We can buy licenses, media, and documentation separately from each other (e.g., 20 licenses, 2 install cds, and 2 sets of docs) at a sizeable discount through a reseller called Wareforce. You can get pricing information at http://www.wareforce.com/clients/ucop.htm You can call Wareforce at 800-777-9309. The sales rep to whom I've talked is Maurice Martinez (mmartin@wareforce.com, 310-725-5502).
From the UC end, you can get info on sofware licenses from gopher://gopher.ucop.edu/11/UC%20Systemwide%20Information%20Services/Universitywide%20News/comp/tas but they mostly just say that we have an agreement with Microsoft and that you need to contact your campus licensing office (callaway@violet) for more info...
The software below does not have a site license, but could be useful: