Design Patterns for Concurrency
This is a survey of existing work on design patterns for
Patterns, Nat Pryce
A small and incomplete collection of patterns related to
concurrency, at a low level (threads and locks). The patterns are more
in the narrative style. Useful as a reminder of strategies.
Patterns for Concurrent, Parallel, and Distributed Systems,
Doug Schmidt
A collection of documented and published patterns for concurrent and
distributed applications. The work is in the context of the Adaptive
Communication Environment (ACE) project.
Other links:
Essential Software Design Patterns , Walter F. Tichy
Architectural-level design patterns. Has two unfinished patterns
on concurrency and distribution.
Entity-life modeling and concurrent design patterns, Bo Sanden
- Overview of the entity life modeling (ELM) approach. Sanden
claims that "Like patterns, the entity-life modeling (ELM) design
approach for concurrent software is a means for experienced designers
to reason about designs." Mostly useful for (non-electronic)
Related links:
Parallel Patterns for Synchronization on
Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
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