static const char file_id[] = ""; /************************************************************************** Version identification: @(#) 1.32 09/10/99 Copyright (c) 1990-1999 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, without written agreement and without license or royalty fees, to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that the above copyright notice and the following two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. PT_COPYRIGHT_VERSION_2 COPYRIGHTENDKEY Programmer: Mike J. Chen Date of creation: 9/27/93 This file defines the implementation of the Matrix Message classes and the Matrix Envelope Particles that hold them. **************************************************************************/ #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma implementation #endif #include "Matrix.h" #include "Plasma.h" #include "Error.h" #include // sprintf() #include // Must be greater than the maximum number of characters in the %22.15g format #define SMALL_STRING_SIZE 32 /************************************************************************** Global operators, not members of the various Matrix classes. It is possible to define some of these functions in terms of others, for example: PtMatrix operator + (const PtMatrix& src1, const PtMatrix& src2) { PtMatrix result(src1); result += src2; return result; } PtMatrix& operator += (const PtMatrix& src2) { // do add stuff } or defining += in terms of the binary +, but it is most efficient to have the full operations defined in each function because copying the results is too expensive. **************************************************************************/ // Add two matrices ComplexMatrix operator+ (const ComplexMatrix& src1,const ComplexMatrix& src2) { if((src1.nRows != src2.nRows) || (src1.nCols != src2.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("addition used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return src1; } ComplexMatrix result(src1.nRows,src1.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = src1.entry(i) + src2.entry(i); return result; } // Pre-add matrix with a scalar ComplexMatrix operator+ (const Complex& scalar,const ComplexMatrix& matrix) { ComplexMatrix result(matrix.nRows,matrix.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = matrix.entry(i) + scalar; return result; } // Post-add matrix with a scalar ComplexMatrix operator+ (const ComplexMatrix& matrix,const Complex& scalar) { return (scalar + matrix); } // Subtract two matrices ComplexMatrix operator- (const ComplexMatrix& src1,const ComplexMatrix& src2) { if((src1.nRows != src2.nRows) || (src1.nCols != src2.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("subtraction used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return src1; } ComplexMatrix result(src1.nRows,src1.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = src1.entry(i) - src2.entry(i); return result; } // Pre-subtract matrix with a scalar ComplexMatrix operator- (const Complex& scalar,const ComplexMatrix& matrix) { return ((-scalar) + matrix); } // Post-subtract matrix with a scalar ComplexMatrix operator- (const ComplexMatrix& matrix,const Complex& scalar) { return ((-scalar) + matrix); } // Multiply two matrices, true matrix multiply, this is a fairly fast // algorithm, especially when optimized by the compiler. ComplexMatrix operator* (const ComplexMatrix& src1,const ComplexMatrix& src2) { ComplexMatrix result(src1.nRows, src2.nCols); if(src1.nCols != src2.nRows) { Error::abortRun("multiplication used on matrices with incompatible dimensions.\n"); return result; } Complex temp; for(int i = 0; i < src1.nRows; i++) for(int j = 0; j < src2.nCols; j++) { temp = src1[i][0] * src2[0][j]; for(int k = 1; k < src1.nCols; k++) temp += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j]; result[i][j] = temp; } return result; } // Pre-multiply matrix with a scalar element wise ComplexMatrix operator* (const Complex& scalar,const ComplexMatrix& matrix) { ComplexMatrix result(matrix.nRows,matrix.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = matrix.entry(i) * scalar; return result; } // Post-multiply matrix with a scalar element wise ComplexMatrix operator* (const ComplexMatrix& matrix,const Complex& scalar) { return (scalar * matrix); } // Multiply two matrices, and put result in the third. This is similar to // the binary operator * but faster because by passing the reference to the // result, we avoid an extra copy constructor step. ComplexMatrix& multiply (const ComplexMatrix& left,const ComplexMatrix& right, ComplexMatrix& result) { if((left.nCols != right.nRows) || (left.nRows != result.nRows) || (right.nCols != result.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("multiplication used on matrices with incompatible dimensions.\n"); return result; } Complex temp; for(int i = 0; i < left.nRows; i++) for(int j = 0; j < right.nCols; j++) { temp = left[i][0] * right[0][j]; for(int k = 1; k < left.nCols; k++) temp += left[i][k] * right[k][j]; result[i][j] = temp; } return result; } // Add two matrices FixMatrix operator + (const FixMatrix& src1, const FixMatrix& src2) { if((src1.nRows != src2.nRows)||(src1.nCols != src2.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("addition used on matrices of different dimensions.\n"); return src1; } FixMatrix result(src1.nRows,src1.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = src1.entry(i) + src2.entry(i); return result; } // Pre-add matrix with a scalar FixMatrix operator+ (const Fix& scalar,const FixMatrix& matrix) { FixMatrix result(matrix.nRows,matrix.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = matrix.entry(i) + scalar; return result; } // Post-add matrix with a scalar FixMatrix operator+ (const FixMatrix& matrix,const Fix& scalar) { return (scalar + matrix); } // Subtract two matrices FixMatrix operator - (const FixMatrix& src1, const FixMatrix& src2) { if((src1.nRows != src2.nRows)||(src1.nCols != src2.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("subtraction used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return src1; } FixMatrix result(src1.nRows,src1.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = src1.entry(i) - src2.entry(i); return result; } // Pre-subtract matrix with a scalar // Note this takes scalar by value because unary operator - on Fix is // destructive (i.e. replaces the Fix with its complement). FixMatrix operator- (const Fix& scalar,const FixMatrix& matrix) { return ((-scalar) + matrix); } // Post-subtract matrix with a scalar // Note this takes scalar by value because unary operator - on Fix is // destructive (i.e. replaces the Fix with its complement). FixMatrix operator- (const FixMatrix& matrix,const Fix& scalar) { return ((-scalar) + matrix); } // Multiply two matrices, true matrix multiply, this is a fairly fast // algorithm, especially when optimized by the compiler. FixMatrix operator * (const FixMatrix& src1, const FixMatrix& src2) { FixMatrix result(src1.nRows, src2.nCols); if(src1.nCols != src2.nRows) { Error::abortRun("multiplication used on matrices with incompatible dimensions.\n"); return result; } Fix temp; for(int i = 0; i < src1.nRows; i++) for(int j = 0; j < src2.nCols; j++) { temp = src1[i][0] * src2[0][j]; for(int k = 1; k < src1.nCols; k++) temp += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j]; result[i][j] = temp; } return result; } // Pre-multiply matrix with a scalar element wise FixMatrix operator* (const Fix& scalar,const FixMatrix& matrix) { FixMatrix result(matrix.nRows,matrix.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = matrix.entry(i) * scalar; return result; } // Post-multiply matrix with a scalar element wise FixMatrix operator* (const FixMatrix& matrix,const Fix& scalar) { return (scalar * matrix); } // Multiply two matrices, and put result in the third. This is similar to // the binary operator * but faster because by passing the reference to the // result, we avoid an extra copy constructor step. FixMatrix& multiply (const FixMatrix& left,const FixMatrix& right, FixMatrix& result) { if((left.nCols != right.nRows) || (left.nRows != result.nRows) || (right.nCols != result.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("multiplication used on matrices with incompatible dimensions.\n"); return result; } Fix temp; for(int i = 0; i < left.nRows; i++) for(int j = 0; j < right.nCols; j++) { temp = left[i][0] * right[0][j]; for(int k = 1; k < left.nCols; k++) temp += left[i][k] * right[k][j]; result[i][j] = temp; } return result; } // Add two matrices FloatMatrix operator + (const FloatMatrix& src1, const FloatMatrix& src2) { if((src1.nRows != src2.nRows)||(src1.nCols != src2.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("addition used on matrices of different dimensions.\n"); return src1; } FloatMatrix result(src1.nRows,src1.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = src1.entry(i) + src2.entry(i); return result; } // Pre-add matrix with a scalar FloatMatrix operator+ (double scalar,const FloatMatrix& matrix) { FloatMatrix result(matrix.nRows,matrix.