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abstract syntax A conceptual data organization. cf. concrete syntax.

action methods The methods initialize(), prefire(), fire(), postfire(), and wrapup() in the Executable interface.

actor An executable entity. This was called a block in Ptolemy 0.x.

anytype The Ptolemy 0.x name for undeclared type.

atomic actor A primitive actor. That is, one that is not a composite actor. This was called a star in Ptolemy 0.x.

attribute A named property associated with a named object in Ptolemy II.

block The Ptolemy 0.x name for an actor.

channel A path from an output port to an input port (via relations) that can transport a single stream of tokens.

clustered graph A graph with hierarchy. Ptolemy II topologies are clustered graphs.

composite actor An actor that is internally composed of other actors and relations. This was called a galaxy in Ptolemy 0.x.

concrete syntax A persistent representation of a data organization. cf. abstract syntax.

connection A path from one port to another via relations and possibly transparent ports. A connection consists of one or more relations and two or more links.

container An object that logically owns another. A Ptolemy II object can have at most one container.

dangling relation A relation with only input ports or only output ports linked to it.

data polymorphic Capable of operating with more than one token type.

deep traversals Traversals of a clustered graph that see through transparent cluster boundaries (transparent composite entities and ports).

disconnected port A port with no relation linked to it.

director An object that controls the execution of a model or an opaque composite entity according to some model of computation.

domain An implementation of a model of computation in Ptolemy II and Ptolemy 0.x.

domain polymorphic Capable of operating under more than one model of computation.

entity A node in a Ptolemy II clustered graph.

execution One invocation of initialize(), followed by any number of iterations, followed by one invocation of wrapup().

executive director From the perspective of an actor inside an opaque composite actor, the director of the container of the opaque composite actor.

galaxy The Ptolemy 0.x name for a composite actor.

immutable property A property of an object that is set up when the object is constructed and that cannot be changed during the lifetime of the object.

iteration One invocation of prefire(), followed by any number of invocations of fire(), followed by one invocation of postfire().

link An association between a port and a relation.

manager The top-level controller for the execution of a model.

model A complete Ptolemy II application. This was called a universe in Ptolemy 0.x.

model of computation The rules that govern the interaction, communication, and control flow of a set of components.

multiport A port that can send or receive tokens over more than one channel.

opaque For a composite entity or a port, an attribute that indicates that the inside should not be visible from the outside. That is, deep traversals of the topology do not see through an opaque boundary.

opaque composite actor A composite actor with a local director. Such an actor appears to the outside domain to be atomic, but internally is composed of an interconnection of other actors. This was called a wormhole in Ptolemy 0.x.

package A collection of classes that forms a logical unit and occupies one directory in the source code tree.

parameter An attribute with a value. This was called a state in Ptolemy 0.x.

particle The Ptolemy 0.x name for a token.

port A named interface of an entity to which connections be made.

relation An object representing an interconnection between entities.

resolved type A type for a port that is consistent with the type constraints of the actor and any port it is connected to. It is the result of type resolution.

star The Ptolemy 0.x name for an atomic actor.

state The Ptolemy 0.x name for a parameter.

subpackage A package that is logically related to a parent package and occupies a subdirectory within the parent package in the source code tree.

token A unit of data that is communicated by actors. This was called a particle in Ptolemy 0.x.

topology The structure of interconnections between entities (via relations) in a Ptolemy II model. See clustered graph.

transparent For an entity or port, not opaque. That is, deep traversals of the topology pass right through its boundaries.

transparent composite actor
A composite actor with no local director.

transparent port The port of a transparent composite entity. Deep traversals of the topology see right through such a port.

type constraints The declared constraints on the token types that an actor can work with.

type resolution The process of reconciling type constraints prior to running a model.

undeclared type Capable of working with any type of token. This was called anytype in Ptolemy 0.x.

universe The Ptolemy 0.x name for a model.

width of a port The sum of the widths of the relations linked to it, or zero if there are none.

width of a relation The number of channels supported by the relation.

wormhole The Ptolemy 0.x name for an opaque composite actor.

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