defstar { name { ReadAIFF } domain { SDF } version { @(#) 1.00 3/18/97 } author { Charles B. Owen } desc { Read a binary AIFF file. Return one sample on each firing. The file format that is read is the same as the one written by the PlayAIFF star. The simulation can be halted on end-of-file, or the file contents can be periodically repeated, or the file contents can be padded with zeros. } hinclude { "pt_fstream.h" } ccinclude { "SimControl.h", , } header { // AIFF Type Definitions typedef char ID[4]; struct Chunk { ID ckID; long ckSize; ID formType; }; struct ChunkHeader { ID ckID; long ckSize; }; } output { name { output } type { int } } defstate { name { fileName } type { string } default { "sound.aiff" } descriptor { Input file. } } defstate { name { haltAtEnd } type { int } default { "YES" } descriptor { Halt the run at the end of the input file. } } defstate { name { periodic } type { int } default { "NO" } descriptor { Make output periodic or zero-padded. } } private { int ReadChunk(Chunk &chunk); int ReadID(ID id); int ReadLONG(long &item); int ReadULONG(unsigned long &item); int ReadSHORT(short &item); int ReadSHORT(int &item); int ReadChunkHeader(ChunkHeader &chunk); void extended_to_double(const unsigned char *ps, double &pd); pt_ifstream input; int numChannels; unsigned long numSampleFrames; int sampleSize; double sampleRate; int sound_position; int sound_read; } destructor { input.close(); } setup { input.close();; if(!input) { Error::abortRun(*this, "Unable to open file ", fileName); return; } sound_position = -1; // Read the form chunk. Chunk FormChunk; if(!ReadChunk(FormChunk)) { Error::abortRun(*this, "File is not a valid AIFF file"); return; } // Ensure this is actually a FORM chunk. if (strncmp(FormChunk.ckID, "FORM", 4) != 0) { Error::abortRun(*this, "File is not a valid AIFF file"); return; } int isAIFC; if(strncmp(FormChunk.formType, "AIFF", 4) == 0) isAIFC = 0; else if(strncmp(FormChunk.formType, "AIFC", 4) == 0) isAIFC = 1; else { Error::abortRun(*this, "File is not a valid AIFF file"); return; } // Read the chunks. Chunks need not be in any particular order. ChunkHeader Header; while (ReadChunkHeader(Header)) { // Offset to point after the current chunk int seek_offset = input.tellg() + Header.ckSize; if (strncmp(Header.ckID, "COMM", 4) == 0) { /* * read comm chunk */ unsigned char xsampleRate[10]; ReadSHORT(numChannels); ReadULONG(numSampleFrames); ReadSHORT(sampleSize);, sizeof(char[10])); if(!input) { Error::abortRun(*this, "Error reading AIFF file"); return; } extended_to_double(xsampleRate, sampleRate); if(isAIFC) { ID compType; /* * This is an AIFC audio file. The format of the common * data chunk is different from that of the AIFF file. All * is the same at the beginning, but there is an additional * compression type at the end. */ ReadID(compType); if(strncmp(compType, "NONE", 4)) { Error::abortRun(*this, "Compressed AIFF file not supported."); return; } } } else if (strncmp(Header.ckID, "SSND", 4) == 0) { /* * read ssnd chunk */ unsigned long offset; unsigned long blockSize; ReadULONG(offset); ReadULONG(blockSize); /* * record position of sound data */ sound_position = input.tellg(); } else if (strncmp(Header.ckID, "FVER", 4) == 0) { /* * This indicates an AIFF-C file version. Ensure it * matches the version for which is program was updated. */ unsigned long timestamp; ReadULONG(timestamp); /* Ensure this is the correct version of AIFF-C */ const unsigned long AIFCVersion1 = 0xA2805140l; // Version 1 of AIFF-C if(timestamp != AIFCVersion1) { Error::abortRun(*this, "AIFF file format not recognized"); return; } } // Seek to after the current chunk input.seekg(seek_offset); if (!input) { Error::abortRun(*this, "Error reading AIFF file."); return; } } if(sound_position < 0) { Error::abortRun(*this, "Unable to find sound data in AIFF file."); return; } input.clear(); input.seekg(sound_position); sound_read = 0; } go { if(sound_read >= numSampleFrames) { // End of file. Check what we are to do. if(haltAtEnd) { SimControl::requestHalt(); return; } else if(periodic) { input.seekg(sound_position); sound_read = 0; } } // Read the sample short sample; ReadSHORT(sample); output %0 << sample; // Handle possible multiple channels if(numChannels > 1) ReadSHORT(sample); sound_read++; } wrapup { input.close(); } code { /* * Name : SDFReadAIFF::ReadChunk() * Description : This reads an object of type Chunk from disk, * for any type of machine. */ int SDFReadAIFF::ReadChunk(Chunk &chunk) { ReadID(chunk.ckID); ReadLONG(chunk.ckSize); ReadID(chunk.formType); return !; } /* * Name : SDFReadAIFF::ReadChunkHeader() * Description : This reads an object of type ChunkHeader from disk, * for any type of machine. */ int SDFReadAIFF::ReadChunkHeader(ChunkHeader &chunk) { ReadID(chunk.ckID); ReadLONG(chunk.ckSize); return !; } /* * Name : SDFReadAIFF::ReadID() * Description : Reads an AIFF/AIFC file object of type ID. */ int SDFReadAIFF::ReadID(ID id) {, 4); return 1; } /* * Name : SDFReadAIFF::ReadLONG() * Description : Reads an AIFF/AIFC file object of type LONG. */ int SDFReadAIFF::ReadLONG(long &item) { int i; unsigned char b[4];, 4); item = 0; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { item <<= 8; item |= b[i]; } return 1; } /* * Name : SDFReadAIFF::ReadULONG() * Description : Reads an AIFF/AIFC file object of type LONG. */ int SDFReadAIFF::ReadULONG(unsigned long &item) { int i; unsigned char b[4];, 4); item = 0; for(i=0; i<4; i++) { item <<= 8; item |= b[i]; } return 1; } /* * Name : SDFReadAIFF::ReadSHORT() * Description : Reads an AIFF/AIFC file object of type SHORT */ int SDFReadAIFF::ReadSHORT(short &item) { unsigned char b[2];, 2); item = (b[0] << 8) | b[1]; return 1; } /* * Name : SDFReadAIFF::ReadSHORT() * Description : Reads an AIFF/AIFC file object of type SHORT * into an integer. Note: Unsigned. */ int SDFReadAIFF::ReadSHORT(int &item) { unsigned char b[2];, 2); item = (b[0] << 8) | b[1]; return 1; } /* * Name : SDFReadAIFF::extended_to_double() * Description : Convert stupid Apple extended floating point format * to a double. */ void SDFReadAIFF::extended_to_double(const unsigned char *ps, double &pd) { int i, neg, e, b; float m; unsigned char andval; neg = (ps[0] & 0x80) != 0; /* Determine the exponent */ e = (((int)ps[0] & 0x7f) << 8) + ps[1]; /* Compute the mantissa */ m = 0; andval = 0x01; b = 9; for(i=0; i<64; i++) { m /= 2.; if(ps[b] & andval) m += 1.; andval <<= 1; if(andval == 0) { andval = 0x01; b--; } } if(m == 0) { pd = 0; } else { pd = m * pow(2.0, (float)(e - 16383)); if(neg) pd = -pd; } } } }