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = matrix.entry(i) + scalar; return result; } // Post-add matrix with a scalar FloatMatrix operator+ (const FloatMatrix& matrix,double scalar) { return (scalar + matrix); } // Subtract two matrices FloatMatrix operator - (const FloatMatrix& src1, const FloatMatrix& src2) { if((src1.nRows != src2.nRows)||(src1.nCols != src2.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("subtraction used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return src1; } FloatMatrix result(src1.nRows,src1.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = src1.entry(i) - src2.entry(i); return result; } // Pre-subtract matrix with a scalar FloatMatrix operator- (double scalar,const FloatMatrix& matrix) { return ((-scalar) + matrix); } // Post-subtract matrix with a scalar FloatMatrix operator- (const FloatMatrix& matrix,double scalar) { return ((-scalar) + matrix); } // Multiply two matrices, true matrix multiply, this is a fairly fast // algorithm, especially when optimized by the compiler. FloatMatrix operator * (const FloatMatrix& src1, const FloatMatrix& src2) { FloatMatrix result(src1.nRows, src2.nCols); if(src1.nCols != src2.nRows) { Error::abortRun("multiplication used on matrices with incompatible dimensions.\n"); return result; } double temp; for(int i = 0; i < src1.nRows; i++) for(int j = 0; j < src2.nCols; j++) { temp = src1[i][0] * src2[0][j]; for(int k = 1; k < src1.nCols; k++) temp += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j]; result[i][j] = temp; } return result; } // Pre-multiply matrix with a scalar element wise FloatMatrix operator* (double scalar,const FloatMatrix& matrix) { FloatMatrix result(matrix.nRows,matrix.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = matrix.entry(i) * scalar; return result; } // Post-multiply matrix with a scalar element wise FloatMatrix operator* (const FloatMatrix& matrix,double scalar) { return (scalar * matrix); } // Multiply two matrices, and put result in the third. This is similar to // the binary operator * but faster because by passing the reference to the // result, we avoid an extra copy constructor step. FloatMatrix& multiply (const FloatMatrix& left,const FloatMatrix& right, FloatMatrix& result) { if((left.nCols != right.nRows) || (left.nRows != result.nRows) || (right.nCols != result.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("multiplication used on matrices with incompatible dimensions.\n"); return result; } double temp; for(int i = 0; i < left.nRows; i++) for(int j = 0; j < right.nCols; j++) { temp = left[i][0] * right[0][j]; for(int k = 1; k < left.nCols; k++) temp += left[i][k] * right[k][j]; result[i][j] = temp; } return result; } // Add two matrices IntMatrix operator + (const IntMatrix& src1, const IntMatrix& src2) { if((src1.nRows != src2.nRows)||(src1.nCols != src2.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("addition used on matrices of different dimensions.\n"); return src1; } IntMatrix result(src1.nRows,src1.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = src1.entry(i) + src2.entry(i); return result; } // Pre-add matrix with a scalar IntMatrix operator+ (int scalar,const IntMatrix& matrix) { IntMatrix result(matrix.nRows,matrix.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = matrix.entry(i) + scalar; return result; } // Post-add matrix with a scalar IntMatrix operator+ (const IntMatrix& matrix,int scalar) { return (scalar + matrix); } // Subtract two matrices IntMatrix operator - (const IntMatrix& src1, const IntMatrix& src2) { if((src1.nRows != src2.nRows)||(src1.nCols != src2.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("subtraction used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return src1; } IntMatrix result(src1.nRows,src1.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = src1.entry(i) - src2.entry(i); return result; } // Pre-subtract matrix with a scalar IntMatrix operator- (int scalar,const IntMatrix& matrix) { return ((-scalar) + matrix); } // Post-subtract matrix with a scalar IntMatrix operator- (const IntMatrix& matrix,int scalar) { return ((-scalar) + matrix); } // Multiply two matrices, true matrix multiply, this is a fairly fast // algorithm, especially when optimized by the compiler. IntMatrix operator * (const IntMatrix& src1, const IntMatrix& src2) { IntMatrix result(src1.nRows, src2.nCols); if(src1.nCols != src2.nRows) { Error::abortRun("multiplication used on matrices with incompatible dimensions.\n"); return result; } int temp; for(int i = 0; i < src1.nRows; i++) for(int j = 0; j < src2.nCols; j++) { temp = src1[i][0] * src2[0][j]; for(int k = 1; k < src1.nCols; k++) temp += src1[i][k] * src2[k][j]; result[i][j] = temp; } return result; } // Pre-multiply matrix with a scalar element wise IntMatrix operator* (int scalar,const IntMatrix& matrix) { IntMatrix result(matrix.nRows,matrix.nCols); for(int i = 0; i < result.totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = matrix.entry(i) * scalar; return result; } // Post-multiply matrix with a scalar element wise IntMatrix operator* (const IntMatrix& matrix,int scalar) { return (scalar * matrix); } // Multiply two matrices, and put result in the third. This is similar to // the binary operator * but faster because by passing the reference to the // result, we avoid an extra copy constructor step. IntMatrix& multiply (const IntMatrix& left,const IntMatrix& right, IntMatrix& result) { if((left.nCols != right.nRows) || (left.nRows != result.nRows) || (right.nCols != result.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("multiplication used on matrices with incompatible dimensions.\n"); return result; } int temp; for(int i = 0; i < left.nRows; i++) for(int j = 0; j < right.nCols; j++) { temp = left[i][0] * right[0][j]; for(int k = 1; k < left.nCols; k++) temp += left[i][k] * right[k][j]; result[i][j] = temp; } return result; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Matrix Message Class ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int PtMatrix::compareType(const PtMatrix & m) const { if(typesEqual(m)) return 1; StringList msg = "Attempt to copy "; msg += m.dataType(); msg += " Ptolemy Matrix to "; msg += dataType(); msg += " Ptolemy Matrix"; Error::abortRun (msg); return 0; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Complex Matrix Message Class - holds data of type Complex ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor: make an uninitialized matrix with no data ComplexMatrix::ComplexMatrix() { nRows = nCols = totalDataSize = 0; data = 0; } // Constructor: make an uninitialized matrix with the given dimensions ComplexMatrix::ComplexMatrix(int numRow, int numCol) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Complex[totalDataSize]; } // constructor: // initialized with the data given in the Particles of the PortHole ComplexMatrix::ComplexMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, PortHole& ph) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Complex[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the PortHole into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) { // We use a temporary variable to avoid gcc2.7.2/2.8 problems //entry(i) = Complex((const Complex &) (ph%(totalDataSize - i - 1))); Complex tmp = (ph%(totalDataSize - i - 1)); entry(i) = tmp; } } // constructor: // initialized with the data given in a dataArray ComplexArrayState ComplexMatrix::ComplexMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, ComplexArrayState& dataArray) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; if(dataArray.size() < totalDataSize) { Error::abortRun ("not enough arguments in ComplexArrayState input", " to the constructor\n"); return; } LOG_NEW; data = new Complex[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the dataArray ComplexArrayState into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = dataArray[i]; } // Copy Constructor ComplexMatrix::ComplexMatrix(const ComplexMatrix& src) { nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; LOG_NEW; data = new Complex[totalDataSize]; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } // Copy Constructor, copying only a submatrix of the original. Needs // the starting row and col to copy from the original, as well as the // dimensions of the submatrix. Undefined if the dimensions of the submatrix // are go beyond the dimensions of the original matrix. ComplexMatrix::ComplexMatrix(const ComplexMatrix& src, int startRow, int startCol, int numRow, int numCol) { if(startRow + numRow > src.nRows) { Error::abortRun("submatrix rows extend beyond dimensions of src matrix\n"); nRows = src.nRows - startRow; } else nRows = numRow; if(startCol + numCol > src.nCols) { Error::abortRun("submatrix cols extend beyond dimensions of src matrix\n"); nCols = src.nCols - startCol; } else nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Complex[totalDataSize]; for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) (*this)[row][col] = src[(startRow + row)][(startCol + col)]; } // Prints matrices in standard row column form. StringList ComplexMatrix::print() const { char buf[SMALL_STRING_SIZE]; StringList strm; strm << "ComplexMatrix: ("; strm << nRows; strm << ","; strm << nCols; strm << ")\n"; for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { sprintf(buf, "%22.15g", real((*this)[row][col])); strm << buf; strm << "+"; sprintf(buf, "%22.15g", imag((*this)[row][col])); strm << buf; strm << "j "; } strm << "\n"; } return strm; } int ComplexMatrix::operator == (const PtMatrix& src) const { if(!typesEqual(src)) return 0; if((nRows != ((const ComplexMatrix*)&src)->nRows) || (nCols != ((const ComplexMatrix*)&src)->nCols)) return 0; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) if(entry(i) != ((const ComplexMatrix*)&src)->entry(i)) return 0; return 1; } // cast conversion operators ComplexMatrix::operator FixMatrix () const { FixMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = Fix(abs(entry(i))); return result; } ComplexMatrix::operator FloatMatrix () const { FloatMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = abs(entry(i)); return result; } ComplexMatrix::operator IntMatrix () const { IntMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = int(floor(abs(entry(i)) + 0.5)); return result; } // destructive replacement operators PtMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator = (const PtMatrix& m) { // WARNING: any SubMatricies referring to the data in this matrix // will become invalid if this matrix's storage is reallocated. if(compareType(m)) { const ComplexMatrix& src = *((const ComplexMatrix*)&m); if(totalDataSize != src.totalDataSize) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; data = new Complex[totalDataSize]; } nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } return *this; } ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator = (const ComplexMatrix& src) { // WARNING: any SubMatricies referring to the data in this matrix // will become invalid if this matrix's storage is reallocated. if(compareType(src)) { if(totalDataSize != src.totalDataSize) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; data = new Complex[totalDataSize]; } nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } return *this; } ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator = (const Complex& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = value; return *this; } ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator += (const ComplexMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("+= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) += src.entry(i); return *this; } ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator += (const Complex& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) += value; return *this; } ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator -= (const ComplexMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("-= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) -= src.entry(i); return *this; } ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator -= (const Complex& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) -= value; return *this; } // Note: this is element-wise multiplication and not regular matrix multiply ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator *= (const ComplexMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("*= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) *= src.entry(i); return *this; } ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator *= (const Complex& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) *= value; return *this; } ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator /= (const ComplexMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("/= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) /= src.entry(i); return *this; } ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::operator /= (const Complex& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) /= value; return *this; } // Initialize this into an identity matrix, this does not have to be square. ComplexMatrix& ComplexMatrix::identity() { for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { if(row == col) (*this)[row][col] = 1; else (*this)[row][col] = 0; } return *this; } // non-destructive operators, returns new Matricies // Return a new matrix that is element-wise the negative of this. ComplexMatrix ComplexMatrix::operator - () const { ComplexMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = -entry(i); return result; } // Calculate the powers of a square matrix ComplexMatrix ComplexMatrix::operator ^ (int exponent) const { if(nRows != nCols) { Error::abortRun("attempt to take the power of a non-square matrix\n"); return *this; } if(exponent < 0) return (!(*this^(-exponent))); // invert the power at the end if(exponent == 0) { // matrix to zero-th power is identity ComplexMatrix result(nRows,nCols); return result.identity(); } if(exponent == 1) return *this; if(exponent % 2 == 1) // matrix to odd power return (*this * (*this^(exponent - 1))); else // matrix to even power return ((*this^(exponent/2)) * (*this^(exponent/2))); } ComplexMatrix ComplexMatrix::transpose() const { ComplexMatrix result(nCols,nRows); for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) for(int j = 0; j < nRows; j++) result[i][j] = (*this)[j][i]; return result; } // complex conjugate ComplexMatrix ComplexMatrix::conjugate() const { ComplexMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) for(int j = 0; j < nCols; j++) result[i][j] = conj((*this)[i][j]); return result; } // Hermitian transpose, i.e. conjugate transpose ComplexMatrix ComplexMatrix::hermitian() const { ComplexMatrix result(nCols,nRows); for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) for(int j = 0; j < nRows; j++) result[i][j] = conj((*this)[j][i]); return result; } ComplexMatrix ComplexMatrix::inverse() const { ComplexMatrix result(nRows,nRows); if(nRows != nCols) { Error::abortRun("attempt to invert a matrix that is not square.\n"); return result; } ComplexMatrix work(*this); // make a working copy of this Complex temp; int row, col; // set result to be the identity matrix result.identity(); for(int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { // check that the element in (i,i) is not zero if(work[i][i] == 0) { // swap with a row below this one that has a non-zero element // in the same column for(row = i+1; row < nRows; row++) if(work[row][i] != 0) break; if(row == nRows) { Error::abortRun("couldn't invert matrix, possibly singular.\n"); return result; } // swap rows for(col = 0; col < nRows; col++) { temp = work[i][col]; work[i][col] = work[row][col]; work[row][col] = temp; temp = result[i][col]; result[i][col] = result[row][col]; result[row][col] = temp; } } // divide every element in the row by element (i,i) temp = work[i][i]; for(col = 0; col < nRows; col++) { work[i][col] /= temp; result[i][col] /= temp; } // zero out the rest of column i for(row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { if(row != i) { temp = work[row][i]; for(col = nRows - 1; col >= 0; col--) { work[row][col] -= (temp * work[i][col]); result[row][col] -= (temp * result[i][col]); } } } } return result; } ComplexMatrix::~ComplexMatrix() { if(data) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // FixMatrix Message Class - holds data of type Fix /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor: make an uninitialized matrix with no data FixMatrix::FixMatrix() { nRows = nCols = totalDataSize = 0; data = 0; } // Constructor: make an uninitialized matrix with the given dimensions, // using Fix elements of the default size as defined in the Fix class FixMatrix::FixMatrix(int numRow, int numCol) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; } // Constructor: make an uninitialized matrix with the given dimensions, // using Fix elements of the given length "ln" and number of integer // bits "ib" FixMatrix::FixMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, int ln, int ib) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) data[i] = Fix(ln,ib); } // constructor: // initialized with the data given in the Particles of the PortHole, // using Fix elements of the default size as defined in the Fix class FixMatrix::FixMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, PortHole& ph) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the PortHole into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) { // We use a temporary variable to avoid gcc2.7.2/2.8 problems // data[i] = Fix((const Fix &)(ph%(totalDataSize - i - 1))); Fix tmp = (ph%(totalDataSize - i - 1)); data[i] = tmp; } } // Constructor: // initialized with the data given in the Particles of the PortHole, // using Fix elements of the given length "ln" and number of integer // bits "ib" FixMatrix::FixMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, int ln, int ib, PortHole& ph) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the PortHole into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) { double ph_data = ph%(totalDataSize - i - 1); data[i] = Fix(ln,ib,ph_data); } } // constructor: // initialized with the data given in a dataArray FixArrayState FixMatrix::FixMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, FixArrayState& dataArray) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; if(dataArray.size() < totalDataSize) { Error::abortRun ("not enough arguments in FixArrayState input", " to the constructor\n"); return; } LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the dataArray FixArrayState into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) data[i] = dataArray[i]; } // constructor: // initialized with the data given in a dataArray FixArrayState // using Fix elements of the given length "ln" and number of integer // bits "ib" FixMatrix::FixMatrix(int rows,int cols,int ln,int ib,FixArrayState& dataArray) { nRows = rows; nCols = cols; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; if(dataArray.size() < totalDataSize) { Error::abortRun ("not enough arguments in FixArrayState input", " to the constructor\n"); return; } LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the dataArray FixArrayState into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) data[i] = Fix(ln,ib,dataArray[i]); } // Copy Constructor FixMatrix::FixMatrix(const FixMatrix& src) { nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) data[i] =[i]; } // special conversion copy constructors FixMatrix::FixMatrix(const ComplexMatrix& src, int ln, int ib, int round) { nRows = src.numRows(); nCols = src.numCols(); totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) { data[i].set_rounding(round); data[i] = Fix(ln,ib,(double)abs(src.entry(i))); } } FixMatrix::FixMatrix(const FloatMatrix& src, int ln, int ib, int round) { nRows = src.numRows(); nCols = src.numCols(); totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) { data[i].set_rounding(round); data[i] = Fix(ln,ib,src.entry(i)); } } FixMatrix::FixMatrix(const IntMatrix& src, int ln, int ib, int round) { nRows = src.numRows(); nCols = src.numCols(); totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) { data[i].set_rounding(round); data[i] = Fix(ln,ib,(double)src.entry(i)); } } // Copy Constructor, copying only a submatrix of the original. Needs // the starting row and col to copy from the original, as well as the // dimensions of the submatrix. Undefined if the dimensions of the submatrix // are go beyond the dimensions of the original matrix. FixMatrix::FixMatrix(const FixMatrix& src, int startRow, int startCol, int numRow, int numCol) { if(startRow + numRow > src.nRows) { Error::abortRun("submatrix rows extend beyond dimensions of src matrix\n"); nRows = src.nRows - startRow; } else nRows = numRow; if(startCol + numCol > src.nCols) { Error::abortRun("submatrix cols extend beyond dimensions of src matrix\n"); nCols = src.nCols - startCol; } else nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) (*this)[row][col] = src[(startRow + row)][(startCol + col)]; } // Prints matrices in standard row column form. StringList FixMatrix::print() const { char buf[SMALL_STRING_SIZE]; StringList strm; strm << "FixMatrix: ("; strm << nRows; strm << ","; strm << nCols; strm << ")\n"; for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { sprintf(buf, "%22.15g", double((*this)[row][col])); strm << buf; strm << " "; } strm << "\n"; } return strm; } int FixMatrix::operator == (const PtMatrix& src) const { if(!typesEqual(src)) return 0; if((nRows != ((const FixMatrix*)&src)->nRows) || (nCols != ((const FixMatrix*)&src)->nCols)) return 0; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) if(entry(i) != ((const FixMatrix*)&src)->entry(i)) return 0; return 1; } // cast conversion operators FixMatrix::operator ComplexMatrix () const { ComplexMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = double(entry(i)); return result; } FixMatrix::operator FloatMatrix () const { FloatMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = double(entry(i)); return result; } FixMatrix::operator IntMatrix () const { IntMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = int(entry(i)); return result; } // destructive replacement operators PtMatrix& FixMatrix::operator = (const PtMatrix& m) { // WARNING: any SubMatricies referring to the data in this matrix // will become invalid if this matrix's storage is reallocated. if(compareType(m)) { const FixMatrix& src = *((const FixMatrix*)&m); if(totalDataSize != src.totalDataSize) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; } nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } return *this; } FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator = (const FixMatrix& src) { // WARNING: any SubMatricies referring to the data in this matrix // will become invalid if this matrix's storage is reallocated. if(compareType(src)) { if(totalDataSize != src.totalDataSize) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; data = new Fix[totalDataSize]; } nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } return *this; } FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator = (const Fix& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = value; return *this; } FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator += (const FixMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("+= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) += src.entry(i); return *this; } FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator += (const Fix& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) += value; return *this; } FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator -= (const FixMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("-= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) -= src.entry(i); return *this; } FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator -= (const Fix& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) -= value; return *this; } // Note: this is element-wise multiplication and not regular matrix multiply FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator *= (const FixMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("*= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) *= src.entry(i); return *this; } FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator *= (const Fix& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) *= value; return *this; } FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator /= (const FixMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("/= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) /= src.entry(i); return *this; } FixMatrix& FixMatrix::operator /= (const Fix& value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) /= value; return *this; } // Initialize this into an identity matrix, this does not have to be square. FixMatrix& FixMatrix::identity() { for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { if(row == col) (*this)[row][col] = double(1); else (*this)[row][col] = double(0); } return *this; } // non-destructive operators, returns new Matricies // Return a new matrix that is element-wise the negative of this. FixMatrix FixMatrix::operator - () const { FixMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = -entry(i); return result; } // Calculate the powers of a square matrix FixMatrix FixMatrix::operator ^ (int exponent) const { if(nRows != nCols) { Error::abortRun("attempt to take the power of a non-square matrix\n"); return *this; } if(exponent < 0) return (!(*this^(-exponent))); // invert the power at the end if(exponent == 0) { // matrix to zero-th power is identity FixMatrix result(nRows,nCols); return result.identity(); } if(exponent == 1) return *this; if(exponent % 2 == 1) // matrix to odd power return (*this * (*this^(exponent - 1))); else // matrix to even power return ((*this^(exponent/2)) * (*this^(exponent/2))); } FixMatrix FixMatrix::transpose() const { FixMatrix result(nCols,nRows); for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) for(int j = 0; j < nRows; j++) result[i][j] = (*this)[j][i]; return result; } FixMatrix FixMatrix::inverse() const { FixMatrix result(nRows,nRows); if(nRows != nCols) { Error::abortRun("attempt to invert a matrix that is not square.\n"); return result; } FixMatrix work(*this); // make a working copy of this Fix temp; int row, col; // set result to be the identity matrix result.identity(); for(int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { // check that the element in (i,i) is not zero if(work[i][i] == Fix(double(0))) { // swap with a row below this one that has a non-zero element // in the same column for(row = i+1; row < nRows; row++) if(work[row][i] != Fix(double(0))) break; if(row == nRows) { Error::abortRun("couldn't invert matrix, possibly singular.