A complete example

To put all this together, here is a complete example. This is the tclmakefile from the tclmake top-level directory. For additional examples, see the default.not file, and the tclmakefiles in the doc/ subdirectory.
# Directories to recurse in
DIRS = doc bin

# TCL files
	main.tcl \
	parse.tcl \

# Update the Tcl index file
tclIndex: $(TCL_SRCS)
        auto_mkindex $(MAKEDIR) $^

# Clean the directory
        @if { [glob -nocomplain *~ core #*# ,*] == "" } {
	eval file delete [glob -nocomplain *~ core #*# ,* dist/* dist]

# Make sources from sccs
% :: SCCS/s.%
	exec sccs get $@

# Explicit rule for making sources
sources: % :: SCCS/s.%
	exec sccs get $@

# The option-rule for recursion in directories
-r --recursive:
        @foreach dir {$(DIRS)} {
	    if { [file type $dir] == "directory" && [file executable $dir] } {
		set cwd [pwd]
		cd $dir
		cd $cwd