
Variables can be used to simplify makefiles. A variable definition looks like this:
FOO = bar baz
Backslashes can be used to continue lines:
FOO = \
     bar \
A variable substitution looks like this:
A typical use of variables would be something like:
TCL_FILES = main.tcl update.tcl parse.tcl
tclIndex: $(TCL_FILES)
        auto_mkindex [pwd] $^
When tclmake processes a rule or a command, it substitutes variable definitions wherever possible. In this example, the effect is exactly the same as for the rule in the Introduction. The variable $^ stands for all the dependencies of the rule -- see Commands.

Variables are defined recursively, as in make. For example, in the following,

FOO = $(BAR) foo!
BAR = oh
the value of FOO will be "oh foo!".

Environment variables can be referenced in the same way. A variable defined in a makefile or on the command line will override the value given by the environment. tclmake can also read variable definitions from regular makefiles, with a command such as

use makefile

tclmake defines some variables automatically:

The command used to invoke it. This is always set to "tclmake," so that it can be used to run a sub-make.
The directoryon which tclmake is running.
The flags passed to tclmake on the command line.
The variables passed to tclmake on the command line.

tclmake does not support non-recursively-defined variables, as in the := definitions of GNU make.