model, and improved annotation 2002-05-13 * ptolemy/plot/plotml/PlotMLParser.java * ptolemy/plot/doc/changes.htm (Alberto Gobbi, Christopher Hylands): Fix for to PlotMLParser.java * doc/javahtml.awk * doc/whatsnew.awk Added better header about what to do to update the derived files * ptolemy/domains/de/demo/ModalModel/ModalModel.xml (Edward A. Lee) Added modal model demo * ptolemy/domains/de/demo/makefile * ptolemy/domains/de/demo/ModalModel/makefile * ptolemy/domains/de/demo/ModalModel/ModalModel.htm * ptolemy/domains/de/doc/toc.htm Added ModalModel directory * ptolemy/configs/doc (Edward A. Lee) changed modal model demo and listed Switch demo under CT * ptolemy/domains/de/demo/Inspection/makefile make install now runs make jars 2002-05-10 * ptolemy/configs/ptinyEffigies.xml * ptolemy/configs/utilitiesLibrary.xml (Edward A. Lee) Adjusted positioning of annotation when we create a modal model * ptolemy/kernel/util/test/VersionAttribute.tcl Updated test that uses version after updating version to 2.0.1 * ptolemy/data/test/ComplexToken.tcl Typo in test 11.0 * ptolemy/copernicus/java/ModelTransformer.java Throw a better error message if getToken() returns null * ptolemy/copernicus/java/Main.java Added System.exit() to deal with generating code that uses a plotter 2002-05-09 * ptolemy/plot/doc/thirdparty.htm Changed the name of DataBrowser to Datascape 2002-05-07 * ptolemy/data/ByteToken.java * ptolemy/data/UnsignedByteToken.java * ptolemy/data/type/BaseType.java * ptolemy/data/type/TypeLattic.java * ptolemy/data/IntToken.java * ptolemy/data/test/ByteToken.java * ptolemy/data/test/UnsignedByteToken.java * ptolemy/copernicus/kernel/PtolemyUtilities.java Renamed ByteToken to UnsignedByteToken In Java, Bytes go from -2^7 to +2^7-1 The UnsignedByteToken class has a range from 0 to 255 * ptolemy/moml/filter/RemoveGraphicalClasses.java Substitute null for AnnotationEditorFactory and NodeControllerFactory so that we can generate an applet that will run for moml/demo/modulation.xml * ptolemy/moml/filter/test/RemoveGraphicalClasses.tcl Adjusted test results to reflect change in RemoveGraphicalClasses.java * ptolemy/copernicus/applet/compileCommandTemplate.txt * ptolemy/copernicus/interpreted/compileCommandTemplate.txt * ptolemy/copernicus/java/compileCommandTemplate.txt * ptolemy/copernicus/shallow/compileCommandTemplate.txt * ptolemy/copernicus/applet/makefile * ptolemy/copernicus/interpreted/makefile * ptolemy/copernicus/java/makefile * ptolemy/copernicus/shallow/makefile * ptolemy/copernicus/applet/runCommandTemplate.txt * ptolemy/copernicus/interpreted/runCommandTemplate.txt * ptolemy/copernicus/java/runCommandTemplate.txt * ptolemy/copernicus/shallow/runCommandTemplate.txt Added double quotes for @java@ * ptolemy/copernicus/kernel/Copernicus.java Print out the command that we are going to run in a format that can be cut and pasted. * ptolemy/gui/GUIStringUtilities.java tokenizeForExec(): Do not tokenize 2.0 as a number, it causes problems if $PTII is "ptII 2.0.1" * ptolemy/copernicus/applet/modelVergil.htm.in Increased size, added controls=buttons Include fsm.jar because vergil.jar uses classes in domains/fsm 2002-05-06 * ptolemy/matlab/makefile * ptolemy/plot/makefile * ptolemy/domains/ct/demo/jspaces/CarTracking/makefile * ptolemy/doc/makefile * ptolemy/copernicus/java/makefile * ptolemy/copernicus/java/compileCommandTemplate.txt (Bug reported by Didier MAUUARY) Added double quotes around makefile variables that are based on the path to the Java Development kit so as to deal with spaces in pathnames * ptolemy/vergil/Vergil.htm * ptolemy/vergil/vergilAppletDemo.xml Adjusted layout * bin/ptinvoke.in * util/lisp * util/lisp/gud.el * util/lisp/gud.elc (Zoltan Kemenczy, Research In Motion, Ltd.) The scripts that invoke Ptolemy II have been extended to support jdb, the Java Debugger. * doc/coding/debugging.htm * doc/coding/toc.htm * doc/coding/makefile Documentation for the -debug and -jdb options * util/lisp/README.txt * util/lisp/jindent.el * util/lisp/ptjavastyle.el Move .el files out of util/testsuite * util/lisp/ptemacs.el Sample .emacs file 2002-05-04 * ptolemy/actor/gui/Configuration.java * ptolemy/actor/gui/HTMLViewer.java (Edward A. Lee, Christopher Hylands) - Fixes for internal hyperlinks in an html file * ptolemy/vergil/actor/ActorController.java Remove 'Look Inside' context menu choice if a configuration is not found. The MoMLAppletViewer does not include a configuration, so the Look Inside menu choice did not do anything other than bring up an error message. * doc/coding/testing.htm (Winthrop Williams, Christopher Hylands) - Tuned up auto test section. 2002-04-30 * ptolemy/domains/giotto/demo/Multimode/Multimode2.xml: (Haiyang Zheng) - Updated with new model * ptolemy/data/expr/UtilityFunctions.java Try harder to get the value of ptII if we are under Web Start. * ptolemy/copernicus/kernel/Generator.xml Added MoMLViewerApplet and diva.graph.Controller for use with applet code generator. * ptolemy/copernicus/kernel/GeneratorAttribute.java Strip off trailing / on ptIIUserDirectoryAsURL. * ptolemy/copernicus/applet/AppletWriter.java Applet Generation now works under Web Start. * ptolemy/copernicus/applet/compileCommandTemplate.java Added double quotes to handle paths with spaces in them. * ptolemy/copernicus/applet/modelVergil.htm.in Don't include xml text display applet. * ptolemy/copernicus/gui/GeneratorAttribute.java If ptIIUserDirectory cannot be found, then hit the Parameters button. * ptolemy/domains/giotto/demo/Composite/* * ptolemy/domains/giotto/makefile * ptolemy/domains/giotto/doc/toc.htm * ptolemy/configs/doc/demos.htm: (Haiyang Zheng) - New demo * configure.in, configure: configure should now work if $PTII contains spaces. * ptolemy/plot/PlotBox.java: (Roger Schwenke, Christopher Hylands): Add better documentation about how to use Log axes.