The Tycho/JPtolemy Code Rating System

All code in Tycho and JPtolemy is rated using a simple four-level system. The goal of the code rating system is to provide a platform with which we can assess and improve code quality and stability.

Overview and purpose

The code rating system is designed to improve:

Each class is advanced through four levels of confidence by a light-weight review and testing process. There are two ratings for each class: that proposed by its author or maintainer, and that accepted by its tester and reviewers. This approach tries to maintain the accepted principles of code review and testing by people other than the author, while keeping overhead manageable for a research group.

The basic idea is that the author proposes that a class advance a level. The tester/reviewer is then responsible for examining the class (with the help of other reviewers, if necessary), writing test code for it, and either accepting or rejecting the proposed advancement. The tester/reviewer needs to provide specific and concrete reasons for rejection; the author is obliged to make needed modifications and re-submit the code.

The four levels of confidence are red, yellow, green, and blue. Each level has a well-defined meaning, which both the author and tester/reviewer are expected to satisfy before proposing or accepting advancement to that level. The level of a class or file is indicated in the file header comment with the tags @ProposedRating and @AcceptedRating. A file that has neither of these tags is unrated.

There is room within the process for design reviews and code reviews, although the degree to which these are applied is up to the author and maintainer, and may vary according to the project or sub-project in which the class lies.

Code rating levels

The four ratings are as follows:
This is the starting point for all code. Red code is in flux, and cn be expected to changed without warning. Code that calls red code does not need to be modified by the author if changes in the red code break the calling code. Red code should never be released.

Proposing advancement
Code is made red simply by adding the @ProposedRating tag followed by "red" to the file header comment. The author should do this, and should also add the @AcceptedRating tag (solely for the purpose of making it easier to search with grep). At the same time, the author should check the file into the shared development tree, add it to the appropriate makefile, and check that the build does not fail.

Accepting advancement
"Advancement" to red is automatic. If the author does not add the @AcceptedRating tag, the code rating tools will assume that it is red.

Acceptable changes
Any changes at all can be made to red code, with one significant condition: red code that is checked into the shared development tree must not cause the build to fail.

The interface and overall design of yellow code is considered to be acceptable. Clients can code to this interface with the expectation that further changes will be limited to revisions, not major changes. Clients cannot expect that yellow code has any functionality behind the interface. Yellow code should generally not be released.

Proposing advancement
The author proposes advancement to yellow when he/she is satisfied with the design of the class, and how it collaborates with other classes. Before proposing advancement to yellow, the author is responsible for making sure that the class is adequately documented and that automatically generated documentation produced by tydoc or javadoc is correct and reasonably complete. The author is also responsible for ensuring that appropriate design documentation -- UML diagram, for example -- is complete and readable.

Accepting advancement
The tester/reviewer accepts advancement to yellow when he/she is satisfied that the design of the class is satisfactory. What "satisfactory" means is a matter of judgment, based on the project the work is taking place in and the stated purpose of the class. The tester/reviewer should evaluate the design and interface of the class solely on the basis of the design documentation and the documentation generated by tydoc or javadoc -- in other words, without reading the source code. Note that, in the case of classes which are designed to be subclassed, this includes the (protected) interface provided to subclasses.

If appropriate, the tester/reviewer is entitled to request UML diagrams as an aid to understanding the purpose and function of the class, and is entitled to organize a design review at this time. The tester/reviewer is also entitled to require changes to the interface in anticipation of testing needs.

Acceptable changes
Yellow code can have minor interface changes before advancing to green. If wholesale changes are required, the author should request that the class be taken back to red. If the author changes the interface to yellow code, then he is responsible for:

  1. Making sure that the calling code compiles.
  2. Notifying the author of calling code about the change.
  3. Updating the design documents and tydoc or javadoc output.

The author is not responsible for making sure that the calling code works or passes its test suites, as yellow code does not provide any assurance of functionality. (But see Retrospective application of code rating.)

The interface to green code has been finalized, and the implementation is considered acceptable for development purposes. Clients can code to green code in the expection that the interface will not change in such a way as to break compilation, nor will the implementation change enough to break the caller's test suite. Green code is releasable.

Proposing advancement
The author proposes advancement to green when he/she is satisfied that the interface to the class is final, except for relatively minor enhancements and additions, and that the implementation of the class is satisfactory. This could be considered "beta" level code. Before proposing advancement to green, the author is responsible for providing a test suite that exercises and demonstrates the main functionality of the class.

Accepting advancement
The tester/reviewer accepts advancement to green if he/she is satisfied with the implementation of the class. The tester/reviewer shall determine this by a) writing a test suite, and b) reviewing the code. The test suite should have at least 50% code coverage. If appropriate, the tester/reviewer is entitled to organize a code review at this time. The author is required to write example test code if requested by the tester/reviewer.

