This is some preliminary material on an object-oriented
testing framework.
The testing framework is designed to support testing of
object-oriented class hierarchies. The languages supported
by the test framework are
Testing is supported at two levels:
- Individual object tests. In this type of test, a single
object is created, called, and queried to verify correct
results. This type of test is further sub-divided into:
- Method tests. In each, a single method is called to verify correct
- Behavior tests. A series of methods is called to verify correct
behavior of a series of state transitions.
- Collaboration tests. These tests construct a set of objects
that collaborate with each other, and run them through various
interaction scenarios.
For all of these, the test framework uses the class hierarchy to
maximize the coverage of tests and to reuse test suites in
subclasses. This approach is also the key to testing abstract classes.
The principle on which hierarchical testing is called the
"substitution principle": an instance of a subclass can be used
anywhere an instance of one of its superclasses can be used. This is
generally considered to be one of the principles rules of
object-oriented programming, so using this test framework can even
encourage better object-oriented design! See
Hierarchical testing
for a more detailed example.
Although it would make sense to mimic the class hierarchies of
the object/s under test (OUT) in the test suite, I will assume here
that the test framework and the tests suites are implemented in plain
Tcl. This is purely for the purpose of gaining a wider audience. The
test framework is structured using Tcl namespaces: each test "object"
in the test suite is implemented as a namespace. "Inheritance" is
implemented by importing namespaces. There are two key root objects:
one for object testing, and one for behavioral testing. Each of these
in turn is subdivided into namespaces for Java and Itcl testing.
[I would like to take this piece of software through the new Tycho code
rating system, including going so far as to have design and code reviews.
To aid the design review, here is my statement of requirements.]
The purpose of the test framework is to provide a reasonably simple but
powerful framework for testing object-oriented class hierarchies. It will
directly support testing of individual objects and of small sets or
clusters of objects.
The test framework will deal properly with the probems of testing class
hierarchies. In particular, it will support testing of abstract classes
and it will enable tests to be reused in subclasses, conforming to the
principles of inheritance.
The test framework will encourage and reward good object-oriented
design. It will be flexible enough to work around designs that are not
considered "good" in recognition of pragmatic concerns.
The test framework will support Itcl and Java, with the most important
of these being Java. To encourage its use in Java installations, it will
be written in plain Tcl.
The test framework will generate a report that includes at least the
following information for each class or cluster tested:
- A serial number indicating the test run.
- Number of tests executed, passed and failed.
- For those tests that failed, detail information
on which test failed and where.
- An annotation on tests that failed that did not fail
on the previous run. This is for regression testing, and must
be able to ignore "intermediate" runs by test developers.
The test framework must also be able to produce a history
report, showing key historical data and test statistics.
Object testing is designed to test a single class. A test object is
created by the ::test::class and ::test::abstractclass
commands, which take the name of the class under test as the first
argument, an optional language specifier, and a series of test
- ::test::abstractclass classname ?-language
language script
- Create a new namespace for testing the class named
classname. This command is the same as ::test::class,
except that the class will not actually be instantiated and
tested. since it is abstract. The instantiation and testing will be
performed only on concrete subclasses.
- ::test::class classname ?-language
language script
- Create a new namespace for testing the class named
classname. The -language option specifies the
language in which the class is written, and default to
Java. The script is a script that declares
the object-level tests for this class.
The script of this class contains call to a number of commands
implemented by the test framework. These commands execute tests on the
object-under-test and tabulate the results for later reporting. The
script can also contain arbitrary Tcl commands, for defining utility
procedures and the like. Note that the tests are not executed when the
script is sources, but merely defined for later execution with
the test execution commands. The
following commands can be used:
abstract command arguments...
Declare that the following command is abstract, where command
can be one of behavior, constructor, or method.
This declaration prevents the test framework from running
this particular test command on objects of this class. To activate
the test, the subclass that can support the test must
use the concrete declaration.
behavior description tests
Initialize the framework for testing a behavior of a single object,
and create a single object named $this. The description
is a short descriptive string that will appear in the test reports.
The tests argument is a script that is executed for this
concrete command arguments...
Declare that the following command is concrete, where command
can be one of behavior, constructor, or method.
This declaration allows the test framework to run this particular test
command on objects of this class and all subclasses.
constructor description ?script? ?results?
Initialize the framework for testing a constructor of the object. The
scripts argument is a script that is executed to create a new
object -- this script must set the $this variable to the newly
created object. results a script that is executed to check that
the object meets a minimum confidence level, and generally contains a
series of query commands.
