defstar { name { PlayAIFF } domain { SDF } desc { Play an input stream on the workstation speaker. The "gain" state (default 10000.0) multiplies the input stream before it is written. The inputs should be in the range of -32000.0 to 32000.0. The file is played at a fixed sampling rate entered in the dialog box. Sampling rate is in samples/second and the default is 44100. When the wrapup method is called, a file of samples is handed to a program named "ptaiffplay" which plays the file. The "ptaiffplay" program must be in your path. } author { Charles B. Owen } hinclude {"pt_fstream.h"} ccinclude {"SimControl.h", , , "miscFuncs.h", "paths.h", } header { // AIFF Type Definitions typedef char ID[4]; struct Chunk { ID ckID; long ckSize; ID formType; }; struct ChunkHeader { ID ckID; long ckSize; }; } input { name { input } type { float } } defstate { name { gain } type { float } default { "10000.0" } desc { Output gain. } } defstate { name {fileName} type {string} default {""} desc {File name for the saved the AIFF file.} } defstate { name {playFile} type {int} default{"YES"} desc{Play file using ptaiffplay program?} } defstate { name {sampleRate} type {int} default {"44100"} desc {Sample rate to save file as.} } private { int WriteChunk(const Chunk &chunk); int WriteChunkHeader(const ChunkHeader &chunk); int WriteID(const ID id); int WriteLONG(long item); int WriteULONG(unsigned long item); int WriteSHORT(int item); void double_to_extended(unsigned char *ps, double pd); pt_ofstream output; const char *useName; int numChannels; unsigned long numSampleFrames; int delFile; } constructor {useName = NULL;} destructor {delete [] useName; output.close();} setup { // Check for required program if(playFile && progNotFound("ptaiffplay", "Sound files cannot be played without it.")) return; // If name is empty, use a temp file delete [] useName; const char *sf = fileName; if(sf == NULL || *sf == 0) { useName = tempFileName(); delFile = 1; } else { useName = expandPathName(fileName); delFile = 0; }; if(!output) { Error::abortRun(*this, "Can't open file ", useName); return; } // Write the file header Chunk form; strncpy(form.ckID, "FORM", 4); strncpy(form.formType, "AIFF", 4); form.ckSize = 0; // Have to rewrite later WriteChunk(form); // Start the SSND chunk ChunkHeader ssnd; strncpy(ssnd.ckID, "SSND", 4); ssnd.ckSize = 0; // Have to rewrite later WriteChunkHeader(ssnd); WriteULONG(0l); WriteULONG(0l); // We are ready to write audio at this point (we write the other stuff last) numSampleFrames = 0; } go { // Ensure clipping of the signal. float fsample = double(input%0) * double(gain); if(fsample < -32768.) fsample = -32768.; else if(fsample > 32767.) fsample = 32767.; int sample = int(fsample); WriteSHORT(sample); numSampleFrames++; } wrapup { // Write the COMM header ChunkHeader comm; strncpy(comm.ckID, "COMM", 4); comm.ckSize = 18; WriteChunkHeader(comm); WriteSHORT(1); // 1 channel WriteULONG(numSampleFrames); WriteSHORT(16); // sample size in bits unsigned char xsampleRate[10]; double_to_extended(xsampleRate, sampleRate); output.write((const void *)xsampleRate, 10); // Now we have to go back and fill in the rest. unsigned long filelen = output.tellp(); output.seekp(4); WriteULONG(filelen - 8); output.seekp(16); WriteULONG(numSampleFrames * 2 + 8); if(!output) { Error::abortRun(*this, "Failure writing AIFF file"); return; } output.close(); if(playFile) { StringList cmd; if(delFile) cmd += "( "; cmd += "ptaiffplay "; cmd += useName; if(delFile) { cmd += "; /bin/rm -f "; cmd += useName; cmd += ")"; } cmd += "&"; system(cmd); delFile = 0; } } code { /* * Name : SDFPlayAIFF::WriteChunk() * Description : This writes an object of type Chunk to disk, * for any type of machine. */ int SDFPlayAIFF::WriteChunk(const Chunk &chunk) { WriteID(chunk.ckID); WriteLONG(chunk.ckSize); WriteID(chunk.formType); return !; } /* * Name : SDFPlayAIFF::WriteChunkHeader() * Description : This writes an object of type ChunkHeader to disk, * for any type of machine. */ int SDFPlayAIFF::WriteChunkHeader(const ChunkHeader &chunk) { WriteID(chunk.ckID); WriteLONG(chunk.ckSize); return !; } /* * Name : SDFPlayAIFF::WriteID() * Description : Writes an AIFF/AIFC file object of type ID. */ int SDFPlayAIFF::WriteID(const ID id) { output.write(id, 4); return 1; } /* * Name : SDFPlayAIFF::WriteLONG() * Description : Writes an AIFF/AIFC file object of type LONG. */ int SDFPlayAIFF::WriteLONG(long item) { int i; unsigned char b[4]; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { b[3-i] = item & 0xff; item >>= 8; } output.write(b, 4); return 1; } /* * Name : SDFPlayAIFF::WriteULONG() * Description : Writes an AIFF/AIFC file object of type LONG. */ int SDFPlayAIFF::WriteULONG(unsigned long item) { int i; unsigned char b[4]; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { b[3-i] = item & 0xff; item >>= 8; } output.write(b, 4); return 1; } /* * Name : SDFPlayAIFF::WriteSHORT() * Description : Writes an AIFF/AIFC file object of type SHORT */ int SDFPlayAIFF::WriteSHORT(int item) { unsigned char b[2]; b[0] = item >> 8; b[1] = item & 0xff; output.write(b, 2); return 1; } /* * Name : SDFPlayAIFF::double_to_extended() * Description : Convert double to stupid APPLE SANE format. */ void SDFPlayAIFF::double_to_extended(unsigned char *ps, double pd) { int neg = pd < 0; int i, e; double m; // Initialize locations to zero for(i=0; i<10; i++) ps[i] = 0; if(neg) pd = -pd; if(pd == 0) { /* Zero treated as special case */ } else { int orval; int bval; /* Determine the exponent */ e = int(log(pd) / log(2.)); m = pd / pow(2., (double)e); /* Code the exponent */ e += 16383; /* offset the exponent */ ps[0] = ((e >> 8) & 0x7f) | (neg ? 0x80 : 0); ps[1] = e & 0xff; /* Code the mantissa */ orval = 0x80; bval = 2; for(i=0; i<64; i++, m *= 2.0) { if(m >= 1) { ps[bval] |= orval; m -= 1.0; } orval >>= 1; if(orval == 0) { bval++; orval = 0x80; } } } } } }