Acceptable changes
The interface to green code can only have incremental interface changes (that is, new methods). Small changes, such as an additional argument or a change in an argument type, are acceptable but should first be cleared with authors of client classes. In any case, the author is required to fix any test suites or clients that break as a result.

Implementation changes to green code are allowed, provided that they do not require clients to change the order of calls (which is, in effect, changing the interface.) The author must verify that changes do not break any test suites, and is required to fix the clients and/or test suites if they do. If a change will require substantial fixes, then the class should probably be taken back to yellow.

The implementation of the class has been fully and completely tested, and accepted as meeting all requirements. All documentation, including external documentation if appropriate, is complete. Blue code is releasable.

Proposing advancement
The author proposes advancement to blue when he/she is satisfied that the class is finished, polished, flexible, and robust. This applies to the documentation as well as the code. This is, in other words, quality releasable code. In general, code should not be advanced to blue until it has been in use by other classes for some time.

Accepting advancement
The tester/reviewer accepts advancement to blue when he/she is satisfied that the class is finished, polished, flexible, and robust. The tester/reviewer determines this by completing the test suite to get 100% coverage, or as close as is reasonable given the way that the class operates with other classes, and possibly also by writing a test suite that tests this class working in collaboration with other classes.

Acceptable changes
Blue code can have bug fixes, but changes to the external interface, inherited interface, or observable behavior, make the class a candidate for reversion to green or yellow status.

Code rating rules

The following rules apply to rating levels. These are not enforced in any way, but should be understood anyway:

Tool support

Tycho's revision control mechanism and documentation generation system supports the code rating system. The following doctags can be added to the comment at the head of a file:
@ProposedRating rating { (author <emailaddress> ) }
The rating proposed by the author, where rating is Red, Yellow, Green, or Blue. The author field is optional: if not supplied, Tycho will attempt to get it from the @Author doctag.

@AcceptedRating rating { (tester <emailaddress> ) }
The rating accepted by the tester/reviewer, where rating is Red, Yellow, Green, or Blue. The tester field is optional, but the rating system will not function properly without it. If it is missing, Tycho will probably just use the author.

Tycho takes the following actions:

Other tools may be built in future, such as graphical overviews of code ratings to indicate where work needs to be done prior to a release.

Tycho's revision control system needs some modifications which should be considered by whoever implements the above:

Retrospective application of code rating

The rating guidelines need to be modified somewhat if the ratings are added after the code is already being developed. Typical problems may include the following: Basically, the right approach in situations like this is to use judgment. The author and tester/review should, when entering the rating system, recognize that the code is an exception to the usual application of the code rating system, and modify the guidelines appropriately. Here are some particular guidelines for code that has been recognized as exceptional:

Infrequently-asked questions

Isn't this too rigid and complicated for a research group?
No: your code doesn't have to pass any reviews or tests for it to be in the tree, although it may not be considered eligible for release. The degree to which the review and testing process is carried out is determined by the perceived needs of users of your code. In any case, you should really view the process as an opportunity to improve the quality of both your own code and that of our research group as a whole

Nobody really writes an interface without writing code at the same time. Doesn't this make yellow redundant?
No. Firstly, the premise is debatable, especially given the maturity of modeling languages such as OMT and UML. Secondly, it doesn't matter: if an author chooses to completely write the implementation of a class before proposing that it be made yellow, that's fine. If this approach makes him or her more confident that the class will make it to green without any substantial changes, even better -- and the author will have less work to do to get the code to green. However, acceptance at level yellow only implies acceptance of the interface, and all the same guidelines about usage still apply.

Haven't you neglected the incremental improvements that all code goes through?
No... and yes. There are simple guidelines for what kinds of changes can be made to code at each level -- in particular, red and yellow are flexible with regard to allowing changes. On the other hand, changes to code are often caused by a weakness in the original interface or implementation, which is why the process provides specific points at which design and code reviews can be done if considered appropriate. If needed improvements cannot be done without gross violation of the guidelines for that level, then the author or modifier can propose that the code be taken back one, two, or even three levels.

The requirements to get to blue are pretty severe. Why?
Because blue is there as a rating for code that has been very thoroughly thought-through, documented, and tested. Many classes may never get to blue, and that's fine.

What about the user-interface aspect of a class?
Good question! The code rating system does not explicitly deal with the user interface appearance or behavior of a class. We're going to just have to use our judgment to start with, and when we have more experience with the review process we can decide whether and how to incorporate user interface aspects into the ratings.

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Last updated: 12/05/97, comments to: