Visual editor and simulator for wireless sensor network systems
Modeling of wireless sensor networks requires sophisticated modeling
of communication channels, sensor channels, ad-hoc networking protocols,
localization strategies,
media access control protocols, energy consumption in sensor nodes, etc.
This modeling framework is designed to support a component-based
construction of such models. It is intended to enable the research
community to share models of disjoint aspects of the sensor nets
problem and to build models that include sophisticated elements from
several aspects.
VisualSense is shipped as a part of Ptolemy II. Under Windows or
Mac OS X, to install VisualSense,
install the full version of Ptolemy II.
To start VisualSense under Windows, select Vergil - VisualSense
from the start menu.
Under Mac OS X, start up a Terminal window and invoke
/Applications/Ptolemy/ptII8.0.1/bin/vergil -visualsense
To access the development version of Ptolemy II (which contains VisualSense), see
The latest version of the VisualSense documentation:
Philip Baldwin, Sanjeev Kohli, Edward A. Lee, Xiaojun Liu, and Yang Zhao, "
VisualSense: Visual Modeling for Wireless and Sensor Network Systems," Technical Memorandum UCB/ERL M05/25, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA, July 15, 2005.