Hints about java.lang.System.out.println and Tcl Blend

Calling println from Tcl Blend

The Tcl Blend code below calls System.err.println
set err [java::field System err]
$err {println String} foo
To see the signatures of the methods that can be run on $err, eval java::info methods $err

Rebinding stdout and stderr

Java code sometimes prints to stdout or stderr, and it would be nice to capture this output so that Tcl can process it.

The Tcl Blend code below rebinds err to a stream and then gets the String value of the stream.

set stream [java::new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream]
set printStream [java::new \
    {java.io.PrintStream java.io.OutputStream} $stream]

java::call System setErr $printStream

set err [java::field System err]
$err {println String} foo

$printStream flush
puts "The error was [$stream toString]"


util.tcl contains the jdkCapture proc:
# Capture output to System.out
proc jdkCapture {script varName} {
    upvar $varName output
    set stream [java::new java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream]
    set printStream [java::new \
	    {java.io.PrintStream java.io.OutputStream} $stream]
    set stdout [java::field System out]
    java::call System setOut $printStream
    set result [uplevel $script]
    java::call System setOut $stdout
    $printStream flush
    set output [$stream toString]
    return $result
Below is an example:
% jdkCapture {puts stderr "This output goes to stderr"} erroutput
This output goes to stderr
% set erroutput
% jdkCapture {puts stdout "This output goes to stdout"} stdoutput
% set stdoutput
This output goes to stdout


Last updated: 10/09/05, cxh at eecs