H. John Reekie and Edward A. Lee. Lightweight Component Models for Embedded Systems. Technical report, Electronics Research Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley, UCB ERL M02/30, October, 2002.
Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya, Elaine Cheong, John Davis II, Mudit Goel, Christopher Hylands, Bart Kienhuis, Edward A. Lee, Jie Liu, Xiaojun Liu, Lukito Muliadi, Steve Neuendorffer, John Reekie, Neil Smyth, Jeff Tsay, Brian Vogel, Winthrop Williams, Yuhong Xiong, Haiyang Zheng. Heterogeneous Concurrent Modeling and Design in Java. Memorandum UCB/ERL M02/23, Electronics Research Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley, August, 2002.
Jie Liu, Johan Eker, Xiaojun Liu, John Reekie, and Edward A. Lee. "Actor-Oriented Control System Design", IEEE Transactions on Control System Technology, special issue on Computer Automated Multi-Paradigm Modeling, March, 2002.
H. John Reekie and Edward A. Lee. Lightweight Component Models for Embedded Systems. Technical report, Electronics Research Laboratory, University of California at Berkeley, UCB ERL M02/30, October, 2002.
John Reekie, Stephen Neuendorffer, Christopher Hylands, and Edward A. Lee. Software Practice in the Ptolemy Project. Technical report, Gigascale Silicon Research Center, GSRC-TR-1999-01, April, 1999.
H. John. Reekie and Edward. A. Lee, ``The Tycho Slate: Complex Drawing and Editing in Tcl/Tk,'' April 27, 1998. Presented at the Sixth Annual Tcl/Tk Conference, September 14-18, 1998, San Diego, California.
Christopher Hylands, Edward A. Lee, and H. John Reekie, The Tycho User Interface System. Presented at the 5th Tcl/Tk Workshop '97, Boston, Massachusetts, July, 1997.
William Chen, H. John Reekie, Sunil Bhave, and Edward A. Lee, Native Signal Processing on the UltraSparc in the Ptolemy Environment, Proc. of the 30th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, November 1996.
H. John Reekie, Realtime Signal Processing: Dataflow, Visual, and Functional Programming, Ph. D. thesis, School of Electrical Engineering, University of Technology at Sydney, September 1995
H. John Reekie, Visual Haskell: A First Attempt, Research Report 94.5, Key Centre for Advanced Computing Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, August 1994.
H. John Reekie and Matthias Meyer, The Host-Engine Software Architecture for Parallel Digital Signal Processing, In: Proceedings of PART'94, Workshop on Parallel and Real-time Systems, Melbourne, Australia, July 1994.
H. John Reekie, Modelling Asynchronous Streams in Haskell, Research Report 94.3, Key Centre for Advanced Computing Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, May 1994.
H. John Reekie, Generating Efficient Loop Code for Programmable DSPs, In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 94 (ICASSP 94), Adelaide, Australia, April 1994, pp II-469--II-472.
H. John Reekie and John M. Potter, Process Network Transformation, In: David Arnold (ed.), Parallel Computing and Transputers (PCAT-93), IOS Press, pp 376--383, November 1993.
H. John Reekie and John M. Potter, Transforming Process Networks, In: Proceedings of MFPW'92, the Massey Functional Programming Workshop, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, August 1992.
H. John Reekie, Integrating Block-Diagram and Textual Programming for Parallel DSP, In Proc. International Symposium on Signal Processing and its Applications 1992 (ISSPA 92), Gold Coast, Queensland, August 1992.
H. John Reekie, Towards Effective Programming for Parallel Digital Signal Processing, Research Report 92.1, Key Centre for Advanced Computing Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, May 1992.