\n"); return result; } // swap rows for(col = 0; col < nRows; col++) { temp = work[i][col]; work[i][col] = work[row][col]; work[row][col] = temp; temp = result[i][col]; result[i][col] = result[row][col]; result[row][col] = temp; } } // divide every element in the row by element (i,i) temp = work[i][i]; for(col = 0; col < nRows; col++) { work[i][col] /= temp; result[i][col] /= temp; } // zero out the rest of column i for(row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { if(row != i) { temp = work[row][i]; for(col = nRows - 1; col >= 0; col--) { work[row][col] -= (temp * work[i][col]); result[row][col] -= (temp * result[i][col]); } } } } return result; } // Destructor FixMatrix::~FixMatrix() { if(data) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Float Matrix Message Class - holds data of type double ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor: make an uninitialized matrix with no data FloatMatrix::FloatMatrix() { nRows = nCols = totalDataSize = 0; data = 0; } // Constructor: make an uninitialized matrix with the given dimensions FloatMatrix::FloatMatrix(int numRow, int numCol) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new double[totalDataSize]; } // constructor: // initialized with the data given in the Particles of the PortHole FloatMatrix::FloatMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, PortHole& ph) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new double[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the PortHole into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = double(ph%(totalDataSize - i - 1)); } // constructor: // initialized with the data given in a dataArray FloatArrayState FloatMatrix::FloatMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, FloatArrayState& dataArray) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; if(dataArray.size() < totalDataSize) { Error::abortRun ("not enough arguments in FloatArrayState input", " to the constructor\n"); return; } LOG_NEW; data = new double[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the dataArray FloatArrayState into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = dataArray[i]; } // Copy Constructor FloatMatrix::FloatMatrix(const FloatMatrix& src) { nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; LOG_NEW; data = new double[totalDataSize]; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } // Copy Constructor, copying only a submatrix of the original. Needs // the starting row and col to copy from the original, as well as the // dimensions of the submatrix. Undefined if the dimensions of the submatrix // are go beyond the dimensions of the original matrix. FloatMatrix::FloatMatrix(const FloatMatrix& src, int startRow, int startCol, int numRow, int numCol) { if(startRow + numRow > src.nRows) { Error::abortRun("submatrix rows extend beyond dimensions of src matrix\n"); nRows = src.nRows - startRow; } else nRows = numRow; if(startCol + numCol > src.nCols) { Error::abortRun("submatrix cols extend beyond dimensions of src matrix\n"); nCols = src.nCols - startCol; } else nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new double[totalDataSize]; for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) (*this)[row][col] = src[(startRow + row)][(startCol + col)]; } // Prints matrices in standard row column form. StringList FloatMatrix::print() const { char buf[SMALL_STRING_SIZE]; StringList strm; strm << "FloatMatrix: ("; strm << nRows; strm << ","; strm << nCols; strm << ")\n"; for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { sprintf(buf, "%22.15g", (*this)[row][col]); strm << buf; strm << " "; } strm << "\n"; } return strm; } int FloatMatrix::operator == (const PtMatrix& src) const { if(!typesEqual(src)) return 0; if((nRows != ((const FloatMatrix*)&src)->nRows) || (nCols != ((const FloatMatrix*)&src)->nCols)) return 0; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) if(entry(i) != ((const FloatMatrix*)&src)->entry(i)) return 0; return 1; } // cast conversion operators FloatMatrix::operator ComplexMatrix () const { ComplexMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = entry(i); return result; } FloatMatrix::operator FixMatrix () const { FixMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = entry(i); return result; } FloatMatrix::operator IntMatrix () const { IntMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = int(floor(entry(i) + 0.5)); return result; } // destructive replacement operators PtMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator = (const PtMatrix& m) { // WARNING: any SubMatricies referring to the data in this matrix // will become invalid if this matrix's storage is reallocated. if(compareType(m)) { const FloatMatrix& src = *((const FloatMatrix*)&m); if(totalDataSize != src.totalDataSize) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; data = new double[totalDataSize]; } nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } return *this; } FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator = (const FloatMatrix& src) { // WARNING: any SubMatricies referring to the data in this matrix // will become invalid if this matrix's storage is reallocated. if(compareType(src)) { if(totalDataSize != src.totalDataSize) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; data = new double[totalDataSize]; } nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } return *this; } FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator = (double value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = value; return *this; } FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator += (const FloatMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("+= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) += src.entry(i); return *this; } FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator += (double value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) += value; return *this; } FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator -= (const FloatMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("-= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) -= src.entry(i); return *this; } FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator -= (double value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) -= value; return *this; } // Note: this is element-wise multiplication and not regular matrix multiply FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator *= (const FloatMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("*= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) *= src.entry(i); return *this; } FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator *= (double value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) *= value; return *this; } FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator /= (const FloatMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("/= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) /= src.entry(i); return *this; } FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::operator /= (double value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) /= value; return *this; } // Initialize this into an identity matrix, this does not have to be square. FloatMatrix& FloatMatrix::identity() { for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { if(row == col) (*this)[row][col] = 1; else (*this)[row][col] = 0; } return *this; } // non-destructive operators, returns new Matricies // Return a new matrix that is element-wise the negative of this. FloatMatrix FloatMatrix::operator - () const { FloatMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = -entry(i); return result; } // Calculate the powers of a square matrix FloatMatrix FloatMatrix::operator ^ (int exponent) const { if(nRows != nCols) { Error::abortRun("attempt to take the power of a non-square matrix\n"); return *this; } if(exponent < 0) return (!(*this^(-exponent))); // invert the power at the end if(exponent == 0) { // matrix to zero-th power is identity FloatMatrix result(nRows,nCols); return result.identity(); } if(exponent == 1) return *this; if(exponent % 2 == 1) // matrix to odd power return (*this * (*this^(exponent - 1))); else // matrix to even power return ((*this^(exponent/2)) * (*this^(exponent/2))); } FloatMatrix FloatMatrix::transpose() const { FloatMatrix result(nCols,nRows); for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) for(int j = 0; j < nRows; j++) result[i][j] = (*this)[j][i]; return result; } FloatMatrix FloatMatrix::inverse() const { FloatMatrix result(nRows,nRows); if(nRows != nCols) { Error::abortRun("attempt to invert a matrix that is not square.\n"); return result; } FloatMatrix work(*this); // make a working copy of this double temp; int row, col; // set result to be the identity matrix result.identity(); for(int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { // check that the element in (i,i) is not zero if(work[i][i] == 0) { // swap with a row below this one that has a non-zero element // in the same column for(row = i+1; row < nRows; row++) if(work[row][i] != 0) break; if(row == nRows) { Error::abortRun("couldn't invert matrix, possibly singular.