Tycho 0.2.1 Release Notes

Places to go

  • Tycho Home Page
  • The actual Tycho release notes are shipped with Tycho. To preserve the links in the release notes, the next link leads to the release notes in an online copy of the Tycho release. Tycho 0.2.1 Release Notes.
  • Tycho 0.2.1 Distribution
  • Tycho 0.2.1 was released on June 12, 1998 as part of the Ptolemy 0.7.1 release.


    See $TYCHO/doc/bugs.html for a list of bugs we knew about when Tycho 0.2.1 was shipped. Below is a list of bugs found after the release. Tycho Website Last updated: 06/15/98, Send comments to tycho@ptolemy.eecs.berkeley.edu.