Each time constructor is executed, script becomes
the default construction script to use for subsequent tests. If
script is not supplied, then description is looked up in
the existing constructors, and its script is used to construct objects
for following tests. There is always a default constructor called
"default" that construct an object with no arguments.
inherit classname ?classname... ?
Declare the class from which this class inherits. This statement
allows the test framework to properly test the class hierarchy using
the substitution principle.
method methodname tests
Initialize the framework for testing the method given by
methodname. There can be more than one call to
testmethod within each test object. The tests argument
is a script that is executed for this method.
The test execution and result comparison within method,
constructor and behavior is split into several parts
rather than into a single call. This provides better control over the
test process and better test reporting. Within each of these, the
following commands can be executed:
- exception message
- Compare the given message with an exception produced by
the most recent test, and output or log the result. If a test produces
an exception and the exception is not matched with this command, then
the exception will be reported.
- query ?description? result script
- Execute script and make its result the result value of the
most recently executed test. The description, if supplied, is
used to identify the query in the test report (it is normally only
supplied if there is more than one query on following a single test.
- test description ?result? script
- If inside a call to method, create a new object named
$this. If inside a call to behavior, the object already
exists. Then execute script. The description, if
supplied, is a short descriptive string that will appear in the test
reports. The result of script is the default result for this
test. result, if supplied, is the result against which to
compare the return value of this call.
Here is a complete example, showing tests for a directed graph
class. The result against which calls on the object under test are
compared are highlighted in bold type:
::test::class ::tycho::Digraph -language Itcl {
inherit ::tycho::AbstractGraph
constructor "Construct an empty graph" {
set this [::tycho::Digraph #auto]
} {
query {} {$this vertices}
query {} {$this edges}
constructor "Construct a small graph" {
set this [::tycho::Digraph #auto]
$this type configure vertex -label ""
$this type configure edge -weight 0
$this parse {
vertex a -label "First vertex"
vertex b -label "Second vertex"
vertex c
vertex aa
edge a b
edge b c
edge a c -weight 3
} {
query {a aa b c} {lsort [$this vertices]}
query {a b a c b c} {$this edges}
method edges {
test "Get all edges" {a b a c b c} {
$this edges
test "Get edges by pattern" {a b a c} {
$this edges a
method delete {
test "Delete single vertex" {
$this delete a
query "Check vertices" {aa b c} {
lsort [$this vertices]
query "Make sure edges not touched" {a b a c b c} {
$this edges
test "Delete non-existent vertex" {
$this delete z
exception {Vertex "z" does not exist}
behavior "Delete vertex and undo" {
test "Delete the vertex" {
$this delete a
query "Check vertices" {aa b c} {
lsort [$this vertices]
test "Undo the deletion" {
$this undo
query "Check vertices again" {a aa b c} {
lsort [$this vertices]
Hierarchical testing is best explained with a simple
example. Suppose we had a CodeComment class, that contained an array
of strings. One of its functions is to comment out the comment text
that it contains. This operation is generic, in that each line needs
to be commented, but it also needs to be specialized by the particular
language that we are using.
class CodeComment {
public variable lines[];
public abstract String getPrefix();
public String[] getComment() {
return lines;
public void comment() {
int i;
for (i=0; i<lines.size; i++) {
lines[i] = (String) (getPrefix() + " " + numbers[i]);
Now, we cannot instantiate this class, because it is abstract, but we
can write the test code for it (let's just ignore the problem of
getting text in there in the first place):
Note: this is severely broken: we can't compute the result
until we have an object, but the test creates the object and runs the
test immediately! Hm.... maybe constructor should construct
an object, and test won't create a new one if there exists
one that hasn't already been used.
::test::abstractclass CodeComment {
method comment {
# Now execute the test
test "Comment out a line" {
$this comment
# Now compute the result we should have got
set result {}
foreach line [$this getComment] {
lappend result "[$this getPrefix] $line"
# Now compare with the actual result
query $result {
$this getComment
Because this class is abstract, the test framework will
not attempt to instantiate an instance of it
and run the test on it. However, CodeComment wil have a number
of concrete subclasses, which can be instantiated. For example:
class JavaComment extends CodeComment {
public String getPrefix() {
return "//";
The test suite for this class only looks like this:
::test::class JavaComment {
inherit CodeComment
method getPrefix {
test getPrefix "//" {
$this getPrefix
Now, when the test framework runs the test for the class JavaComment,
it not only runs the (very simple) test for the getPrefix
method, but also runs the test for the comment method that it
inherits from the CodeComment class. Thus, test code written for a
class is reused in testing subclasses. This ensures that all classes
meet the contract agreed to by their superclasses. It also has the
advantage of placing the test code for an abstract class in the
corresponding test object -- trivial concrete subclasses can then be
written solely to exercise the tests on the functionality provided by
the abstract class. This is also the mechanism by which tests
for Java interfaces (which are purely abstract) can be written.