\n"); return result; } // swap rows for(col = 0; col < nRows; col++) { temp = work[i][col]; work[i][col] = work[row][col]; work[row][col] = temp; temp = result[i][col]; result[i][col] = result[row][col]; result[row][col] = temp; } } // divide every element in the row by element (i,i) temp = work[i][i]; for(col = 0; col < nRows; col++) { work[i][col] /= temp; result[i][col] /= temp; } // zero out the rest of column i for(row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { if(row != i) { temp = work[row][i]; for(col = nRows - 1; col >= 0; col--) { work[row][col] -= (temp * work[i][col]); result[row][col] -= (temp * result[i][col]); } } } } return result; } FloatMatrix::~FloatMatrix() { if(data) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IntMatrix Message Class - holds data of type int /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor: make an uninitialized matrix with no data IntMatrix::IntMatrix() { nRows = nCols = totalDataSize = 0; data = 0; } // Constructor: make an uninitialized matrix with the given dimensions IntMatrix::IntMatrix(int numRow, int numCol) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new int[totalDataSize]; } // constructor: // initialized with the data given in the Particles of the PortHole IntMatrix::IntMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, PortHole& ph) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new int[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the PortHole into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) data[i] = int(ph%(totalDataSize - i - 1)); } // constructor: // initialized with the data given in a dataArray IntArrayState IntMatrix::IntMatrix(int numRow, int numCol, IntArrayState& dataArray) { nRows = numRow; nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; if(dataArray.size() < totalDataSize) { Error::abortRun ("not enough arguments in IntArrayState input", " to the constructor\n"); return; } LOG_NEW; data = new int[totalDataSize]; // Load the data from the dataArray IntArrayState into the matrix. for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) data[i] = dataArray[i]; } // Copy Constructor IntMatrix::IntMatrix(const IntMatrix& src) { nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; LOG_NEW; data = new int[totalDataSize]; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) data[i] =[i]; } // Copy Constructor, copying only a submatrix of the original. Needs // the starting row and col to copy from the original, as well as the // dimensions of the submatrix. Undefined if the dimensions of the submatrix // are go beyond the dimensions of the original matrix. IntMatrix::IntMatrix(const IntMatrix& src, int startRow, int startCol, int numRow, int numCol) { if(startRow + numRow > src.nRows) { Error::abortRun("submatrix rows extend beyond dimensions of src matrix\n"); nRows = src.nRows - startRow; } else nRows = numRow; if(startCol + numCol > src.nCols) { Error::abortRun("submatrix cols extend beyond dimensions of src matrix\n"); nCols = src.nCols - startCol; } else nCols = numCol; totalDataSize = nRows * nCols; LOG_NEW; data = new int[totalDataSize]; for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) (*this)[row][col] = src[(startRow + row)][(startCol + col)]; } // Prints matrices in standard row column form. StringList IntMatrix::print() const { char buf[SMALL_STRING_SIZE]; StringList strm; strm << "IntMatrix: ("; strm << nRows; strm << ","; strm << nCols; strm << ")\n"; for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { sprintf(buf, "%11d", (*this)[row][col]); strm << buf; strm << " "; } strm << "\n"; } return strm; } int IntMatrix::operator == (const PtMatrix& src) const { if(!typesEqual(src)) return 0; if((nRows != ((const IntMatrix*)&src)->nRows) || (nCols != ((const IntMatrix*)&src)->nCols)) return 0; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) if(entry(i) != ((const IntMatrix*)&src)->entry(i)) return 0; return 1; } // cast conversion operators IntMatrix::operator ComplexMatrix () const { ComplexMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = double(entry(i)); return result; } IntMatrix::operator FixMatrix () const { FixMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = Fix(double(entry(i))); return result; } IntMatrix::operator FloatMatrix () const { FloatMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = double(entry(i)); return result; } // destructive replacement operators PtMatrix& IntMatrix::operator = (const PtMatrix& m) { // WARNING: any SubMatricies referring to the data in this matrix // will become invalid if this matrix's storage is reallocated. if(compareType(m)) { const IntMatrix& src = *((const IntMatrix*)&m); if(totalDataSize != src.totalDataSize) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; data = new int[src.totalDataSize]; } nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } return *this; } IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator = (const IntMatrix& src) { // WARNING: any SubMatricies referring to the data in this matrix // will become invalid if this matrix's storage is reallocated. if(compareType(src)) { if(totalDataSize != src.totalDataSize) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; totalDataSize = src.totalDataSize; data = new int[src.totalDataSize]; } nRows = src.nRows; nCols = src.nCols; for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = src.entry(i); } return *this; } IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator = (int value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) = value; return *this; } IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator += (const IntMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("+= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) += src.entry(i); return *this; } IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator += (int value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) += value; return *this; } IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator -= (const IntMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("-= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) -= src.entry(i); return *this; } IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator -= (int value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) -= value; return *this; } // Note: this is element-wise multiplication and not regular matrix multiply IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator *= (const IntMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("*= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) *= src.entry(i); return *this; } IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator *= (int value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) *= value; return *this; } IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator /= (const IntMatrix& src) { if((nRows != src.nRows) || (nCols != src.nCols)) { Error::abortRun("/= used on matrices of different dimensions\n"); return *this; } for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) /= src.entry(i); return *this; } IntMatrix& IntMatrix::operator /= (int value) { for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) entry(i) /= value; return *this; } // Initialize this into an identity matrix, this does not have to be square. IntMatrix& IntMatrix::identity() { for(int row = 0; row < nRows; row++) for(int col = 0; col < nCols; col++) { if(row == col) (*this)[row][col] = 1; else (*this)[row][col] = 0; } return *this; } // non-destructive operators, returns new Matricies // Return a new matrix that is element-wise the negative of this. IntMatrix IntMatrix::operator - () const { IntMatrix result(nRows,nCols); for(int i = 0; i < totalDataSize; i++) result.entry(i) = -entry(i); return result; } // Calculate the powers of a square matrix IntMatrix IntMatrix::operator ^ (int exponent) const { if(nRows != nCols) { Error::abortRun("attempt to take the power of a non-square matrix\n"); return *this; } if(exponent < 0) return (!(*this^(-exponent))); // invert the power at the end if(exponent == 0) { // matrix to zero-th power is identity IntMatrix result(nRows,nCols); return result.identity(); } if(exponent == 1) return *this; if(exponent % 2 == 1) // matrix to odd power return (*this * (*this^(exponent - 1))); else // matrix to even power return ((*this^(exponent/2)) * (*this^(exponent/2))); } IntMatrix IntMatrix::transpose() const { IntMatrix result(nCols,nRows); for(int i = 0; i < nCols; i++) for(int j = 0; j < nRows; j++) result[i][j] = (*this)[j][i]; return result; } // Note, if A is the original matrix and !A is its inverse as an IntMatrix, // then A * !A does not necessarily equal the identity matrix because // A's inverse might not be representable as an IntMatrix. IntMatrix IntMatrix::inverse() const { IntMatrix result(nRows,nRows); if(nRows != nCols) { Error::abortRun("attempt to invert a matrix that is not square.\n"); return result; } IntMatrix work(*this); // make a working copy of this int temp; int row, col; // set result to be the identity matrix result.identity(); for(int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) { // check that the element in (i,i) is not zero if(work[i][i] == 0) { // swap with a row below this one that has a non-zero element // in the same column for(row = i+1; row < nRows; row++) if(work[row][i] != 0) break; if(row == nRows) { Error::abortRun("couldn't invert matrix, possibly singular.\n"); return result; } // swap rows for(col = 0; col < nRows; col++) { temp = work[i][col]; work[i][col] = work[row][col]; work[row][col] = temp; temp = result[i][col]; result[i][col] = result[row][col]; result[row][col] = temp; } } // divide every element in the row by element (i,i) temp = work[i][i]; for(col = 0; col < nRows; col++) { work[i][col] /= temp; result[i][col] /= temp; } // zero out the rest of column i for(row = 0; row < nRows; row++) { if(row != i) { temp = work[row][i]; for(col = nRows - 1; col >= 0; col--) { work[row][col] -= (temp * work[i][col]); result[row][col] -= (temp * result[i][col]); } } } } return result; } // Destructor IntMatrix::~IntMatrix() { if(data) { LOG_DEL; delete [] data; } } /**************************************************************************** MatrixEnvParticles, used to hold envelopes which hold the actual matrices. *****************************************************************************/ extern const DataType COMPLEX_MATRIX_ENV = "COMPLEX_MATRIX_ENV"; extern const DataType FIX_MATRIX_ENV = "FIX_MATRIX_ENV"; extern const DataType FLOAT_MATRIX_ENV = "FLOAT_MATRIX_ENV"; extern const DataType INT_MATRIX_ENV = "INT_MATRIX_ENV"; /////////////////////////////// // MatrixEnvParticle Base Class /////////////////////////////// static Envelope dummy; MatrixEnvParticle::operator int() const { return errorConvert("int");} MatrixEnvParticle::operator double() const { return errorConvert("double"); } MatrixEnvParticle::operator float() const { return errorConvert("float"); } MatrixEnvParticle::operator Complex() const { return errorConvert("complex");} MatrixEnvParticle::operator Fix () const { Fix dummy; errorConvert("fix"); return dummy; } StringList MatrixEnvParticle::print() const { return data.print(); } int MatrixEnvParticle::errorConvert(const char* arg) const { StringList msg = "Message type, '"; msg << type(); msg << "': invalid conversion to "; msg << arg; Error::abortRun(msg); return 0; } // get the Matrix from the MatrixEnvParticle. void MatrixEnvParticle::accessMessage (Envelope& p) const { p = data; } // get the Matrix and remove the reference (by setting data to dummy) void MatrixEnvParticle::getMessage (Envelope& p) { p = data; data = dummy; } Particle& MatrixEnvParticle::initialize() { data = dummy; return *this;} // particle compare: considered equal if Matrix addresses are the same. int MatrixEnvParticle :: operator == (const Particle& p) { if (!typesEqual(p)) return 0; Envelope pkt; ((const MatrixEnvParticle&)p).accessMessage(pkt); return data.myData() == pkt.myData(); } ////////////////////////////////// // ComplexMatrixEnvParticle Class ////////////////////////////////// static ComplexMatrixEnvParticle cmepproto; static Plasma ComplexMatrixEnvPlasma(cmepproto); static PlasmaGate ComplexMatrixEnvGate(ComplexMatrixEnvPlasma); // constructors ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::ComplexMatrixEnvParticle(const Envelope& p) { data = p; } ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::ComplexMatrixEnvParticle() {} DataType ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::type() const { return COMPLEX_MATRIX_ENV;} // Initialize a given ParticleStack with the values in delay, // obtaining other particles from the given plasma. Returns // the number of toal particles initialized, including this one. // Assumes that the delay string is in the following format: // "nrows ncols (A[0][0].real,A[0][0].imag) (A[0][1].real,A[0][1].imag), ... A[0][ncols-1] A[1][0] ... (A[nrows][ncols].real,A[nrows][ncols].imag)" // 3/2/94 added int ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::initParticleStack(Block* parent, ParticleStack& pstack, Plasma* myPlasma, const char* delay) { ComplexArrayState initDelays; initDelays.setState("initDelays",parent,delay); initDelays.initialize(); if(initDelays.size() < 3) { Error::abortRun("improper initial values for delay on ComplexMatrix arc"); return 0; } int numRows = int(initDelays[0].real()); int numCols = int(initDelays[1].real()); int matrixSize = numRows * numCols; // the number of complete Matricies that we have initial values for int numInitialParticles = (initDelays.size() - 2) / matrixSize; if(numInitialParticles < 1) { Error::abortRun("not enough initial values for delay on ComplexMatrix arc"); return 0; } // create a new matrix for this particle ComplexMatrix *matrix = new ComplexMatrix(numRows,numCols); for(int k = 0; k < matrixSize; k++) matrix->entry(k) = initDelays[k + 2]; Envelope p(*matrix); data = p; // create new matrices, initialize them, stuff them into Envelopes, put // the envelopes into MatrixEnvParticles obtained from the plasma for(int i = 1; i < numInitialParticles; i++) { ComplexMatrix *matrix = new ComplexMatrix(numRows,numCols); for(int k = 0; k < matrixSize; k++) matrix->entry(k) = initDelays[i * matrixSize + k + 2]; Particle* p = myPlasma->get(); *p << *matrix; pstack.putTail(p); } return numInitialParticles; } // load with data -- function errorAssign prints an // error and calls Error::abortRun(). void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Complex&) { errorAssign("Complex"); } void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (double) { errorAssign("double"); } void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Fix&) { errorAssign("Fix"); } void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (int) { errorAssign("int"); } void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (FixMatrix&) { errorAssign("FixMatrix"); } void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (FloatMatrix&) { errorAssign("FloatMatrix"); } void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (IntMatrix&) { errorAssign("IntMatrix"); } void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Envelope& p) { if(!p.typeCheck("ComplexMatrix") && !p.empty()) errorAssign(p.dataType()); else data = p; } void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (ComplexMatrix& m) { Envelope p(m); data = p; } // particle copy Particle& ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::operator = (const Particle& p) { if (compareType(p)) { const ComplexMatrixEnvParticle& ps = *(const ComplexMatrixEnvParticle*)&p; data =; } return *this; } // clone, useNew, die analogous to other particles. Particle* ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::clone() const { Particle * p = ComplexMatrixEnvPlasma.get(); ((ComplexMatrixEnvParticle*)p)->data = data; return p; } Particle* ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::useNew() const { LOG_NEW; return new ComplexMatrixEnvParticle; } // We assign "dummy" to the Envelope before returning it to the Plasma. // this removes references to other ComplexMatrix objects and allows them // to be deleted when no longer required. void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::die() { data = dummy; ComplexMatrixEnvPlasma.put(this); } void ComplexMatrixEnvParticle::errorAssign(const char* argType) const { StringList msg = "Attempt to assign type "; msg << argType; msg << " to a ComplexMatrixEnvParticle"; Error::abortRun(msg); } ////////////////////////////// // FixMatrixEnvParticle Class ////////////////////////////// static FixMatrixEnvParticle fixmepproto; static Plasma FixMatrixEnvPlasma(fixmepproto); static PlasmaGate FixMatrixEnvGate(FixMatrixEnvPlasma); // constructors FixMatrixEnvParticle::FixMatrixEnvParticle(const Envelope& p) { data = p; } FixMatrixEnvParticle::FixMatrixEnvParticle() {} DataType FixMatrixEnvParticle::type() const { return FIX_MATRIX_ENV;} // Initialize a given ParticleStack with the values in delay, // obtaining other particles from the given plasma. Returns // the number of toal particles initialized, including this one. // Assumes that the delay string is in the following format: // "nrows ncols A[0][0] A[0][1] ... A[0][ncols-1] A[1][0] ... A[nrows][ncols]" // 3/2/94 added int FixMatrixEnvParticle::initParticleStack(Block* parent, ParticleStack& pstack, Plasma* myPlasma, const char* delay) { FixArrayState initDelays; initDelays.setState("initDelays",parent,delay); initDelays.initialize(); if(initDelays.size() < 3) { Error::abortRun("improper initial values for delay on FixMatrix arc"); return 0; } int numRows = int(initDelays[0]); int numCols = int(initDelays[1]); int matrixSize = numRows * numCols; // the number of complete Matricies that we have initial values for int numInitialParticles = (initDelays.size() - 2) / matrixSize; if(numInitialParticles < 1) { Error::abortRun("not enough initial values for delay on FixMatrix arc"); return 0; } // create a new matrix for this particle FixMatrix *matrix = new FixMatrix(numRows,numCols); for(int k = 0; k < matrixSize; k++) matrix->entry(k) = initDelays[k + 2]; Envelope p(*matrix); data = p; // create new matrices, initialize them, stuff them into Envelopes, put // the envelopes into MatrixEnvParticles obtained from the plasma for(int i = 1; i < numInitialParticles; i++) { FixMatrix *matrix = new FixMatrix(numRows,numCols); for(int k = 0; k < matrixSize; k++) matrix->entry(k) = initDelays[i * matrixSize + k + 2]; Particle* p = myPlasma->get(); *p << *matrix; pstack.putTail(p); } return numInitialParticles; } // load with data -- function errorAssign prints an // error and calls Error::abortRun(). void FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Complex&) { errorAssign("Complex"); } void FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (double) { errorAssign("double"); } void FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Fix&) { errorAssign("Fix"); } void FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (int) { errorAssign("int"); } void FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (ComplexMatrix&) { errorAssign("ComplexMatrix"); } void FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (FloatMatrix&) { errorAssign("FloatMatrix"); } void FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (IntMatrix&) { errorAssign("IntMatrix"); } void FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Envelope& p) { if(!p.typeCheck("FixMatrix") && !p.empty()) errorAssign(p.dataType()); else data = p; } void FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (FixMatrix& m) { Envelope p(m); data = p; } // particle copy Particle& FixMatrixEnvParticle::operator = (const Particle& p) { if (compareType(p)) { const FixMatrixEnvParticle& ps = *(const FixMatrixEnvParticle*)&p; data =; } return *this; } // clone, useNew, die analogous to other particles. Particle* FixMatrixEnvParticle::clone() const { Particle * p = FixMatrixEnvPlasma.get(); ((FixMatrixEnvParticle*)p)->data = data; return p; } Particle* FixMatrixEnvParticle::useNew() const { LOG_NEW; return new FixMatrixEnvParticle; } // We assign "dummy" to the Envelope before returning it to the Plasma. // this removes references to other FixMatrix objects and allows them // to be deleted when no longer required. void FixMatrixEnvParticle::die() { data = dummy; FixMatrixEnvPlasma.put(this); } void FixMatrixEnvParticle::errorAssign(const char* argType) const { StringList msg = "Attempt to assign type "; msg << argType; msg << " to a FixMatrixEnvParticle"; Error::abortRun(msg); } /////////////////////////////// // FloatMatrixEnvParticle Class /////////////////////////////// static FloatMatrixEnvParticle fmepproto; static Plasma FloatMatrixEnvPlasma(fmepproto); static PlasmaGate FloatMatrixEnvGate(FloatMatrixEnvPlasma); // constructors FloatMatrixEnvParticle::FloatMatrixEnvParticle(const Envelope& p) { data = p; } FloatMatrixEnvParticle::FloatMatrixEnvParticle() {} DataType FloatMatrixEnvParticle::type() const { return FLOAT_MATRIX_ENV;} // Initialize a given ParticleStack with the values in delay, // obtaining other particles from the given plasma. Returns // the number of toal particles initialized, including this one. // Assumes that the delay string is in the following format: // "nrows ncols A[0][0] A[0][1] ... A[0][ncols-1] A[1][0] ... A[nrows][ncols]" // 3/2/94 added int FloatMatrixEnvParticle::initParticleStack(Block* parent, ParticleStack& pstack, Plasma* myPlasma, const char* delay) { FloatArrayState initDelays; initDelays.setState("initDelays",parent,delay); initDelays.initialize(); if(initDelays.size() < 3) { Error::abortRun("improper initial values for delay on FloatMatrix arc"); return 0; } int numRows = int(initDelays[0]); int numCols = int(initDelays[1]); int matrixSize = numRows * numCols; // the number of complete Matricies that we have initial values for int numInitialParticles = (initDelays.size() - 2) / matrixSize; if(numInitialParticles < 1) { Error::abortRun("not enough initial values for delay on FloatMatrix arc"); return 0; } // create a new matrix for this particle FloatMatrix *matrix = new FloatMatrix(numRows,numCols); for(int k = 0; k < matrixSize; k++) matrix->entry(k) = initDelays[k + 2]; Envelope p(*matrix); data = p; // create new matrices, initialize them, stuff them into Envelopes, put // the envelopes into MatrixEnvParticles obtained from the plasma for(int i = 1; i < numInitialParticles; i++) { FloatMatrix *matrix = new FloatMatrix(numRows,numCols); for(int k = 0; k < matrixSize; k++) matrix->entry(k) = initDelays[i * matrixSize + k + 2]; Particle* p = myPlasma->get(); *p << *matrix; pstack.putTail(p); } return numInitialParticles; } // load with data -- function errorAssign prints an // error and calls Error::abortRun(). void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Complex&) { errorAssign("Complex"); } void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (double) { errorAssign("double"); } void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Fix&) { errorAssign("Fix"); } void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (int) { errorAssign("int"); } void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (ComplexMatrix&) { errorAssign("ComplexMatrix"); } void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (FixMatrix&) { errorAssign("FixMatrix"); } void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (IntMatrix&) { errorAssign("IntMatrix"); } void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Envelope& p) { if(!p.typeCheck("FloatMatrix") && !p.empty()) errorAssign(p.dataType()); else data = p; } void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (FloatMatrix& m) { Envelope p(m); data = p; } // particle copy Particle& FloatMatrixEnvParticle::operator = (const Particle& p) { if (compareType(p)) { const FloatMatrixEnvParticle& ps = *(const FloatMatrixEnvParticle*)&p; data =; } return *this; } // clone, useNew, die analogous to other particles. Particle* FloatMatrixEnvParticle::clone() const { Particle * p = FloatMatrixEnvPlasma.get(); ((FloatMatrixEnvParticle*)p)->data = data; return p; } Particle* FloatMatrixEnvParticle::useNew() const { LOG_NEW; return new FloatMatrixEnvParticle; } // We assign "dummy" to the Envelope before returning it to the Plasma. // this removes references to other FloatMatrix objects and allows them // to be deleted when no longer required. void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::die() { data = dummy; FloatMatrixEnvPlasma.put(this); } void FloatMatrixEnvParticle::errorAssign(const char* argType) const { StringList msg = "Attempt to assign type "; msg << argType; msg << " to a FloatMatrixEnvParticle"; Error::abortRun(msg); } ////////////////////////////// // IntMatrixEnvParticle Class ////////////////////////////// static IntMatrixEnvParticle imepproto; static Plasma IntMatrixEnvPlasma(imepproto); static PlasmaGate IntMatrixEnvGate(IntMatrixEnvPlasma); // constructors IntMatrixEnvParticle::IntMatrixEnvParticle(const Envelope& p) { data = p; } IntMatrixEnvParticle::IntMatrixEnvParticle() {} DataType IntMatrixEnvParticle::type() const { return INT_MATRIX_ENV;} // Initialize a given ParticleStack with the values in delay, // obtaining other particles from the given plasma. Returns // the number of toal particles initialized, including this one. // Assumes that the delay string is in the following format: // "nrows ncols A[0][0] A[0][1] ... A[0][ncols-1] A[1][0] ... A[nrows][ncols]" // 3/2/94 added int IntMatrixEnvParticle::initParticleStack(Block* parent, ParticleStack& pstack, Plasma* myPlasma, const char* delay) { IntArrayState initDelays; initDelays.setState("initDelays",parent,delay); initDelays.initialize(); if(initDelays.size() < 3) { Error::abortRun("improper initial values for delay on IntMatrix arc"); return 0; } int numRows = initDelays[0]; int numCols = initDelays[1]; int matrixSize = numRows * numCols; // the number of complete Matricies that we have initial values for int numInitialParticles = (initDelays.size() - 2) / matrixSize; if(numInitialParticles < 1) { Error::abortRun("not enough initial values for delay on IntMatrix arc"); return 0; } // create a new matrix for this particle IntMatrix *matrix = new IntMatrix(numRows,numCols); for(int k = 0; k < matrixSize; k++) matrix->entry(k) = initDelays[k + 2]; Envelope p(*matrix); data = p; // create new matrices, initialize them, stuff them into Envelopes, put // the envelopes into MatrixEnvParticles obtained from the plasma for(int i = 1; i < numInitialParticles; i++) { IntMatrix *matrix = new IntMatrix(numRows,numCols); for(int k = 0; k < matrixSize; k++) matrix->entry(k) = initDelays[i * matrixSize + k + 2]; Particle* p = myPlasma->get(); *p << *matrix; pstack.putTail(p); } return numInitialParticles; } // load with data -- function errorAssign prints an // error and calls Error::abortRun(). void IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Complex&) { errorAssign("Complex"); } void IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (double) { errorAssign("double"); } void IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Fix&) { errorAssign("Fix"); } void IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (int) { errorAssign("int"); } void IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (ComplexMatrix&) { errorAssign("ComplexMatrix"); } void IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (FixMatrix&) { errorAssign("FixMatrix"); } void IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (FloatMatrix&) { errorAssign("FloatMatrix"); } void IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (const Envelope& p) { if(!p.typeCheck("IntMatrix") && !p.empty()) errorAssign(p.dataType()); else data = p; } void IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator << (IntMatrix& m) { Envelope p(m); data = p; } // particle copy Particle& IntMatrixEnvParticle::operator = (const Particle& p) { if (compareType(p)) { const IntMatrixEnvParticle& ps = *(const IntMatrixEnvParticle*)&p; data =; } return *this; } // clone, useNew, die analogous to other particles. Particle* IntMatrixEnvParticle::clone() const { Particle * p = IntMatrixEnvPlasma.get(); ((IntMatrixEnvParticle*)p)->data = data; return p; } Particle* IntMatrixEnvParticle::useNew() const { LOG_NEW; return new IntMatrixEnvParticle; } // We assign "dummy" to the Envelope before returning it to the Plasma. // this removes references to other IntMatrix objects and allows them // to be deleted when no longer required. void IntMatrixEnvParticle::die() { data = dummy; IntMatrixEnvPlasma.put(this); } void IntMatrixEnvParticle::errorAssign(const char* argType) const { StringList msg = "Attempt to assign type "; msg << argType; msg << " to a IntMatrixEnvParticle"; Error::abortRun(msg); }