C. Fong, UC Berkeley
We will present a new experimental domain in Ptolemy II called GR. GR (short for graphics) serves as an infrastructure for three-dimensional visualization and animation in Ptolemy II. GR uses Ptolemy's component-based visual language and heterogeneous capabilities to perform visual simulations. In addition, GR provides a framework for user-interaction in the simulations. GR is an untimed domain that follows loop-less synchronous/reactive (SR) semantics.
The main application of interest for the GR domain is complex control systems where electronics hardware, embedded software, and mechanical parts are tightly integrated. We will show simple demonstrations of the joint-simulation of the functional operation, reactive behavior, and visual appearance of embedded electromechanical devices such as robotic arms. GR works seamlessly with other domains in Ptolemy II such as discrete event (DE), continuous time (CT), synchronous dataflow (SDF), and finite state machines (FSM). Hence, we use the well-defined models of computation in each domain to drive our visual simulations. Our eventual goal is to have fully-interactive simulation of the overall system operation of different embedded devices.