The object-level test is only the first step in testing for a reliable
and robust class hierarchy. The next step is to test objects in
combination. The technique recommended here is create a separate test
object for each identifiable set of collaborating objects. A set of
objects that implements a design pattern, for example, is an
ideal (and highly visible) candidate for a collaboation test suite.
Another way of identifying a suitable set of objects is by
functionality: the set of objects needs to perform a certain function
of the system need to be tested to see if they do perform
it. (Strictly speaking, these are two different kinds of testing, but
we just lump them in together.)
Because collaboration relies on the individual objects functioning
properly, collaboration tests should only be written when the
object-level tests are essentially complete. Because collaboration
between object is often defined at an abstract level, the
collaboration tests also support the notion of hierarchical testing: A
test can be written that can only actually be executed when concrete
subclasses become available.
Collaboration tests use a different set of commands to the
object tests. The key commands are:
- ::test::collaboration name ?-language
language script
- Create a new namespace for testing the collaboration named
name. The -language option specifies the language in
which the classes are written, and defaults to Java. The
script is a script that declares the collbaration tests.
The collaboration script contains a series of declarations about the
collaborating objects, and the behaviors which represent particular
collaboration scenarios. A well-designed collaboration test is best
built based on UML sequence diagrams or interaction diagrams.
The collaboration script can contain the following commands:
behavior description tests
Initialize the framework for testing a behavior -- that is, a sequence
of interactions between the collaborators. The current
constructor script is executed to create the collaborating
objects. The description is a short descriptive string that
will appear in the test reports. The tests argument is a
script that is executed for this behavior.
collaborator classname ?option value ...?
Declare that the given class is a collaborator. A series of option-value
arguments follows the class name, and can be any of:
- -abstract boolean
- Declare whether the given collaborator is abstract. If it is, this
test suite will only be executed when concrete subclasses of the
collaborator become available.
constructor description ?script? ?results?
Initialize the framework for testing a constructor of the object. The
script argument is a script that is executed to create a set of
collaborating objects. results a script that is executed to
check that the created objects meet a minimum confidence level, and
generally contains a series of query commands.
Each time constructor is executed, script becomes
the default construction script to use for subsequent tests. If
script is not supplied, then description is looked up in
the existing constructors, and its script is used to construct objects
for following tests. There is no default constructor for
inherit name
A collaboration can extend another collaboration. This happens when a
subclass of one or more of the collaborators add more complex behavior
to the collaboration. If a collaboration inherits from a another, then
at least one of the collaborator clauses must define a subclass
of an inherited collaborator. All of the inherited test will be run
as well as any defined within this collaboration.
The test functions described in the previous sections only serve to
define tests -- they do not execute any tests. The test
framework defines the following commands for executing and reporting
on tests:
- ::test::verbose flag
- If flag is true, output is generated on the console
while the tests are executing. Otherwise the tests are executed
- ::test::reset
- Reset the test suite. All test results accumulated so
far are cleared from memory.
- ::test::report ?option value... ?
- Generate a string that contains a report of the test
result to date. By default, a useful summary of all tests
run since the test framework was loaded or rest is
produced. The optional arguments can be used to control the
- -classes { class }
- List one or more classes to include in the report. The
special keywords all and last stand for all
classes tested and the most recent, respectively. The default
is all.
- -format format
- Select an output format. format can be one of
short, default, or long. The generated
report includes more or less information accordingly.
- Blah blah blah?
- Blah. Blah blah. Blah.
- Should the test framework check against source code? For
example, whether a method is abstract, and whether all methods have
been tests provided.
- In Java, there is no need to have access to the source code, since the
reflection API can be used to gain access to all information about the
object under test. Given that, the test framework should definitely check
the test suite against the information in the object under test where
appropriate. In Itcl, less information is available, although this may
change with the next release. In either case, it would be preferable to
avoid trying to parse source code in the test framework.
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